Can it be...

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I woke to a small hand patting my face, I opened my eyes and smiled as I noticed that I was laid on a bed and Matthew was sat on my chest and smiling at me with a dummy in his mouth, "morning baby, did you have a good sleep" I asked him.

Matthew nodded and climbed off me, I got up and smiled as Matthew toddled over to nik and held his arms up, "I thought that we could go out for breakfast and get some new clothes and stuff for the three of us" nik said to me.

I nodded and walked over kissing my husband and walked into the bathroom and turned the taps on putting the plug into the bath and quickly running it, I put some bubbles in to it and quickly walked back out and took Matthew from my husband and laid him down on the bed, I pulled his onesie off and his nappy, quickly picking him up I walked into the bathroom and put him down in the water smiling as he began to kick and hit the water smiling.

I grabbed a wash cloth and quickly washed down our son and smiled as I gave him some toys, "not to long baby, we have things we need to do" I said to him and watched as he began to play with the boats.

I pulled the plug out and wrapped Matthew in a towel and walked out to the main room and put him down on the bed and patted him down smiling as he was playing with the little duck that was on the bed, I reached over and grabbed his nappy and vest and quickly went to getting him dressed and then put him in a pair of jeans and a teeshirt with a checkered shirt over it.

I placed him down on the floor and smirked as nik walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, I walked over to him and reached up kissing his neck, "I'll be about half an hour love" I said walking into the bathroom and pulling my shi...

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I placed him down on the floor and smirked as nik walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, I walked over to him and reached up kissing his neck, "I'll be about half an hour love" I said walking into the bathroom and pulling my shirt off throwing it at nik chuckling as he was muttering about a tease, I turned the shower back on and took the rest of my clothes off and got in washing myself off.

I got out and walked over to the mirror and quickly did my hair so I was all curly and then walked into the main room and got dressed into a a white strap dress and then paired it with some boots and a belt around my waist as well as some jewellery and grabbed my bag.

I turned around and noticed that nik had Matthew in his pram and we walked out of the room and towards the town as we needed some food, "okay breakfast and then clothes and then after that we will see if we can find this Jody person" nik said to me

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I turned around and noticed that nik had Matthew in his pram and we walked out of the room and towards the town as we needed some food, "okay breakfast and then clothes and then after that we will see if we can find this Jody person" nik said to me.

I smiled and we walked into town and noticed that this place was dead, "this place is really dead" I said and looked to nik.

He nodded and we walked into a diner and I frowned, "really nik" I said.

He smiled and nodded, "we just have to live with this for a while princess" he said to me.

I knew that he was worried because he only ever called me that when he was thinking the same as me, we walked to a booth and I heard a wail and looked down to see that Matthew had lost his toy, I turned around and came face to face with a woman older than me and she smiled, "I believe this belongs to your little boy" she said to me and handed me the little lion.

"Thank you" I said to her.

"Mary winchester" she said holding her hand out to me.

I noticed that my husband snapped his head to her and I looked to her and smiled, "Winchester" I asked.

She nodded and looked confused, "are you okay" she asked me.

I smiled and nodded my head, "yeah it's just we are looking for some people with that name, Mary and john Winchester" I said to her. 

She looked at me and smiled, "well I'm Mary and my husband is over there, what can I help you with" she said looking at me for a name.

I smiled and handed her a letter, "I believe this was from you and john" I said to her.

She looked down to the letter and opened it, I noticed that she had tears in her eyes and looked up. "Do you have a name" she asked.

I smiled and looked at her and watched as she gasped and turned to John, "john come here" she said to a man.

A tall man walked over and looked at me and smiled, "Mary you where suppose to return the toy" he said and looked at me again.

"She gave this to me, she was looking for us" Mary said to him.

He looked down to the letter and I noticed that he had the same look, "you loved her didn't you " I asked.

They looked at me and john looked confused, "you can't be her, she would have died" he said to me.

I looked around and noticed that people where to busy with the food and held my hand out. I watched as a small flame danced on my hand and smiled, "take it this comes from you" I said looking at Mary.

She looked up and laughed, "I never thought that I would see you again" she said to me.

I smiled and felt arms around my waist, "Niklaus Mikealson" nik said to her and smiled.

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