Without Her (An Alternate Season 1 Imagine: Fateful Day At The Quarry)

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So recently I read a story called "Ice In My Veins" By Writings25 I got this Idea from her/his story, I suggest you read it, it is quite interesting. I have decided that I will also do alternate events/timelines. once again feel free to suggest, as you can clearly tell this is what would happen at a specific time in the season if El didn't exist, I know what you're going to say "But Max what about the rest of the timeline? or the previous events" shsh, not too loud this wasn't designed to be accurate, feel free to rationalize whichever way you want. This is going to be dark, it contains the death of both Dustin Henderson and Michael Wheeler during the jumping into the Quarry scene... This is fucking violent okay? I mean that, I mean this went further than it was supposed to go, anyways I will probably be making more of these dark type of content, maybe even ones that include a ship, so I can at least make a use out of the damn mature rating. (I want to put it out there that in this timeline Troy only verbally bullied Mike and his friends, not yet physical). Anyways enough rambling, here is the chapter. (Sorry in advance for both the terrible chapter and of course by doing... This) WARNING: THIS CONTAINS A SHIT TON OF CUSSING, GRUESOME DEPICTIONS OF MURDER, MURDER, AN INSTANCE OF SUICIDE, AND TERRIBLE STORY TELLING, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED, DON'T COMAPLAIN TO ME ABOUT IT! THANKS! Word Count: 1691

It all started one fateful day, he remembered how it all began. It all started when he was publicly humiliated by Michael Wheeler, Troy always inexplicably hated Michael. Perhaps because Michael was always better than him, maybe it was because Michael was gay, or at least rumored to be, he and his friend Will Byers were rumored to be gay, simply because of how much Mike protected Will. Who knew, but it all took off that day Mike beat up Troy after he laughed at Will who was rumored to be dead, a dick move? Hell yes but it still wasn't justifiable to Troy. What was it that made him snap? Perhaps all the laughing that drove him mad, what is that? One instance of public humiliation caused him to snap? Well he never took shit, not verbal, not physical, nothing. Suddenly Troy was bombarded with thoughts, they had always been there, hell, they were what probably sparked his hate in the first place, but he hadn't heard them as rampant. Yes Troy wasn't all that right in the head, that wasn't new to anyone, not even him, but he had always managed them under control. Now his thoughts of calm and anger were fusing and colliding with one another. 'How dare he?! he made a mockery of me! He'll pay!', 'He was standing up, after what you did during this time was far, even for you!' the good angel didn't win out this time. Troy was consumed with anger, he couldn't stand it when someone defied him, just imagine how he felt when he was getting his job of making kids miserable turned on him. Yet harsher than he had ever been willing to go. But now he didn't care about being even slightly nice, he wanted to get back at Michael. One day troy was fuming about how to get back at Micheal with his friend James. James did something he would regret for his life. He chuckled "look at that fag Wheeler and Toothless too!" Troy saw them looking around for something, but it didn't matter to him. He saw they were near the quarry, where Mike's 'boyfriend' died. Troy muttered something about how Michael was a 'slutty fag' for his friends before marching after him, you could sense the seething anger emmitted from Troy. Troy saw Wheeler and Henderson were both at the ledge, clearly trying to be careful of falling over. Dustin was further from the edge 'perfect' James was about to ask what he was going to do when Troy shushed him and told him "follow my lead". James could only nod, James wasn't exactly trying to be a mediator, he had known the 4 now 3 very well. He had his own reasons for why he treated them how he did, especially Dustin Henderson. James remembered how James went out with Dustin, yes, James was gay, never loved a girl in his life, but that was irrelevant now. Now James wasn't the most handsome boy, but oh boy was he gullible, Dustin asked him to be his boyfriend and humiliated him by taping his confession of his love and played it over the school tannoy system. everyone called him a fag and James hated himself, for being a fool, for dating his crush, for being who he was.

