Mashup of: Trill, Ducas and Byler and A New Pairing

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Okay so because i made something violent, dark and overall... F&%KED up, I wanted to make something to ease your poor little hearts so here you go (Some mentions of sexual activity but nothing graphic, just a brief description of it. Nothing to be concerned about but, eh why not?)

Trill: I felt so safe in Troys arms, everyone was skeptical but they eventually cozied up to him. Troy was great and he always protected me, he wouldn't mind publicly kissing me, holding me or anything. Whenever Troy smiled it was like my mind was being set off like a bunch of illegal Chinese fireworks. It was Summer, I spent a week of it with Troy, his dad was nice enough to lend us his cabin. Normally I was petrified of being in the woods, but it felt different out in the woods with Troy. I never wanted it to end, I loved every second of it. One night I was scared and Troy cuddled up to me, he attacked my neck with his kisses which I loved the most. I giggled "Gah! Troy what are you- hehehe! Troy I mean it you have to-" he pressed his lips on mine and let his hands wrap around me. I loved it when Troy was forceful and he kissed me. Troy knew how I felt about sex, he was so sweet and understanding, I wanted to wait at least a year, but now all that kept us from going there was our last day alone out here. I slowly smiled and wrapped my arms around him, I loved Troy and nothing would tear us apart. I love MY Troy!

Byler: I was cozying up to my adorable boyfriend Will, he smiled "I love you Mike" I smiled and cuddled with him even more (somehow I managed to do that). I smiled "I love you too Will" It was Christmas and we were cuddled up by his bed. We all had the best time, everyone, we even got along with Troy and James. But we were all forced to go home, but I never did, I spent the night at Wills house.  We were just there, savouring the moment, as happy as could be, I thought nothing could replace El, boy was I wrong. I didn't care who approved of this 'life style' or who disapproved, I am as happy as can be. Nothing could make me any happier. I was with the cutest boy in the whole wide world. And we were just kissing in bed, cuddling and having a good time. I never wanted to go to sleep, I never wanted this to end.

Ducas: I watched as my incredibly hot boyfriend raided my fridge. we always did this, and I didn't love it any less, it was movie night, truth be told I absolutely hated scary movies. Dustin used this as an excuse to try to get me onto his lap 'he could just ask like a normal human being though'. But Dustin is NOT normal, that wasn't bad, he just had problems conveying emotion, and asking some weird questions, this is coming from me by the way. It was more of a routine for him to bring a movie I didn't like and I'd feed into his hand... er, his lap actually. I knew why he always liked me in his lap, and I can't lie it wasn't exactly for family friendly reasons. I know Mike and Will might just cuddle but with us... Tongue wars, constant rubbing, and all the days we tried to... embarrass each other in public, we were an odd couple certainly. That doesn't mean I regret us falling in love, our love is priceless it's also non-negotable and not returnable.

New Pairing, Mike, Will and Troy: I was sitting on the bench with Will and Mike fighting for my love. "He said he loved me first!" "He just feels bad for you! He loves me more" I was flattered and intervened "Mike, Will I love you BOTH! now please stop making such a big scene, please?" they both nodded immediately making me laugh. They were adorable, that was undeniable. We got to Mikes house, everyone knew we were all together, or I hope they did, the constant bickering for my attention alone should have raised red flags. We went down into the basement with both of them trying to get my attention, soon they fought again. I wrapped my hand around Will and rubbed up and down his thigh, I knew how much he loved that. I kissed Mike while my hand roamed through his hair, then I kissed Will. They both were blushing like crazy. Soon we decided to lay down, Mike cuddled me from behind while Will cuddled right into my stomach. I suppressed the desperate urge to aw at that. I rubbed Mikes hands and I let my one free hand go through Wills hair. Just then Mikes mother came down stair and saw us. She had never seen us like this. At least not that I know of. I awkwardly waved to her and she whispered "I'll tell your parents and Wills you guys will spend then night". I smiled and thanked her, she was more progressive than I thought, I thanked her up bringing for that. People say they're dorks, me? I say they're the cutest, and hottest boys ever to roam the Earth

(I hope that makes up for the last chapter, however... I plan on making another one, I am sorry but I love the dark sides of things, we always must acknowledge things may happen that we don't want to. On a side note if you have any ships that include 3 or maybe even 4 people in a ship I wouldn't mind writing it, even if it is with James. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I will maybe see you in the next chapter... Some of you probably not though. Sorry for some of you in advance though)

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