All Alone (Alternate scenario #2, Maybe Part 1?)

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This scenario is based around Mike Lucas, Dustin and Eleven, what if Eleven never forgave Mike, what if Mike refused to apologize to Lucas and Dustin left his side? This scenario is about if Mike was deserted after and during the season events. WARNING THIS CONTAINS SUICIDE AND DEPRESSING THOUGHTS OF LONELINESS... gee who would have guessed, ENJOY!

When this began, I had nothing to say, I was constantly at a loss from the nothingness that resided in me. I was baffled, so confused I looked everywhere trying to make it fit all in my mind. I felt alone, it wasn't supposed to be like this, First Lucas, then El then finally Dustin pushed off and seperated away from me. I was so alone, I felt so isolated away from them. I knew, and they knew I was only there because of the goal that kept us together, Will. But I knew that once we got him back... I would be alone. Just a couple nights later we made a Sensory Deprevation Tank. She personally asked me to be away from her. After that she wouldn't talk to me, she acted like I didn't exist. I then made the mistake of putting a hand on her shoulder to stop her, she slammed me into a tree and told me "never say a word to me again, faker!" I had officially lost the girl I loved, my world was collapsing, in the span of a week I managed to burn down the bridges that left the isolated mountain top I resided on top of. It was difficult, but it surprised me how fast I was able to disassemble my life line, and how slow I was to react to it as it happened. Soon Will was going to be recovered by Joyce and Hopper,I felt invisible to everyone, they all ignored me. I was punched in the gut by Lucas, probably a retaliation for the last time. Dustin refused to look at me, and I couldn't stare at the girl who I made hate me. It was all my fault, my arrogance ruined it all, now I was going to pay.

I remember when Dustin left me, and how I couldn't have made it worse with my reaction to it:

"You... you DO act a little arrogant, and you have let your emotion get in the way of it all". I was shocked "I'M NOT ARROGANT! He's just stupid! why do you take his side?!" Dustin tried to defuse the situation "dude I can't be friends with you when you constantly choose battles over feelings, we need to focus on Will! NOT some petty bullshit, besides she did try to mislead us". I-I can't lie, what I said was fucked up on so many levels, but I never would swallow my pride to say sorry to any of them, not after I realized what I said was wrong. As he walked away I yelled "FINE BE THAT WAY AND DEFEND THAT FAG!". Nothing was justifiable about what I said, I just wish he would beat me senseless, and not walk away, like he did. He gave me a disgusted look, before turning away and walking away.

I was the first to realize the federal agents. But Lucas was the first to alert everyone, when I walked away I knew they were coming, I saw them. I went back to my house, constantly thinking about what I would do... how I would do it, where I would, if I could do what I so arrogantly refused to do before.

I soon entered my house and looked around, I found a pen and went to the hole under my bed I covered with some folder. I pulled out my Journal, diary whatever and I wrote.

Dear Lucas: I'm sorry for being who I am, I'm sorry for bashing who you are, it was wrong, I now know what I did was wrong. I'm just saddened to know it took me removing you as a friend to make me understand who I really am, and what I've really done to you. I'm a monster, a freak, I deserved to be forced off that cliff. you deserve better, you deserve to be happy knowing that I won't be a concern, please forgive what I've done. So when the time comes please forget all the wrongs I have done, please think of some reasons so I will be missed, please don't resent me, keep me in your memory.

Page 2 now for Dustin

To Dustin: I've wanted to say this for so long, and it's... you were right, I'm arrogant, I let my emotions lead me on. everything is my fault, I just wish you would just drive a knife in my heart... so at least you get to punish me... it's kind of unfair of me to take this thing that's rightfully yours, but I know you would never hear me out. I'm so sorry, I'm a monster, I'm the problem, I'm the bad person. The one always in the wrong, and I've been the one blind to this, I know you would only be the one to read my apology this far, please, for the golden times, give this note to Will, I can't bear to look him in the eyes after the hurt I put him through

Dear Will: I-I don't know how I can say this but... I'm sorry, for everything, for how I belittled you for not being the masculine boy society says you should be, I was the weird boy. I'm sorry for being who I am, I'm sorry for making you bottle the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well. always pretending I could be saved from myself, I can't be who you are... I can't be who you are.

Eleven: I can't explain how sorry I am, I know you were only trying to help, but I was so blind with trust and hope I ruined us, the blame is mine alone, I'm losing all the things I took for granted. And I'm breaking it all down, I'm stopping myself today, please forgive me for my actions.


To everyone: Listen ,My blood is still in my veins, my motivation was gone before you all came. I don't have a reason to go outside, it all amounts to nothing no matter how hard I try. I can't change, I don't know why, but I have been living this lie. I remember each and every one of you I blamed for what I thought you'd said but now, I can't blame you for turning away.  Because these memories are beating me over the head, reminding me over, again and again.

I closed the jounal, ripped out those pages, I put the one for everyone and El's on the basement table. I went to my ex best friends houses and put the notes in their bike tire spokes. I was soon to a place where I had nearly begged for my life, now I wanted nothing more than to end it. I had my radio with me, if anyone hears this they might just get a heads up real soon. I pulled out the Pen and journal and wrote in it

It's funny how I'm doing something you couldn't, you'll be glad when you see me on the news. I'll be gone, I hope you and James are finally happy, because out of us 3 if any one person doesn't deserve it, it's me, goodbye guys, I hope you guys are happy, because I'm not.

I placed my bike down, it faced towards where it would be my final destination. The Cliff where I nearly lost my life. I whispered into the radio, "I'm sorry guys... goodbye" I was at the cliff and was about to jump off when I heard "M-Mike? is that you?" I slowly whispered "Yes Will, it's me... I'm so sorry... goodbye" I tossed the radio into the body of water for below. The last thing I heard was "Mike? where are yo-" it splashed into the water. Soon I will fade from memory, and everything will be good, it will be happy. I stepped over the edge. I didn't think, it would disuade me from doing what no one dared to say... Kill Myself. I would hit the water and I blew the air from my nose and then any remaining air from my mouth. I smiled and thought 'finally.... I will be doing so much good, I deserve this, I.... Deserve...'.

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