I envy You (Gaten and Noah)

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I want you all to get a better understanding about how I feel, so I made this and added a story. Now of course some things are made up (the letters and the suicide obviously) but the feelings portrayed are (mostly) from heart.

Backstory: Noah is a normal unpopular boy and he comes across the famous Gaten Matarazzo, he begins to realize that the longer he looks at these pictures of Gaten doing things a normal person couldn't do and his smiling Noah begins to become obsessed with Gaten and wants to be more like him

Noah Schnapp: So I recently saw this boy across the internet, he's cute. His name is Gaten Matarazzo, he has some weird condition with his teeth and curly hair, he's so adorable. I often see the places he travels, I smile but I've been feeling... Odd about him, I see Gaten in a weird way. I started growing resentment for him 'why? I'm envious sure but pissed at him? No, not at all I don't have a single reason to be'. I carried on, my mom called for me to come to diner, I didn't hear her first, I was invested in Gaten far too much to hear her the other 6 times too. She knocked on my door "Noah sweetie, you were absent from dinner, is something wrong?" I smiled "mom I'm okay, I was just... doing some things" she knew why I was acting like that and she nodded and said "I hope I meet him soon" I smiled, but now it was out of sadness. I knew that wouldn't ever happen, Gaten was him and I was me, we had vast differences and our similarities were probably that we were teens and the list ended here . For some unknown reason I never got any sleep, well that's what I'd hoped you'd buy into but the real reason was Gaten. No matter what I did I couldn't get him, his style, his smile or his attitude out of my head. I began eating at myself because of it, I soon began to hate myself because of it, because of him. Now I knew he had no ill will towards me, I smiled and thought 'I know, I'll do the most unpopular thing I can, I'll send a letter, no one does that so he'll have to see it'. I smiled to myself and began writing my letter.

'Dear Gaten Matarazzo, I just wanted to send you this letter thanking you, you've given me countless hours of smiling. I've always wondered if I would work up the courage to (in a way) talk to you and now I have. you make me so happy, If I could get a single letter back I could die happily. I have so many pictures of you on my wall, people say it's creepy but It makes me happy. I know you find it weird but I'm in love with you, you're mannerisms and all that make me giggle like a child. I know you hear and see this every day but I'm your biggest fan. Truely yours, sincerely Noah Schnapp'

I sent it in the mail with his public address. I started to have doubts at first but pushed the thoughts aside and began to get excited.

Gaten Matarazzo (I just love his first and last name, don't judge me, we all have weird quirks): I smiled as I saw another letter, I started to read it. I smiled as it ended, It had a picture of who I assumed to be the kid, Noah, well he looked like he was my age. He seemed really happy 'good job Gaten, you made another kid laugh and smile' I found a piece of paper, I began to write.

'Dear Noah, 'I'm flattered you look at me how you do, you look so happy and if that's the effect I have on you I'm glad I have that effect on you, you guys keep me up when I'm at my worst and I'm glad I do the same to you. If there's anything I can realistically do to make you feel better please let me know, I see you live in California, San Francisco. I'm going there in a couple months, I'd be pleased and honored to meet you if it made you happy, you guys make me smile, I hope I see you soon, I'll visit in a couple months for a talk show interview. I'd love if I could show the nation your letter to show your passion and happiness and show them mine too. truely and humblely yours, Gaten Matarazzo.

I smiled and was going to send it but I got a call and I had to pick it up. It was the producer of Stranger things, I had to come in, in an hour for a scene, they wrongfully scheduled me. I forgot about the letter.

Noah Schnapp : IT'S BEEN 3 WEEKS! I was furious to say the least. 'Why hasn't he called, said hi or sent back a letter or even taken 5 minutes to send a text?!' I was trying to keep my cool but as time went on I couldn't contain it, I started to actively hate Gaten. I quickly grew contempt for him. I decided to write another letter

'Dear Mr. I love to treat my fans like dirt!, I can't believe you! I can't believe myself, I can't believe I looked up to you, I fucking hate you! Now all I can see in you is disgust for you, I thought you were good for me, now I see I'm glad we never were able to meet, you're awful, I loved you! I cared for you but now I see you and I wonder how you treat Finn Wolfhard, I wish he was with someone who was a tad bit more honest sincerely, one less fan'.

I sent it without any thoughts against it.

The Next Day

Gaten Matarazzo: I thought back on the month, my trip to CA was bumped up to this next week and remembered what got me so excited 'Noah'. I smiled and remembered his letter and mine "oh shoot I forgot to send that didn't I?" I smiled and grabbed the letter and was going to go to the post office but thought 'he said he was my biggest fan, he deserves it'. I smiled and put some merch for him, I felt bad for forgetting, his thought about me sending back to him were absolutely adorable. I also sent another letter.

'Dear Noah Schnapp, I'm so sorry for forgetting you, I was a bit busy on the set and I pushed it to the back of my mind, I hope all this makes up for it, I know you love me but I'm with Finn, I'm sure we both know that but I'd love to be your friend, I wanted to give you something else, people might call it a tease but I wanted you to see it, I just... wanted to, I called in some favors and got you this, I hope you like a chance at the big screen because you got one, I wish you the best, Gaten Matarazzo'.

I attached a picture of his script and a picture of the credit scene with his name on it, I smiled, I bet he'll go up 100 clouds more.


Noah Schnapp: I smiled as I thought of my next move, 'fine if Gaten won't acknowledge me, now he will'. I pulled the handgun to my side, I stole it from my mom and dad. I loaded one bullet into the chamber and then thought, 'well why not?' I walked out the door with a pen and paper, I came back with my camera and took a picture, I printed it out and wrote for the final time

'I fucking hope you're happy, I hate your guts, I absolutely hate you, I hope you fucking wretch when you see this and hear about it I HOPE YOU KNOW IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!, FUCK YOU!'.

I sent that as well and then placed the gun back into my mouth, I thought about doing anything else. I knew this was the last stop, last thing, I laid back and pulled the trigger.

Gaten Matarazzo

I seemed to get 2 more letters from Noah 'the cutie must be obsessed, that makes him more cute' I thought. I felt rustling in the bed behind me. "Babe what are you reading?" I smiled "nothing hottie, just another fan boy sending me letters, go back to bed". he silently agreed and fell back down onto he pillows. I pulled them out and read them. After I read the first one and I was terrified, did I say something wrong? What did I do? I read the second one and I was close to tears. 'Did I cause this? Oh god I hope it wasn't too late to stop him'. Finn sensed the unease and panic. "babe what's wrong?... Babe?" I was in shock and he took the letters out of my hands. I heard a gasp, he turned on the TV and said "m-maybe he was trying to play some tasteless joke on you babe" he sounded unconvincing, what made it seem 100% false was what we saw on the news channel.

3rd person POV: The news came on

In heart breaking news, Noah Schnapp, a 12 year old boy boy was confirmed dead after he shot himself out of a fit of rage, it seemed the boy was disgruntled after he received no letter after he sent one to Gaten Matarazzo. Noah has had a history of mental issues and had exhibited a strong tendency to get attached to objects and people and tended to overreact. the star made no comment on this, more coverage in a bit.

Gaten and Finn were changed boys, they avoided Social Media as they were berated with insults and people constantly reminding him of what he did, Gaten lost it and went to an asylum after going crazy. Then... Life went on, for everyone else of course, Noah Schnapp was buried with the merchandise and the letters were hung in the room as a reminder of that day. Gaten always had that image in his mind, it was seared into his brain, the image of a gun.

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