We Can't Be Together, But Can't We? (Ducas for Soccer1119)

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Dustin: Lucas looked at me "w-w-wha?" I felt terrible but I wanted it for the best, not for my best, but for his. I know it looks selfish but he's black, I'm gay, gays are already hated as much as it is, we're branded Pedophiles and child molesters, unnatural animals. Blacks would have that view but amplified by 10, I didn't want that, I couldn't live with myself it it took a permenant effect on his character. "L-Luke-" "DON'T CALL ME THAT! you forfeited your right to call me that when you said... THAT!". He stormed away and I wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him why, but I knew he wouldn't let me, and neither would my legs or brain. I sat there with my arm outstretched trying to reach out to him, but I knew I would never get the time of day. 

For the next few days Luke ignored me, he looked terrible, that's what worried me the most. Luke wasn't always open, actually the opposite, he hated to open up. The only person he would open up to is me and... Well that solution was obliterated from the table. Whenever he made eye contact he glared at me, but he looked more... Dead than anything. As the days went along I was more and more worried, the guys didn't see it though 'blind dimwits' I thought, wasn't it obvious?! He never spoke, he wasn't his old self 'had I really done this to him? Am I at fault? If he does something irreversible... Am I to blame for that?'. All these questions and no answers, I studied Lucas more, he didn't smile, rarely laughed (when he did it was clearly fake but of course they never noticed it, why would they?). I decided I needed to do something, I saw Lucas walk away, he said he needed to go to the bathroom. I waited for him to round the corner and then I excused myself. Mike and Will were doing their best to not attract suspicion but they failed, 'oh the little things give you away'. The door was slightly opened but blocked from (what I assumed was) a janitors bucket. It clearly wasn't to keep people out, it was to detect for noise, I slowly opened it and closed the door ever so carefully. I heard muttering, Lucas was muttering "why would anyone love you? you're just a stupid-" I covered my ears, I knew what he was going to say, and I wanted no part in hearing it. "Yeah, a fag and a-" again I hated it when he called himself things like that, was this all my fault? 'Of course it is, could you be any more heartless?'. I shook my head and focused on Lucas, I saw something red... Then the blade, I ran and slapped the blade from his hand. "Lucas! what the fuck?!".

3 days after the breake up, Lucas: I felt horrible, It hurt to... Exist really, I never thought I would have o let go, I never thought I could sink so low. I never let myself down, not till the second I did right now. Is this how it all breaks apart? Is this how my crumbling starts? I feel my head betray my heart, I just don't know anymore. 1 slice across, I wanted to remember this day, so I slit my wrists with 'D'. I wanted to remember who I wasn't good enough for, I knew he was lying. It wasn't because of society, he never gave a fuck for it. Impure thoughts I know but at this point I have hit the lowest of the low, I don't give a fuck for how I think. I trudged to school, I abandoned my bike, I didn't want to look at it after all the memories it shared with 'him'. I vowed to never say his name ever again, it would just hurt far more than it currently did. I took time out of lunch to cut a bit, I knew what I was cutting, I couldn't say his name but I didn't want to completely erase him, I want something to look at when I finally did it.

Day Dustin finds out: It was done, I had done it I had finally cut '-D-U-S-T-I-N-'. (I don't know how to put a strike through so my apologies) I liked it but I hated it also 'too late dipshit' Then I heard "Lucas!" I wanted to truely die right then and there.

Dustin present day: I... I caused all of this, I was at fault, I had to make this right. "I-I had no- oh god I'm so sorry!" I cried into his shirt. I'm going to make it right, and I know how, I'll make it right, Lucas style

The Next Night, Dustins pov still: I was writing, all from the heart, I wanted it to be perfect, I wrote 3 pages and I was truely ready to pay for what I had done, by making Lucas happy, 'he deserves this, better not fuck this up' I thought.

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