Where's Lucas (Ducas Part 2)

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(Sorry for the long wait, I wan't feeling that good so I made this, some of the stuff I put into here is obviously not cannon but I thought it might look a bit better)

Word Count: 626

Dustin: The bell rang and while me, Will and Mike headed to the Cafeteria. "Hey guys I need to use the bathroom" then Will said "yeah me too see you in lunch Mikey" Mike said he'd see us in the Cafeteria while blushing. I was thinking about where Lucas could be when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Will "what do you want?" I asked not too friendly. He smirked and handed me a note and it said 'Dear, Dustin, meet me by the car dump'. It had no name, nothing "It fell out of Lucas's pocket when he stormed away, thank me later". I walked fast out of the Cafeteria doors and headed in the direction I thought it was. Soon I was at the car dump like we all had done a couple weeks ago. I was a bit confused, 'where is Lucas?' I looked around and spotted a bus with his bike underneath. 'Of course you would be there' I thought, I walked up to the bus and slowly climed the stairs. 'This is where we first met, could he be any more cliché?'. I saw Lucas, he was facing away from me, and it was like the first time we sat together, all over again.

4 Years Ago on the bus

"Hey Midnight this is our seat get out lost!". "Go away Troy, you and your cronies own nothing, you get lost!" I shouted at him with the bus full of kids. "Fine toothless, but don't think I'm done to you or this fag!"

"Hey are you alright? Troy and his cronies can be quite tiresome" The boy flashed me a smile and said "yeah I'm fine, thanks, what's your name?". I smiled back and said "I'm Dustin, are you new?" He smiled and said, "yep! not even out of the box, I'm Lucas". I chuckled and asked "You want to be friends?". "Definitely! I wouldn't mind having you by my side at all" Lucas smiled and so did I.

All the memories came back in full force, I walked up to Lucas and put my hand on his shoulder 'this is nothing like me, what am I doing?'. Lucas jumped and looked real pissed but when he saw me he relaxed and smiled at me 'that damn smile'. "Oh hey Dustin, why are you here?" I decided to tell a little white lie and answered "some little birdie gave me a note and wanted to see me". The expression on his face screamed that it was him. He was frantically searching himself to find the note I had. I smirked and asked "So who are you meeting here?" His face went red and I couldn't help but close the gap between us. we may have not kissed for very long but it was long enough for our friendship to flash before my eyes. I thought about the days we bonded, the day I introduced him to Mike and Will. Our comic book reading days, the days he would show the type of caring person he was, when he actually cried on my shoulder when the mistreatment and abuse got to him. But what stuck out the most was the day we met, when the bullying started, and I thought to myself 'was it all worth it?, the sad days that I spent with Lucas? the days Troy tormented me?'. and when we departed from the kiss and we looked into each others eyes I smiled 'yes, a million times over, yes'.

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