When James vaguely worked out what Troy was going to do he walked ahead of Troy right behind Dustin, he pulled out his switchblade and looked back to Troy, Troy nodded eagerly and approached right next to James. James then grabbed Dustin by the neck and held the switchblade to his throat. Mike finally realized what was going on and went to his friends rescue only to be stopped by Troy and a switchblade. "Well, well, well lookie here, the fag and the boy who hurt my best friend, looking to see the grave of your fag boyfriend Will Byers? Don't worry Mike, you'll get to reconnect with him soon enough, now please, step a bit back" Michael was terrified he was alone with the other three and they all knew it. Michael attempted to reason with him "Troy, w-w-what the h-hell has gotten into you? y-you know what this will do, r-right?" 'right where I want you, you slimy no good, deceptive fuck'. When Troy looked into Mike's eyes he saw the image of a boy who had wronged him, a boy who hurt him and his friend, that's what got him going, was no longer going for his own personal revenge, he was doing this because of what they did to his friend, the damage they caused. James was disowned by his father, beaten by him and tortured by everyone, even the nerds, all while THEY laughed. Troy wasn't homophobic, hell he never saw anything wrong with gays, it was just all of the things they had done, that's the only way he knew to react and attack. All the things they caused, these were things even Troy wouldn't have done under any circumstance before this. But now all he wanted to do was make them suffer. "Oh now you want to think of all the reprucussions of doing certain actions, where was that when you manipulated my best friend and played it all over the PA system? When you threw his personal life into turmoil, when he was getting treated like garbage, but you know what? HE DIDN'T FUCKING DO ANYTHING! But now, now you want some forgiveness, fuck. you!". Troy shoved Mike down and proceded to grab a rock on the ground, Mike tried to get back up but when he was on one knee Troy slammed the rock into his face. Dustin shouted "Mike!" tears were already forming in his eyes, Dustin did his best to get out of James's hands, soon James had enough and admist the panic of it all he picked up a brick, turned Dustin around and slammed it in his face. The scene was brutal, and that was putting it nicely, blood was everywhere, after a repeated beating neither boy could stand up. But they knew what they had done, but at this point they couldn't care, nothing mattered anymore other than the here and now. Troy slammed his foot into Mikes face several times, breaking his nose. Both of the boys were sobbing, begging for forgiveness and begging that they stop. They didn't, they knew what would happen if he let them get away. Troy looked over to James and said "Wheeler is mine and Henderson is all yours" to which James nodded and took Dustin to another close cliff. Troy couldn't help but smile through this deranged act, Michael, though beaten and bloodied managed to say "w-why? W-what did we d-do?" Troy didn't answer him, Troy walked over to an object he kept note of. A piece of long rope, he picked it up and walked back to the poor boy and proceded to strangle him with it, he always stopped when he was close to actually killing him. Troy took the same brick that James used on Dustin slowly walked away but whipped right around and hurled at it. It was directed right at Michael, it hit him square in the forehead. Michael went falling back, he fell right into the quarry, he soon vanished from sight. Troy was coming to terms with what he said and had done to Michael. He suddenly began to smile, he was brought back to reality when he heard Dustin's barely audible voice, he yelled about how Troy was a monster. Troy walked over to the cliff where James was. James brought out his switchblade and slammed it into Dustins gut before forcing him onto one knee then he booted dustin off of the cliff. The both stared at each other, confused, angry and but, numb. This had done nothing, well... To them at least, it hurled the town into grieving turmoil. It ended the life of 2 boys, and it led the other remaning boy to resort to depression, cutting, crying himself to sleep and ultimately, suicide. those 2 boys killed 3 and allowed the 4th to die, and rot, all alone, waiting for a light that wouldn't ever come. It also led Troy and James on the path to becoming serial killers, rapists and full on, depraved and honorless boys.

(see what I mean?! That was mid story I decided to make that durastic change to the plot, thanks for reading, don't complain about it being inapropriate I gave you a fair warning, I gave you a fair warning)

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