Where's Lucas? Part 1(Ducas, For -chasing_galaxies)

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Word Count: 415

Dustin's POV: It was time to go to school as always and naturally I was dreading it. Who wouldn't? I had to deal with Troy and James. I woke up late so I had to get going fast. I ate breakfast quickly and got on my bike. I tried to peddle but I heard some odd clanking sound, I looked down and saw the chain was off. I was about to explode when I realized I didn't have time for it and I had to run to school. 'of all the days my parents had to be at work...' I thought. I soon arrived at school knowing it was probably half way through first block. When I got to the front desk the lady there wrote me a pass to my first class, Science. I smiled knowing my friends would be there, that was the only class where me, Mike, Will, and Lucas were together, me and Lucas found out that Mike and Will were dating (yes Wike). I sighed 'oh Lucas' I couldn't explain the odd feeling I had for him. He was my best friend but I felt like I wanted us to be something more, I'm not gay right? I mean, surely everybody has these odd feelings but, it can't be about love right? I get into our class and hand Mr. Clarke my pass. I look around but only see Will and Mike. Where the hell was Lucas? I walked over my friends, they didn't seem to notice I existed so I happily scared them. They both jumped and I started laughing really hard, luckily Troy wasn't here, neither was James, one was skipping and one simply didn't have this class. they both got angry but soon that anger subsided and they laughed along too. I got a bit serious and asked "where's Lucas?" they both looked at me and said "When Troy started bullying us he started with me and Will, then he got to Lucas but... when he got to you, Lucas was very defensive". My face turned bright red when I heard he was defensive about me. Will seemed to notice and smiled "that bastard' but Mike seemed to remain more serious. "Then what happened?" Mike said "He got pissed and just stomped off". I look at him in disbelief "where did he go?" Mike just replied "in the oppossite direction, but I had to deal with Troy so It's not like I could see everything".

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