Friendship Based On A Lie Part 2

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Mike: I got together with the guys at the park. I was the one to break the silence "he knows". They knew what I was talking about "how?". I sighed "he pieced it together... And then I confirmed it for him, It felt wrong to keep that from him". I was then bombarded with accusing questions "ENOUGH!" I yelled "you guys had your fun, but now it's over, but there's something a bit... Worrying". Dustin asked "what?" I spoke "Will... The fucker threatened me with a knife, I think this did a number on him, we need to deal with him, we need to now before he does anything he shouldn't". Lucas spoke up in a hushed tone "m-murder him?" I sighed "ONLY if we have to, I don't want to hurt him guys". They nodded and I sighed running my hands through my hair "I don't know what we're going to do guys" they nodded in agreement.

1 Week Later, Will: It was getting more difficult to keep control, part of me wanted to make them suffer, no regard for their health and safety. Part of me never wanted to hurt them, but it was a small fragile part of me. I rarely attended school, I skipped so I wouldn't have to see them, if I could help it. I started using knives, carrying them, just in case they'd tracked me down. I remember a day ago when my mom escorted me to my class it was at recess where Mike tried to talk to me. "W-Will I-" I silenced him with my hand raised in the air "nothing, silence, nothing from you". He tried again "Will I think you-" "what?! What do you want me to do? Don't you understand?! You fucking hurt me?! I don't want to see you, ever! Why won't you just stop dogging me around and leave me be?!". He was silent, I walked right past him but he grabbed me and spun me around. I slammed my fist right into his face 'the one you used to love...' Making him fall on his ass. I stormed away and I heard him cry, I didn't care though, I would never do a second glance for him. 

Mike: I lost him, the light of the night, the highlight of our day. He was gone and I was left in shambles, desperate to get him back, knowing no boy of girl could replace him and the light he put back in my heart. I was wrong to treat him like that, and now he was no where around. I cried like that until I was beat by Troy. But that didn't hurt, what hurt was that shocking realization that I lost the only boy I cared for, all for a bet, all for nothing.

I knew what I needed to do, I needed to get MY Will back, I didn't care that now he was with Troy and told him where to find us, I didn't care that he and Troy were dating, I didn't care that he slammed his fist into my face, I didn't even care that he threatened me with a knife. I wanted my Will back. I hatched my plan and it went into action. I knocked on the door and I heard Will muttering to himself as he approached closer. I ran as quietly as I could to his window and opened it. I then hid behind his bedroom door, he was alone, perfect timing. I was behind the door as he was shutting it, when he saw me he opened it but I slammed it shut and pushed him against the wall "Will..." I started.

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