Just A Bet To You?

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(Kinda my take on a widespread Wike trope involving Dustin and Lucas, instead I used Mike instead of the other two. No personal dissing is meant lol I just hate how much of a pushover Will is in these Wike fanfictions.)

Will sat on his bed, he was afraid to go to Mike's house, you see, Will had a secret he had been hiding, the truth was, Will was gay. Not only that, but he was gay for Mike, he'd often look at Mike as he slept, it was no doubt creepy. Will smiled as he thought about the small details about him, how his hair moved in the wind. Will loved how his face shone in the night time, his freckles reflected little stars on his cheeks, which were the infinite quantity of space. Michael Wheeler was perfection, no doubt about it. Will fantasized about Mike until Jonathan told Will he needed to get ready, of course with a wink. Will blushed profusely, he told Jonathan his secret, in fact, Jonathan was the only one who knew Will had been in love with Mike. Will got ready and Jonathan gave him a ride, when will arrived Mike immediately saw Jonathans car and let him in.

As Will stepped into the house he looked at Mike, he had a smirk, one that made it seem like he was scheming, up to no good. Will pushed it down, convinced it was nothing and he had just imagined it. Mike led him to the D&D Den, otherwise known as the basement. He swore he saw the exact same smirk on both Lucas and Dustin. Now Will was on edge, he thought about all the things they were scheming about, he eventually sat down in the chair thinking about how obvious he had been about his crush. He was snapped out of his thoughts as the dice tumbled to the floor, it was Mike's roll. Mike got up and Will watched as Mike bent down, Will could clearly see his underwear as he had bent away from him. Will was blushing, and suddenly Lucas coughed and then Mike went back to the table, it seemed like it was rehearsed, with the smirks and all. Will chose to ignore it. 

But soon they decided they wanted to watch some movies, so they did. Mike had gotten a TV for the Winter holidays, it came at the expense of his birthday gifts as well, he considered it to be totally worth it. And for a while it was all okay, that was until Mike came back from the bathroom, Will couldn't help notice Mike had his fly down, Mike was looking right at him after a few moments and Will turned away quickly. Soon he was sneaking glances, Mike had to know his fly was down, he had to, but why would he keep it down? Was this the scheme? Should he confess it while he could with some dignity? He heard Mike cough, it seemed so off. The final nail in the coffin, something that even Will couldn't be so blind as to deny, occurred when Mike claimed he was getting hot. Did Mike change into shorts like a normal person would? No, he stripped down to his underwear, Will knew what this was about, but he wanted to play dumb to see if they would be honest with him. "What the hell is going on?!" He saw that oh so familiar smirk from before,  Mike said "you're gay huh?". Will blushed, Mike sure as hell was direct, no doubt. Will knew that they knew so he nodded. Mike loudly declared "I knew it!", Will was confused, hoping this didn't mean what he thought he was picking at. Then Mike said "you guys owe me 40 bucks!" Now Will was no longer embarrassed or nervous. He was pissed, like a bull who saw red, he was outraged "WHAT?!" Mike turned in surprise. "Will what's wrong?" Will said, in the most aggressive voice he never thought he could use "YOU BET ON ME?!". Mike shrunk back "Will, I-It's not like-" "don't lie to me Wheeler! I was in a year of agonizing pain and you knew?! You didn't care?! You were only caring about the money?! MY LIFE CRISIS IS JUST A BET TO YOU?!" Mike shrunk back as much as he possibly could. Will had tears streaming down his cheeks "look at my eyes Mike! This is what I've been going through every day! I've had to take beatings from Troy and I've had copious amounts of nightmares involving rejections from you! And all while you organized this shit!". Mike tried to defend himself, even though his conscious rejected everything he said. "Wi-Will, set-settle down n-now, on the bri-bright side, I know you're g-gay and you got to see me half nude!". Oh boy, Will was having none of it "for fuck sake Mike I don't care about seeing you naked! News flash I already have! I'm insulted by the fact that you went behind my back and exploited my sufferings for money! What kind of a, cheap, morally bankrupt, degenerate, cop-out of a friend would ever, ever do that?!". Mike was stunned into silence, and he began to cry, Will snapped once again "Oh I'm glad you're crying Mike, I'VE BEEN DOING THAT FOR OVER A YEAR!". Mike tried to speak to Will, but it's like Will yanked his voice box out, there was no sound. Will had a raging fire in his eyes and muttered "you are fucking dead to me, Michael Wheeler, do you hear me?! Dead to me!". Will stormed out of the house, crying and yelling into the night sky, the one he once described as Michael Wheeler's face.

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