I Thought I Loved You, I was Wrong (Byler) (Possibly maybe a 2 Part series )

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Minor warning: some yelling and minor violence, some swearing (kind of a staple in these types of oneshots) and some drug usage (also mid story I thought of a new story Idea I've only seen done once on the entire internet, I'll say more about it in the end of the chapter) that's all. I PROMISE the next oneshot I will make it more cuddly and nicer, I promise this, I just think these turn out better than the other ones because it feels more original, please enjoy... If you can.

Mike was different after that week. He was more prone to violence, he lashed out at everyone else and beat the hell out of Troy when he snickered at us for holding hands. Mike also... Well Mike was hooked onto some drug, I knew what it couldn't be, it was white and went into his nose but it wasn't cocaine, it seemed homemade, besides he would have run out of the supply of it. It could have been Pixie Sticks for all I knew. Everytime I tried to stop him he would slap me across the face. I just let him do it, I loved him but I couldn't take all the insults and his hand anymore. Something within me forbid me to tell. Perhaps it was the fear of Mike killing me for ratting him (hey, he was that crazy) out, I had to do something. I felt a hand on my face, gentle. It was Mike, everytime he had this trip it ended with him being... really nice... and pervy, I loved the first, hated the latter. I went upstairs, he almost always lost his drive for sex in about 20 minutes, knowing him I could fire an elephant tranquilizer into him and it still wouldn't stop him. I went back down into the basement after 20 minutes and saw him with his goofy smile on his face, he beckoned me over and I sighed, I couldn't say no to Mike, I loved him too much. At least I thought I did, I began to think 'is this how we will end? am I really in love with him? HELL NO! I 'WAS' in love with him, I'm only with him because of him being on drugs, that's why' Now let me explain, I was in love with how the drugs made him act, really nice, it calmed him down, made him happy, but I knew this needed to stop. I got up and walked away from Mike making him whine. I went upstairs and dialed the number for Dustin. He picked up quickly "Dustin I need your help" Dustin groaned and said "dude, for the last time STOP WEARING JEANS!" I was baffled "wai- what?!" He continued "I know you don't like to listen but you've got to understand, as long as you wear those skinny, thin jeans Mike is going to try and fuck you" I was outraged "NO! tha- I- that's NOT what this is about!" I sighed, he probably was right to be fair. I regained my composure "listen, get Lucas... We need to meet, and don't use the radio, call him and have him and you meet me at the park at 10:00 AM This is important, I'll see you soon, don't talk to Mike until then, goodbye".

(Okay so yes this is a part 1 out of (at least) 2 and I also wanted to propose an alternate season 2/post season 1 story where Mike or Will (or both) are convinced by themselves or each other to run away and they start a life of crime, say what you will this could go somewhere, I got this idea from a story on FF.Net called  "Wicked Games" although if you read that just note mine will be WAY, WAY toned down from some of those events and hopefully I can glide it into a happy ending story. Let me know what you think, thank you for reading, like I promised there will be a happy story, I also am considering a Troy x (incert character) story so also let me know If you'd be interested in that also. If you want me to write a specific pairing or group of people feel free to let me know, anything mature (NOT sex... there are lines you just don't cross) is allowed and even encouraged (Be creative!) but I will be back to you with a happy light hearted one shot)

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