Jealous Much? ( Ducas for Soccer1119)

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 (It took me weeks to realize the damn title error, I am such a thick headed moron sometimes) Lucas: I was talking to Mike "Mike please, I know Dustin has been up to something, he's more protective, I can't even talk to you for more than 5 minutes, I can't sit anywhere other than next to him or infront of him, If I can just prove how irrational he's being he'll stop, please Mike, please". Mike just sighed and said "fine" I smiled wide and thanked him, and for the next few day I sat real close to Mike, held his hand, set my head on his shoulders and constantly whispered in his ears, mainly just about how Dustin looked at us and his expressions. One day I was walking alone to my house when I was spun around, I was terrified but saw Dustin. I slowly smiled "oh hi Dusty, how's it going?" He was not happy by any means. "Don't play that game with me Luke, I know what's been going on between you and Mike". Oh my god, it really happened, I wasn't expecting Dustin to take it this far, but he did. I played innocent though "Dustin, what are you talking about?" I slowly pulled him towards me, and I placed my lips on him after we seperated I asked "I love you Dustin, why are you acting out like this?" I saw him blushing. "N-no don't try that on me, I've seen you with Mike, how long has this been going on?" I slowly smiled and kissed him, I did something Dustin loved. I licked the gap between his teeth, he was embarrassed about it. we seperated again and I smiled and said "I knew it" he blushed even more "w-wha?" I smirked and said "I asked Mike to help me make you jealous so you could see for yourself how much you overreact, Dustin, no one is going to take me away from you, there's nothing a thousand men could ever do, I love you, AND ONLY YOU". I smiled and said "poor Mike, though" He looked at me "what?". I chuckled and said "poor Mike, you could tell he wasn't acting though, I'm sure Will is pretty lonely too" He looked shocked and said "I swear if he-" I cut him off with another kiss, a quick one I smiled and put my finger to my lips and held his hand while we walked to my house. From that day Dustin was more leanient and less clingy, it was cute when he was but I liked to have some breathing room once in a while.

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