To have some Fun

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I woke up the next morning and couldn't believe what had happened to me, i rolled over and noticed that Nik was awake and smiling down at me, "morning my little wolf" he said smiling at me.

"That hurt like a bitch" i said to him.

Nik smiled and pulled me into his arms and kissed me, i kissed him back and moaned as his hands went up to my body and i smiled as he moved down and kissed my stomach laying his head down listening to their heartbeats, "good to know you can change and the twins are okay" Nik said to me.

I nodded and looked down to him, "nik what does this mean for me" i asked.

Nik smiled and moved up to kiss me, "i promise that i will find everything i can on this love and what it is we would refer to you as" Nik said to me.

I nodded and got out of the bed and grabbed a change of clothes, knowing that i wouldn't really be going on i grabbed a pair of jeans and a red tee-shirt and a black top to go over the top of it as well as my red converse.

I grabbed my hairbrush and pulled my hair into a bun and walked down the hall to see my son was wide awake and playing with his toys, "morning my little prince" i said as i walked closer to him

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I grabbed my hairbrush and pulled my hair into a bun and walked down the hall to see my son was wide awake and playing with his toys, "morning my little prince" i said as i walked closer to him.

"Mama" he said to me.

I smiled as i bent down to pick him up and threw him in the air smiling as he started to giggle, "mama" he giggled.

I smiled and placed him down on my lip and grabbed a hold of a towel and some clothes for him and walked down to the bathroom, i closed the door behind me and placed matthew down on the matt giving him some ducks to play with, walking over to the shower i turned the water on and filled the bathtub with some bubbles and walked over to Matthew and pulled his onesie off and nappy and went to pick him up and place him in the bath. I washed my son off and smiled as he held up his duck and smiled at me, "aww wow, is the duck having a bath as well love" i asked.

Matthew nodded and i chuckled as i heard the door open, before i could turn around matthew giggled throwing his hands up and down chanting his father's name "papa" he said.

I smiled and looked over to nik and he knelt down beside me, "yeah baby papa" Nik said and kissed my head.

"I was thinking that we could go out for the day, leave here and take him to the zoo or something else" Nik said to me.

I nodded and smiled, "sure, well do you want to finish giving him his bath or get everything ready for him" i asked.
"I'll do this while you get his bag ready as i will only do it wrong" Nik said smirking at me.

I laughed and stood up kissing his cheek, "okay then love" i said and walked down the hall to the kitchen to see everyone there.

I smirked as rebekah looked pissed, "you growled at me last night" she snapped.

"You tried to take my son from me" i said to her crossing my arms.

"I didn't know it was you, i thought that damon was trying something" she said to me.

I smirked and walked over to her, "thank you for protecting Matthew i don't think that he would be in better hands" i said to her smiling.

Bekah squealed and ran over to me hugging me, "you really are a beautiful wolf beth, i mean you are really white and bigger than nik" she said to me.

I looked at her and frowned, "i don't really remember much of last night, i remember coming down here and asking where nik was, i remember going to the boarding house and i remember feeling really pissed that damon and bonnie where going to hurt him. I don't know what it was but there was a white hot pain in my body and i couldn't breath, the next thing i see is that everything is so clear and i wake up down here" i explained to her.

Bekah smiled and walked back over to me and smiled as she wrapped her arms around me, "were find out what we can about this, but you need to have some time not thinking about this" she said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "that's why were down here, nik and i are going to take matthew out of town and to the zoo" i said to her.

Rebekah smiled and nodded, "sounds like a good plan, we will look for things about this wolf thing if we can" she said to me.

I nodded and walked over to the hallway and grabbed a hold of the nappy bag we had for Matthew and filled it with the stuff we needed including food for him, i put the bag back on the pram and pushed it outside to the car and placed it in the back.

I nodded and walked over to the hallway and grabbed a hold of the nappy bag we had for Matthew and filled it with the stuff we needed including food for him, i put the bag back on the pram and pushed it outside to the car and placed it in the back

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I walked back inside to see that nik had walked down the stairs with matthew in his arms and smiled at me, "right then, are we ready to go" Nik asked.

I nodded and we walked out to the car and strapped matthew into his car seat and we walked around to the front of the car and got in. i turned to nik and smiled as he drove out of the mansion and to the zoo with matthew.

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