The Butterfly Effect (... More Planning Part 2)

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( Okay so I know it breaks the immersion but imagine that a loosely restricted site exists for dating purposes, so its... like a decade and a half from when it was originally set, sorry about this)

WC: 2086 Holy shit! 

I left back to my house, Lucas would have to wait, I booked it to my house so I wouldn't have to miss out on anything I listened in loud and clear and looked at the footage and audio, it went a little something like this:

The door opened with Mrs. Wheeler sighing "at least you boys were safe and no one was actaully hurt, I choked on the urge to stomp on the ground in sheer joy and happiness, They brought Dustin home it seemed Mike was the first to realize the porn and the internet history, but he was too late, Karen saw it too. I could see him actively trying to make his soul leave his body. she wasn't outraged but it didn't matter, she soon would be when she saw the sick shit he was turned on by. She looked at Dustin who now saw the magazines but still hadn't seen the other internet history paper but said "my... my mom probably wants me home actually" he quickly left. Mike tried to think of every way out, any excuse, he tried to fake sickness even, oh but he was definitely sick. Karen sighed "hun, we should talk the things I have seen... I want an explaination" I double checked the cameras were recording and how much time I had left, over 2 days left on it. Mike was stuttering when he said "I-I don't know what I can tell you mom... It's all true" she replied " hun... what about the internet history? Tell me about that" he said "It's true too mom... I'm sorry" She replied "Michael... you could be put in prison for this stuff, this is called pedophilia, as much as it might hurt I am going to read this out to you, I want an answer for all of these okay? First: Gay Boys" Mike shrugged she continued "trends 10 year olds like?" shrug "how to sound like a 9 year old?" he was closer to tears now, and I had the key to it all being released. "how to fool a 9 year old?" he refused to do anything but try to keep his sobs inside "naked boys? what about these photos of yourself nude? why would you do that? What about pictures of these boys naked? Michael this isn't okay... Last one, what about this one: naked young boys, what about this one Mike? I want an answer, I need one" He broke down and sobbed as she held him "hun, you need to stop this, I don't care that you're gay, but I do care that you're trying to entice young boys with these... pictures of yourself in compromising positions, hun this could end up something terrible for you, for your work life, employers will scour through this, please promise me you won't ever do this ever again", he nodded while crying into her stomach, mission accomplished, but the war wasn't over, just this battle. I made up several back up tapes, went through the pain in the ass process to convert these audio files into a burned CD and casset tapes (is this even possible, even today? Bear with me) I had it all into the correct versions to strike back, I knew he and that girl were going to the SnowBall together, I planned on ruining it the best way possible, I got a 20 dollar bill and made sure I didn't spend it I would Target Lucas Dustin and Will, I would blast their secrets over the intercom and poison their personal lives and social lives. 

First up was Dustin I knew where he lived, Will would have to wait, I was going to launch several coordinated strikes to ruin all four of them. I slipped a note in his tire spokes and knocked on the garage door, because of more shady business and research I managed to get a layout of his house, I determined his rec room was by the garage, he, like many of them bragged about having something special. Anyways his bike was tied to a post next to it I hid in a bush across the street, he noticed the letter and red it, it read "I need to speak to you, no one else can know, please come to the basement door -Mike" He left fairly fast but I noticed he didn't lock the door, it wasn't anything urgent, I slipped into his garage and introduced myself to his parents, I told them a lie about how Dustin invited me over, and asked quite accusingly if there was a problem, under pressure they allowed me to stay until he got back to explain himself. I went to his room and searched through everything and I didn't find much, just a crumpled love letter to Mike and an entry about all the people he loved, not much to go on but I took the picture and kept it where it was, I then found absolute GOLD! it was Dustins audio recorder and it seemed it had been used, here was what it said

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