Odd Connection (Mike x Lucas for Soccer1119)

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Word Count: 718 

Mike: Ever since the entire Demogorgon fiasco and El disappearing life was so much more difficult. It was harder to sleep and eat, I got closer to my friends, if that's even possible. I was never more grateful when El came along. But it all vanished, we were inseparable one day, then wedged from eachother the next. I never got to say goodbye, and that's what hurt me the most.

I felt bad when everyone had to start defending me, even Will, but it isn't right is it? Lucas was the more outstanding one, he wasn't as easily intimidated as the rest of us. But to be fair, one of us lost a lover, one of us had visited a nightare, and one... was Dustin. When the others had to leave or back off Lucas was firm, he always stayed by my side and could somehow see through me. I guess it could be explained as us being best friends and all, but we bonded like no other time in my life. It felt worse when he had to leave than when anyone else had to.

I started spending more time with Lucas, partially because everyone else was busy and partially because I wanted to know what this... odd exstatic feeling was. But ultimately because he seemed to care the most. I know it was cruel to say but He was there for me when he got in trouble, he risked his neck for us then and now. I felt accomplished when he was around, even when he did occasionally annoy me.

1 Month Later (Still with Mike)

It was nearing the Snow Ball and I had no one to go with, I was still unsure as to what this feeling was with Lucas. I wanted to talk to Will but he was dealing with his own problems 'Maybe Dustin could help'. A couple days later and I decided this couldn't be put off any longer, not knowing was the bain of my existence. We had our special holiday themed D&D match, without Will understandably. I decided to have that talk with Dustin 'not really a better time' I thought.

And perfect timing, Lucas elected to go get our pizza and I decided to have that talk with Dustin. "Hey Dustin, got a minute, it's important" he smiled and said "sure man, you need something?". I smiled and explained to him all my feelings, how I felt when Lucas was around me. Dustin smirked? no why would he, is he gonna get some sick thrill from going against me? "Dude don't worry! I'm sure Lucas feels the same just ask him to the Snow Ball". Well, that was a bit too loud for comfort, but I smiled and said "okay Dustin, thanks!". As if right on que Lucas came back with our pizza. We continued our match until it was time for them to go home, I asked if Lucas could stay and both his mom and mine agreed to it.

I, being as excited as I could be got everything set up for the two of us. But it felt like my feelings of being over joyed were shared with Lucas. 'odd' I thought, we played some new games we got for an early holiday gift. We watched some scary movies and we headed to bed. 'This is the night, this is it'. Lucas spoke up first "Mike can I ask you something?" I smiled 'so close' "Of course, what's on your mind".

Lucas: Okay you dolt, don't mess this up "can- I mean would you like to go to the-the SnowBall with me" 'flawless, just flawless'. Mike smiled and said "of course, I was going to ask you the same thing".

Mike: I was the happiest boy ever, I didn't want to sleep but I knew I needed to. So I cuddled up against Lucas, to which he teased me. But as the night winded down as I was about to close my yes and mind I reflected on everything that night, D&D, Pizza Lucas, the talk with Dustin... 'wait talking loudly, Lucas conveniently walking back down the steps right as we are done talking, the constant stares they had for seemingly no reason and Lucas randomly asking me to the SnowBall... bastard!'

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