Still Beautiful (Ducas).

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Okay, so I've just decided that this won't just be over and I'll update on occasion but it's not going to be completely over. That being said I am going to do a... Finale of sorts, one of my last... Big updates, kind like the Butterfly effect, but the rest will be one shots and two shots but I won't be doing many big AUs after this one, so call it what you will, and of course, thank you all for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy this and the finale big piece AU!

Lucas: My parents recently found out I got bullied, so they wanted me to work out, so I could help better defend myself... And Dustin, well, they didn't say that but that's what I would use it for. It had been 2 months and I had got some muscle on me And Troy and his other cronies tried to hurt us, I nearly broke his arm. No one else knew that I had been working out, but Dustin had looked, almost gut wrenched about seeing that, I could just tell, it was because of me. He looked at me like I had just killed Will and Mike right in front of him. Everyone else slowly noticed and Mike asked "what's wrong Dust?" He cringed, hard. It was the nickname I had given him and that was the last thing he needed to hear, other than me of course. He shook his head and I saw tears come from his eyes, he sniffled and shook his head and took his bike and rode off. Mike snickered and said "what a pussy, right Will?" I sighed, clearly annoyed and muttered "fucking idiots" before I left, they heard it and stopped immediately. I got on my bike and followed Dustin back to his house and waited for about 5 minutes then I decided to get something special from the store. I returned and knocked on the door and I was let into Dustins room and I saw tears streaming down his face. I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up shocked and stuttered "o-oh h-hey-" "cut the shit Dustin, you couldn't fool me, what's wrong?". He sighed and quietly said "I-I saw you" I was confused "huh?" he said again "I followed you, you were gone more than usual and I saw you, from the window, I saw you only in your shorts, working out, I saw you and... Something snapped inside me, like a cheap lock". I finally understood and I slowly said "are you ashamed of yourself? Of your body? Don't be, Dustin, you're unique, you're you, and I couldn't even hope to be like you". Dustin said "but... what If, what if I wanted to be like you?" I smiled "don't kid yourself, why would you ever want to be like me? If you were, I couldn't ever love you". I smirked, he blushed then stuttered "what w-wha-?" I pressed my lips onto his, this kiss was my first, and I knew I'd never get another blast of pleasure from anyone else. I pulled away and whispered "don't ever hate yourself Dustin, you're cute, you're special, and I'd never let myself love another person". I pulled out some the thing I got from the store and I put it on his lap. He looked at it and then at me. "p-pu-pudding?" I smiled and nodded "5 12 ounce cans, now come on, even the healthy boys get dirty, and I'm not taking no for an answer" I yanked off my shirt  and then I yanked off his too and he covered himself embarrassed. I pulled off all 5 lids and I pulled his hands back and I threw some pudding onto his chest making him giggle and do the exact same back to me. basically we had a pudding fight with our upper halves. Soon we were done and we had to shower so I smiled and pushed him into the bathroom "hurry up and shower, I need to too". He smirked and jokingly (I hope) suggested that we could together while wriggling his eyes making me burst out laughing. I shut the door and barred it with a chair, he realized it and yelled "Lucas Sinclair I swear if you don't move that chair I will-" I laughed and said "threats won't get you anywhere Dustin Henderson!" He sighed and muttered something and asked "please give me a towel". And I did, with something special in the underside. He then began to shower, so I waited for about 15 minutes and then I heard the water turn off. I heard the thud of his feet on the ground and I was close to dying in laughter when I heard him say "huh?". I burst out laughing when he yelled "LUCAS SINCLAIR YOU GIVE ME MY CLOTHES THIS INSTANT!" I opened his bedroom door and yelled "REMEMBER THE WINDOW!". What was on the underside of the towel? A note that said 'You may have noticed your clothes are gone, well there is a towel, and a window, so you can either wait 3 days for your mom and dad to get home and see you naked or you can get it out of the way right now let the neighborhood see you naked, locked the door and left the key somewhere out on the front lawn but I did leave a towel, so don't say I've never done anything for you, love Lucas'. Unarguably the best pranked I've ever pulled, who said it had to be strictly educational and inspirational?

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