Friendship Based On A Lie (Will and Mike) PART 1

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Will: I remembered when it all began, it was so long ago, I should have seen something was amiss from the moment he approached me. Michael Wheeler, smart ass, wunderkind, professional liar. At the time I did not know Mike, and he did not know me. One day out of the blue he befriended me, I should have seen the snickers from Dustin and Lucas, they snickered as they saw my big grin. I was just glad to be out of the rain, so I giddily accepted his friendship offer. I paid no mind to the whispers, the secrets and all of the silence that seemed to be a secret language made up of glances, chuckles. I just wanted to be dry for once, I held onto all I could, even when I just should have let go. It all unfolded when me and Michael were alone, I decided to go with my better judgement after all the nightmares I had of us unfriending each other. I wanted closure, I got the closure but not the one I sought out.

2 Days Ago: As we were at my house, in my bedroom, I looked at my bestfriend, he looked like he was trying to decide on something, something important. I spoke up, it nagged at me, I wanted some rest to this all, for over 4 years I neglected a real issue, finally it would be over. "Mike, I need you to be honest with me". He stuttered "u-uh yeah Will, a-anything" I had remembered all of the things that threw me off. "Mike... I need you to tell me what you have neglected to tell me for over 4 years, from the very beginning, what have you guys, as a group refused to tell me?" he chuckled nervously "w-what are you talking about W-Will?" I smiled politely and then shifted the tone of the atmosphere. "spare me the shit Mike, for 4 years I have been blind, now I want answers, what was with the 'secret' glances, the whispering that ended when I came around, the snickers when it all began, what the hell is all this?". I saw his face become pale and he tried to give some bullshit excuse but when I glared at him he simply sighed and said "I-I was asked to be friends with you, I was dared to because people thought you were-were a freak". I had a couple of feelings mainly anger and sadness but I managed to hold it back, that didn't mean I didn't swear, oh no, I indulged in that. "Oh, so all of your feelings were a fucking lie? Were you even worried about me when I disappeared? No it was all a fucking bet wasn't it?! I guess our friendship and all we had together was just a fucking lie too then huh?" he tried to speak "W-Will-" "OH NO! Don't you dare speak my name, you don't get that right! You forfeited that right when you played me and my fucking emotions! How dare you, now you feel bad but yesterday it was such a great joke, my happiness was a joke huh? So fucking funny now huh?!" I then lost it, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I could and turned to face him, as he had followed me. He naturally assumed the worst and cowered in fear "p-please W-Wi-il please think about this" I was seething but I wasn't going to kill him 'you don't know that yet'. I seethed "get. out." He ran so damn fast but I wasn't done with any of them yet.

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