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I was throwing balls of rolled up paper at my husband and laughing as he kept giving me really bad evils that to be honest I just thought was adorable, "aww love you don't scare me" I said chuckling.

"Well that's shit, the gym flooded and we can't use the gym for the dance at school" Rebekah said as she walked into the loft.

I smirked and ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, "oh bekah your a genius" I shouted and turned to Nik, "make Tyler told it at his house" I said.

Nik smiled and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "I like that idea, sounds like a plan love" nik said and we could see that Rebekah looked confused.

"Well an update on my stupid brothers, bonnie and those two idiots have raised your father" I said and watched as she looked terrified.

I waked over and wrapped my arms around her, "bekah this won't be like last time, we're going to face him" I explained.

She nodded and I turned to nik and smiled, "we need all the help we can get love, we need Elijah" I explained.

He looked torn and shook his head, I walked over to him and smiled, "nik love I need to tell you that we need the help and I will speak to him love. I will explain the situation for you" I explained to him.

He nodded and I walked up to the bedroom and grabbed the towel on the side of the rail and walked into then bathroom and turned the shower on and got in. I washed myself off and changed into a new outfit which consisted of an purple floaty crop top and some shorts which I paired with my black converse and put some jewellery on as well.

I walked out of the room and down to where nik and Rebekah were sat and bent down kissing nik, "I'll be back with Elijah okay" I said and walked out of the apartment with niks keys and drove to the place that nik had put his family

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I walked out of the room and down to where nik and Rebekah were sat and bent down kissing nik, "I'll be back with Elijah okay" I said and walked out of the apartment with niks keys and drove to the place that nik had put his family.

I grabbed Elijah and sped to the mansion that was still being finished and pulled the dagger out of Elijah and sat down waiting for him to wake up. I stood up and paced around the room and looked around seeing that nik had told them to do things a certain way, "annabeth" a voice said.

I turned around and smiled, "hello Elijah" I said and smiled as he walked over to me and gave me a cuddle.

I returned the cuddle and pulled out some blood bag from the bag I had and passed them over to him with a smile, "how are you annabeth" Elijah asked me.

I smiled and sat down, "well I made myself forget my brothers as they where being assholes and decided that nik wasn't good enough for me, I made Bonnies live a living hell and I got my memory back when nik asked me to marry him again" I said to him.

He nodded and walked over to me, "well dear sister you are then best thing to happen to my brother, but why did he put me in there" he asked pointing to the coffin.

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