Thank You For 1.7K Reads!

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I need to give you all an overdue thank you for 1.7K reads, I am now 52 chapters in this book and I never thought I would get this far on this (what was supposed to be) side book, I am eternally gratefully for everyone here reading. All the comments and compliments are severely appreciated and valued. I cannot thank you enough, right now I'm listening to this awesome song (If for whatever reason you cannot see the song or it won't load, or anything like that, it's the "This Is It" rehearsal version of "Love You Save", it is fantastic, I recommend you take a listen, I'm hooked). Anyways, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and taking the time from your day to read my terrible, edgelord oneshots and AU's, your edgy teen writer and Stranger Things fanatic, Troy_And_Mike. 

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