End Game (The Butterfly Effect Finale!)

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Tuesday, 9:45 AM 

"You are now leaving Hawkins, Indiana, come back soon!"... "Oh I swear I'm gonna find that son of a bitch!... Turned his back on us, what the hell?!"

The memories floated aound, where it all began, now it's all ended, I didn't even resort to who they were. I knew full well how low they could go, in a way I fell to their level, but I was justified, dirty but justified.

Monday, 1:00 PM

Was I really going to do it? What would that make me? Better or worse? I don't know and I don't thing I even care

Monday, 4:00 PM

I rounded up everything, they were good actors but I wasn't dumb, after I got Dustin his new radio I heard them talking, I knew it would default to this. They couldn't be Trusted

Monday, 5:00 AM 

I picked up a radio call from Will to Dustin

"Dustin are you there?"

"I'm here, how do we pin this on him?"

"We claim he made us do it, he did"

"That'll show him, nice bait Will"

"Thanks, Mike is gonna love this, the dumb son of a bitch didn't even question it, he fell for that "I'm sorry" bullshit"

"Meet me in the woods, I've got a plan to snip this bitch, for Mike"

"got it, for Mike"

Tuesday, 8:00 AM

Location: Police Station

I had a duffle bag of evidence and walked into the Chiefs room

"Chief Hopper, I have something you'll want to see regarding the James Willson suicide case, I guarantee it" he looked at me before asking me to take a seat, I put the bag on the table and all of the recordings and writings on there, Mikes, Dustins, Wills and Lucas'. "What's this?" I smirked "I have proof that Michael Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers and Lucas Sinclair played an active role in the suicide of James Willson, along with some other things". I pointed to the internet history paper and the photos as well as the recordings. He was shocked and asked "h-how did you get all this?" I got up and walked away but turned and said "Hopper, this is evidence, of pedophilia, of murder and conspiracy to commit murder and that's scratching the surface, does it matter where it came from? I gave you all you need to know, do what you will, goodbye Chief Hopper".  I left before he was able to say anything I gathered my things and prepared to leave, I talked into the radio "Will, Dustin, I need you to meet me and Chief Hopper at the Hawkins Police Department, over". Will replied "got it, we'll be there" I walked to the outskirts of the city and looked bak over the hill, I could see 2 houses, Mikes house and Lucas' house, they were swarmed with police officers and cars. I smiled bigger than ever before.

Tuesday 9:40 AM

Location: Out Skirts of Hawkins Indiana

I intercepted another radio call


Will calm down

HE GAVE THEM THE EVIDENCE, I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!, sir put the gun down, young man put it down now *bang!* SHIT MORALES IS DOWN! *bang, bang, bang*  

Will? Will are you there? w-wait what are you guys doing, I've done nothing wrong! get you're hands off me now!"

I turned it off and threw the radio to the side. I walked into a local breakfast and bought myself some eggs bacon and coffee. "Turn the channel to Hawkins news please" the lady smiled and obliged and I watched as Dustin, Lucas and Mike were being put into a cop car. The reporter came on "BREAKING NEWS we have confirmation the 4th alledged boy responsible for the suicide of 13 year old James Willson has been shot dead in a gun fight with police officers at his house by the Hawkins Lab Facility Center, one police officer was killed during this violent exchange of fire, 2 casualties in total... In other news we have confirmed the USSR, Americas greatest enemy during the Cold War, has fallen more on this in a bit" I was about to get up when I heard "I guess you were right kid, they did deserve it" I looked to see the man from the dance, I smiled and said "I wouldn't lie, not anymore" he chuckled and said "I guess they were that bad, what about you?" I was puzzled "what about me?" he smiled "you're clearly not returning, where are you going?" I smiled and said "I'll go where I belong and live myself out the James would have wanted me, he deserves it at the very least". I got up and left and he said "best of luck!" I smiled and waved back at him, I was leaving my old life behind, was it worth it? all the wasted money, things I never used, the phone, the advanced radio? To get back at them? I wouldn't have made a change, I'll go on, so will life, and I am for once happy, I feel free. 

3 Months later

I was in the same diner, I read the news paper and decided to see the end result, what I attoned and lessened my standards for and I heard it

"Michael Wheeler, Lucas sinclair and Dustin Henderson, on charges of, conspiracy to commit murder, manslaughter, pedophilia, murder, attempt to conceal a crime, bullying, harassment, and several pornography charges, I sentence you to life in prison with no chance of parol, court dismissed". 

I smiled so wide, I was so happy 'are you happy James? I love you, I really do and I would do anything for you, I'd do it all again, I just wish I got to kiss you before you went, one last time' a little spot in my heart filled up, 'yes Troy, yes I am'. I walked away

I hummed to myself "I've seen many days, I've been the star of many, I've seen many days, oh I've been..."


A BIG FAT THANK YOU! To everyone who read this, even if there was no interaction, I hate that this is over, I loved this like it was a full length story, If anyone has another Idea for a story like this I beg that you send it my way so I can type it up, I'll give you credit of course 

Anyways I have been Max, I hope you loved this pet project of mine, thank you and bye-bye!

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