The Butterfly Effect (An AU Troy/Mike chapter does not contain murder)

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A/N: Okay before I begin this chapter DOES NOT CANTAIN MURDER THIS SOLELY CONTAINS THE SUICIDE BIT AND THE PLANS, THIS IS SAFE TO READ! Anyways: To set this up imagine Troy was the original victim, originally he was bullied by the gang for being a loner/outcast and he was just getting back at them, but in this AU they manage to turn it back against Troy... again,  please enjoy, I will make another Troy x Mike. Contains an instance of suicide. Also I want to say I do like this, I actually got into fine detail, if you like this type of explicit detailed writing please let me know because I like these, it gets me into the mood so I can work on the legnth of these chapters so you get more to read and enjoy. 

Troy: I walked away again, fucking crying, the last time I did that was in 4th grade when Mike and his friends humiliated me in front the ENTIRE school, Why was I crying? because after Mike and his friends pulled some disgusting shit. They secretly filmed him while he spilled his secrets, him being gay, him loving Mike, his... tendencies to cut himself, he even told them about the time he was molested, those fuckers aired it over the intercom. My best friend... James, he ended up killing himself, I cried, my only friend killed himself. It cut deep inside me, I broke down in the silence, in the breeze, what did those monsters do? They filmed it while laughing, they urged me to do the same as James did. They may have factored my pain, but they didn't factor my temper and anger in the equation. This was one mathmatical problem they would get wrong. and they would fail badly. I tracked down his routine, he usually cut into the forest if he was in a hurry. I started at there, I needed to fake an emergency, or make one, I thought of the rest of the boys.

 I was considering if the 'henchmen' would suffer enough if the head man died, I decided it wouldn't be enough. I spent a week studying Michael and his interactions with his friends. I determined no one else was closer to him than Will. Will was there to laugh at me, so I didn't feel bad for him, although he didn't play a big part in this so I didn't release my anger out on him, Mike deserved that. I began to study Will, I studied his path home, he lived by that... Odd lab place 'you couldn't have fed deeper into my hand unless you carried a bottle of Chloroform and a rag with you'. He also used the forest, though not as often as Mike, he too only went in cases of an emergency.

 I couldn't infinitely regress into doing this. I instead opted to make my own, I tested it on myself and it worked like a charm. Not safe but hell, it would be the last of the memories I would have here. I followed Will home, he lived just down the street from me so it boosted the efficiency and convenience of the plan. I waited for Will to be home all alone and for him to go out with his friends. I knew they would probably come to get him rather than radio, even if they didn't I couldn't wait forever and let it all fall apart somehow. I purchased a superior radio to theirs with money I saved up 'finally I bought something useful'. Before I did anything else I decided I needed to do away with any problems. I would need to neutralize Dustins radio so he couldn't interfere, I could pull off his voice quite well to be honest. 'How would I do that?' I honestly had no clue, I would have to find it in his bag somewhere 'f#%$ here we go again'. I now had to formulate a plan to get him to seperate in his bag, with no one noticing, but this turned out to be less complicated than I previously thought, this one was easy. I opted to pull the fire alarm, easiest, he would leave the bag on the chair and I would take it in the confusion, so I did. On a Monday I pulled the fire alarm, I double checked for cameras then took his bag into the bathroom while everyone was leaving in the opposite direction.

 I dug through his bag and found it, covered in pudding around the speaking hole but it was there alright. I brought out my own radio and set it to the same frequency, then I wrote the frequency down before destroying the cords to the recieving end of the radio and the out going line on the radio. While I was at it I dumped Dustins essay for Biology and History class, why the fuck not? I also took his pudding, another heavy hitting action I'm sure. I put the bag back and made sure the broken radio was in the bag. I proceded to loop around the building and regrouped with everyone else. Will wasn't there and I saw Mike on the radio 'could you have lined this up any more perfectly? just give me a rock while you're at it'. I turned my radio on and blew into it. I heard Will say "Mike, hear that?" Mike responded "yeah I do must be some other frequency, or some interference though, anyway, how are you doing?". I turned my radio off 'soon it would be "bad"'. The day carried on like normal and I was ready to implement the first strike of my plan. Everything was concrete, I just needed to make sure Lucas and Mike wouldn't interfere. I needed to make sure they were out without their radios. I convinced myself this was all worth it and I was in too deep to back out. I needed to once again to play the sabatogeur once again. I decided to go above and beyond what I had done before, I left school with a couple of hours left in it and went home.

 My entire plan hinged on the wheelers and Sinclairs NOT having phone ID. I called the wheelers and used some knowledge I had aquired while doing online researching. Mrs. Wheeler picked up "Hello this is Karen wheeler how may I help you?" I spoke covering my voice "hello Mrs. Wheeler, This is Mr. Danforth from the Hawkins Emergency Centre, I need to inform you of some troubling news, Mrs. Henderson is in the hospital, her son Dustin Henderson asked for you and your son Michael Wheeler to be there while he is in the hospital". She was so shocked "Oh that poor, poor boy, I will be there right away!" she hung up and I proceeded to their house with a set of lockpicks my father has had so he doesn't get locked out. I was there just in time to see her rushing in the direction of the school, 'poor woman' I thought. I was going to pick the back door lock when It was unlocked already 'God is telling me to go through with this, he's telling me to do the right thing, this is the right thing' I thought.

While I was there I took the liberty to search his room for anything incriminating against him and found several porn magazines both girls and guys, I also found his journal in his room. 'God, I swear punish me as hard and as long as you want, I NEED this, please keep my luck up some more just until he gets what he deserves'. I took picture of the magazines, the hiding place of them and put a wireless video recorder in each of the main rooms, they were small and all backed up the information to 4 large data storage towers. I had so much unspent money, over 1000 dollars and counting, I put one in the hallway and also took the liberty to bug the basement and his room. I wanted to go all out, I wanted all of this to impact hard, If this messed up or turned foul, or hell even went all right I wouldn't be getting another shot at this.

 I managed to find another radio of Mikes, he had bragged loudly about getting a new one for Christmas. I snipped the sound cord and the out going link cord I knew they would be out for a while so I took the diary and used their brand new copier and coppied all of the pages to review them later. You might wonder why did I choose now? I mean they were in school, but they didn't have their last 3 classes together, not with Dustin anyways, and anything could happen during those 3 hours I also stole Mikes air pump and popped the tires and cut the break line, no possible way out of this. I put down a phone it had my number but I put a name down, one of his friends I knew he was also close with.

 I left right after that, I locked the door and deleted the copying history, but not before leaving a stack of his gay porn and a coppied version of his internet history which featured much of the same, Mike was into some weird shit, I don't even think I can say what it was, let's just say it was young... real young, let's move on shall we? I also deleted the recorded version of the call on the land line, I had so much dirt that after I sabatoged Lucas I would wait on finishing him off. 

(End of Part 1, Part 2 soon to follow, I hope you enjoyed, it was a pain in the ass to type all this out and even worse to get all the ideas but this has successfully boosted my will to write, thanks and bye-bye!)

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