Do You Remember The Time? (Mike X Lucas for Soccer1119)

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Mike: I smiled as I was laying next to my adorable boyfriend Lucas. He was cute, I loved him with every muscle of my body, how could I not?

I remember when we first met eachother. It was back in kindergarten when I had just made Will and Dustin as my best friends. We heard a new 'unusual' kid was coming to the school. We had a lot of transfers in that school so I thought nothing of it. Then I remember seeing him, it was a small black boy, I was small, but even he managed to be smaller. I saw he wasn't happy like us, 'why would he be sad?, this school is great!'.

One day I saw he was sitting alone away from the other boys I wanted to introduce myself but I couldn't make myself walk any further. 'What is he doing to my legs?'. I saw some boys push him around and then leave. 'What has he done?' why would anyone want to hurt another new boy? "Hey Mikey what are you looking at?" My friend Will asked me. I smiled "oh nothing, hey, who is that new boy?" Will just said "oh he's Lucas, I have him in Ms. Kempman's class, no one wanted to be with him for a playtime partner". I was really confused "why? why wouldn't anyone be with him?" he just shrugged "I don't know, should we ask him?" I smiled and thought 'yeah, no one should be alone' "okay".

I walked with Will up to Lucas, he looked at us and curled up trying to protect himself from us. I calmly walked up, like my mother would sometimes do "hey what's wrong? why don't people like you?" that probably wasn't the best thing to ask right then. He refused to speak and Will tried his luck "hey it's Will, remember from Ms. Kempman's class at playtime?" He sniffled a bit "Will?". Will warmly smiled and said "yeah, this is my friend Mike, we wanted to know why you're alone". "Will, no one likes me, they say Im weird, that Im a freak" I just said "you're not weird, those mean people are weird, I don't see anything wrong". We spent the whole day getting to know eachother when Dustin came along.

We all got to know eachother and bonded well. We got weird looks from friends, and some other friends abandoned us when we were his friend.

A Couple Hours Later

I went home and asked my mom "mom?" she smiled "yes honey? waht do you want?". I smiled and asked "mommy, why do other boys and girls treat other darker boys and girls differently?". My mom was clearly troubled by the question and answered "well, honey, sometimes others will be mean to people who they don't understand, sometimes they will hurt other people, whether they push them down or hurt them in their hearts, sometimes people are that way, why do you ask?". I said "I met a boy named Lucas, people were really mean to him". She looked horrified "oh, honey that's just terrible, what happened?" I smiled "we're friends now, and he's really cute" I covered my mouth and my mother laughed "oh, honey, I guess you're a bit different yourself" I blushed and she just ruffled my hair "okay sweetie, maybe I should have Lucas's family over to meet them, maybe you can play with your friends and make Lucas welcome here" I agreed immediately making her laugh even more.

Saturday I got lucas and his mother to come over to my house. we went downstairs to the basement

Near 8 P.M.

Lucas's mother smiled and said "Lucas honey! would you just like to stay with Mike?". Lucas had a big grin andsaid "yeah mommy, thanks!" soon she left and so did Will and Dustin, it wa just us "Mike, honey you need to get ready for bed!". I smiled "okay mom, Lucas, let's play Truth or Dare" Lucas smiled "okay, you first, truth or dare?" I smiled "Truth!". Lucas smiled and said "why do your cheeks go red and you always look away when I see you?" I blushed even more "I-I-It's because I really like you".

(Sorry to you readers and sorry to Soccer for how bad this was and how late this was, I noticed there were 689 words so I said to myself "no I'm not gonna let this work rot, I'm lazy, the people can only get this once every great while, so I finished it, once again sorry, I'll try better next time esspecially with that.. shit ending, dear god that was bad, but I couldn't think of how to end it any other way)
Edit: turns out I still had the in the title "status: incomplete", like a dumbass, somehow just noticed that after my 3 read through to make sure I didn't have any mistakes, oh the irony

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