Heart Break From A Bigoted Crush (By/ler Part 2)

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Will: I instantly shrank in size 'he-he didn't mean it like that, he can't he's too kind, too sweet, I'm sure he-' "ANSWER ME!". Mike yelled I stammered out "M-Mike it's no big-" "LIKE HELL IT IS! I thought you were pure Will, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I had, had it. I couldn't keep it bottled up anymore "ME?! WHAT ABOUT YOU?! Don't you see what you're doing here?! What you're doing to me?! Do you have any Idea how much it hurts to out myself to the boy, I not only love, but trust with my entire heart only to be yelled at?! But your precious beliefs trump me being who I am, I never chose this-" "LIKE HELL YOU DIDN'T! It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" I was furious "how dare you! You're no better that Troy!". Right then a slap echoed out in the room, It was from Mike... He slapped me, he really did. Tears started to flow but he wasn't any less determined, Mike shoved me against a wall and I fell down, I cried even more "this is what you made me-" "SHUT UP! SHUT. THE FUCK UP!" I screamed at him, I never hurt more, never more than anytime before. I caught Mike by surprise and he was speechless. I cried and said "just fucking go you filthy animal! I can't believe.. That I ever loved you, you're a monster Michael Wheeler, a disgusting, horrible monster". He regained his fragile ego and kicked me in my side before leaving, I wept even more. Then I heard some footsteps and the door opened. I didn't look up out of fear it was Mike again. I heard an all too familiar voice "well, well, well if it isn't- hey what the hell?!" I cried even more 'great now Troy's never going to let this go and once he finds out the reason I might as well die'. I heard a sigh and he said "alright fag, what's the matter?" I refused to speak trying to shut him out for as long as possible. He sighed out of annoyance "listen Byers I'm trying to be nice, do me a favor and make it easy". I looked up in disbelief "why do you care?" he seemed uneasy "tha-that's not important nerd, just make it easy for me okay?". For some reason I couldn't, not tell him, so I spilled, I had my assumptions about how this would go down, how much of a laughing stock I would be. But to my surprise Troy yanked me up and brought me  with him out of the bathroom. "T-Troy what the-" "shut it Byers and just follow me" I did as I was told and soon we were outside of the school "Troy!". He looked at me "WHAT?!" I shrank down and stuttered "n-noth-nothing, s-sorry" he sighed. "Look I'm sorry I'm angry I'm just-" "just what? Just coming to grips with being decent to your victims?" I asked giving a laugh. He chuckled saying "yeah, totally".

(YES! THAT'S RIGHT I MADE IT TRILL, I love my brain sometimes. Also, I HATE the Adam and Eve argument just... Shut the fuck up, please, dickhead)

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