Losing Him Again Part 2 (Byler)

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Karen Wheeler: I was sitting with my husband as we softly heard my baby boy crying, Poor Michael, he was in distress and he needed us but he refused to see us at all. I heard a knock and I went to get it, I opened it up to see Chief Jim Hopper with Jonathan Byers and Joyce. I was shocked to see them here also. But I had heard Jim and Joyce were together so I just assumed it was because of that. I said "um... um come in, please" Hopper, Joyce and Jonathan came in. Hopper said "J-Joyce, Jonathan you might want to go into the basement for this part" they nodded getting pale and they went downstairs. I asked "well, chief what... well" I didn't need to finish and he started "well... I can't tell you much but I'll tell you the family friendly version... Well as best as I can" I nodded and he continued. "Will was found by-by the Hawkins Lab, he... He was-was torn into pieces" I could see him tear up and he wasn't able to continue. Hopper said the last bit quietly and I nodded and said "I... I don't know what to say chief... I am so sorry, how-how do I break this to Mike?" I asked only to look to the staircase and see him, holding his chest and when we met eyes he started to cry. I yelled "Mike!... M-Mike?" I heard him slam the door and the crying only got louder and I looked down sighing trying to think of ways to talk to him. I heard "I-I can talk to Mike if-if you want" I saw the face of Jonathan and said "I-I don't know, Mike is really hurt... Maybe we should leave him be". Hopper shook his head and said "I'm not sure if that's a good idea Karen, he might do something... Rash with little regard for the consequences" I was shocked and a little angry "are-are you implying my son would... kill himself?" I said with the last part quieter, way quieter. Hopper sighed and Jonathan then said "I...I don't know, Karen... I need to tell you why this is happening, it's important that you come to this with an open mind, okay?". I didn't mind him using my name this time, I nodded and asked "what? What am I missing?". Jonathan sighed and muttered "here the bomb comes" He said "Mike and Will are... Boyfriends". I was beyond shocked "I-I'm sorry what?" It wasn't only me, it was also Joyce and Hopper. Jonathan said "o-over a month ago Will told me about this and I was just as shocked, assuming from your reaction he never told you, Will said he and Mike were losing it having to be who they were in secret, you know, different people in public, Will said Mike was... Acting panicked whenever they weren't alone in the house, Mike was... Acting off" I asked "acting off?". Jonathan continued "Mike was paranoid and always sad, he was never himself, I guess all of this pressure and Wills... Death got to him and hit him twice as hard, I know... All of this, I feel like I should be the one to talk to him, kids have always had a knack for being distant with their parents, and my mom and Mike haven't really ever talked and no offense but I feel like I'm the... Softest, I've had to explain this stuff before so I have some experience about how to go about this" I was shocked and said "alright, good luck, if you need me we will all be down here". He nodded and headed to Mikes room

(Sorry if there are grammar errors my hands hurt and I don't wanna proof read it right now, I will soon though, part 3 soon to come! Thanks for reading and bye-bye!)

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