Fun At The Beach (Ducas, Troy x Mike x Will)

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Will: Soon after I came from the Upside Down Troy began to be nicer to me, hell he even defended me when someone made a sarcastic remark about us being gay together, you know, because he was constantly defending me. Soon I was kind of cornered by Troy and he told me why he was being so weird... he also profusely apologized and begged for my forgiveness... A little. I really didn't expect it to branch out into... Well, this, I was at the beach with my two boyfriends Mike and Troy, you see, I was dating Mike at the time, but that didn't stop Troy. He approached us after being nice to us for a month and asked for us to be his friend... Then after showing off a bajillion times he asked the both of us out together. we... Couldn't really resist him, would it be weird? Hell yeah but did we mind? Hell no. He was the happiest boy in the world when we said yes, he was far too protective over us, but it was cute so we let him stay like that to an extent. Now when you look at Troys character you tend to see someone from a bad upbringing from his parents but his parents were cool, maybe it was James. He always refused to talk about it, it was fine, we loved him, and we could wait until he was opened up enough to tell us about it. Well as I was saying we were at the beach with my boyfriends and Dustin and Lucas, they too were a couple. they were cute for each other. 

Dustin and Lucas were up at some ice cream vendor and Mike and troy were in the water. You might be asking why I wasn't in the water, well I really, really didn't like the Idea of going too far out in the water and well, you know, drowning. But it was fine, I liked watching them have fun in the water, soon we would be cuddling together, yeah in public. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, it was Troy, he was cute when he was wet. I heard him mumble "it's boring in the water without you please come on... please?" Troy had a way of making me aw, kinda like a child, I couldn't explain it, he was adorable without question. I still said no. He groaned and hugged me even harder "please Will, please? for me?" I absolutely hated it when he did this. He would close his eyes and cuddle into my stomach as much as he could while he would beg me to do (insert whatever, literally anything will do) I sighed and said "fine, but... just stop doing that, you're going to drive me up a wall with that little act" he had a big grin the second I agreed to. I wasn't willing to go that far into the water but Troy convinced me me that he wouldn't allow me out of his sight nor would I have to do anything else like go underwater. Mike kissed me the second he was able to. he laughed and said "I was wondering if you'd come out here or not" I smiled and blushed "Troy convinced me to come out" speak of the devil, I felt Troy wrap his arms around me and he kissed the back of my neck making me giggle, I was ticklish there and loads of more places and he knew it. Eventually Michael joined in too and tickled under my armpits and under my rib cage. eventually I begged them to stop and that's when Lucas and Dustin came back they teased us "aw look at Troy, Mike and Will, Lucas, aren't they just so cute?" he laughed and said "yeah definitely" Troy just smiled and forced them to kiss by pushing their lips together. Now it was their turn to blush while we smirked. Soon we left the water and we all laid by each other  Dustin, Lucas and Mike went to the ice cream vendor and I went to the bathroom. I was in the bathroom when I felt someone grab my waist, I blushed "Troy? what the hell? this isn't some free ticket to scare me here you know" I turned around only to see someone else. I was thankful but still terrified, terrified it wasn't Troy or Mike who grabbed me but thankful it wasn't some middle aged man. It was actually my classmate/lab partner Jacob. What's the problem here? Oh yeah, that's right he ISN'T either one of my boyfriends! I stuttered "J-Jacob what are you doing?!" He smiled innocently "oh nothing i'm just... you know being 'foolish'" I sighed I had called him delusional when he wanted me to break up with Troy and Mike for him, talk about arrogance. "You don't ever plan on letting that go do you, guess what Jacob, I don't love you, there is nothing I love about you, I think you're a deluded person, maybe a possible friend if you cleaned yourself up, but after all the times you have tried to sabatoge my friendships and my love life, the amount of times you have tried to ruin my happiness for personal gain, you're... arrogant, self serving, selfish and a rotten person if you honestly want me to break the hearts of 2 boys just for you". I know that was a bit far but he pissed me off. He even tried to lower my self esteem so I felt like I needed him, what an asshole. He suddenly groped my butt, I had, had it. I slapped him in the face, pushed him down and spat in his face and yelled "don't you dare ever try to touch me again!" then I left. I stormed back to Troy and before he could ask me what was bothering me I pressed our lips together. These enraging or saddening/scary incidents happened so much that he kind of knew what had happened and with who it happened with. He smiled and said "next time I get to beat the shit out of him if he makes you like this again". I nodded and laid on top of him, I had calmed down, we spent the night in 2 seperate hotel rooms Dustin and Lucas in one and the rest of us in another... well that and our parents but they seemed invisible, even my mother. It was an odd day but a fun one, I finally stood up for myself, confronted my fears and had... The best day in my entire existence, and I had my own boyfriend bully to thank for that. I was happy, we all were, I wouldn't mind reliving my hellish life to revisit this day, we all said our 'I love you's to each other and fell asleep in each others arms. Best. Day. Ever. 

(I love doing these 3 way relationship scenarios, almost as much as the dark messed up stuff, I will definitely do more of these, I just have one more thing to say: DAMN Will! You're a badass!)

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