Night Terrors (Wike)

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A/N so I couldn't sleep and I decided to update this some more, no because many of you are here for the cuddly fanfiction oneshots I will focus far more on that and I will do more Ducas Byler and ither ships that aren't exclusively with Troy involved because I understand that can be tiresome, I promise and as we all know you can't break a promise... with exceptions but shshsh pay no mind to those rarities, please enjoy Also the nightmare depicts violence but I swear it's cuddly and happy in the end... I swear it is.

Mikes Nightmare: I had a dream of a scene between the gray hills, clouds dissapate to reveal, a land where time stands still, air so thick it seems it could kill. I wander through this gray forest, I already feel Ill. Everything feels so wrong, I know that everything here doesn't fit, nothing belongs. I trudge on and yell "Will?! Dustin?! Lucas?!" I never got a reply. I was scared, I wanted so desperately to curl in a ball while Will cuddled me and told me everything was okay, I wanted to hear Dustin teasing us, and Lucas's odd comments about us. Even those seemed preferable, I started hearing a voice "M-Mike, what are you doing?" I knew that voice it was Dustins voice "DUSTIN?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I heard him again "Mike please... think about this, Mike put it down" I screamed and did my best to drown them all out, I screamed I could still hear him "STOP! STOP PLEASE FUCKING STOP!" I was panicking as I heard him panic and slowly put it together, I was... killing him, I truely was losing it. It went away and I sighed, but not for long I heard Lucas. Lucas sounded concerned "Mike... is everything okay? I heard- OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The voice went away. His voice came back but as a scream, and a beg for mercy, I was bawling and I was barely able to walk. I was shaking so fucking hard, I wanted it to end, but what I heard broke me, it didn't help what I saw next. I heard a voice, a calm, sweet voice, one I had known for so long, one that kept the sunny days that blocked out the pain. It-It was Will "B-babe what are you d-doing?" I looked around but saw gray, the trees and gray. Again "Mike please, please stop I wasn't going to leave you I swear!" I yelled "I KNOW WILL! I KNOW!" I wanted everything to go back to the day we first met, before all of this. Then... Again "AAAAAAAHHHHH!........ W-why Mike? why?" I heard a barely audible splash, I was hyperventilating. I finally looked up and saw it. I saw Dustin, blood covered his stab wound, I saw Lucas, he had his throat slit but the worst was Will, he had a stab wound and he... Oh god, he seemed to have drowned in his own blood. Then I screamed, I screamed because of the anger, I screamed because of the pain, I screamed because of the fear, but the biggest reason? I screamed because of the loneliness, to feel something, anything other than what I felt right then. 

(Now bear with me because I don't know if this is even medically accurate)

Wills pov: I woke up to Mike screaming, 5 seconds later everyone else was awake too, soon I knew his parents would be here. And they were we tried to wake him up but something happened that I will NEVER forget. Mike started having a seizure, he wouldn't stop, I have never been so terrified in my entire life. I was crying the entire time and Dustin was trying to get me to calm down, 911 was called and I was bawling hoping he would be alright.

Mikes pov: I woke up and everyone was looking at me, clearly concerned, I seemed to be in a hospital room 'what the hell happened' everyone seemed concerned. Will was the first one to speak once I could focus, he looked terrible, like someone butchered his entire family and forced him to watch. "M-Mike? a-are you okay?" I saw the look in his eyes and just broke down. It took them 30 minutes to calm me down enough so I could tell them

Will was wide eyed "so... you had a dream where you-you killed us?" I broke once again "I'm so sorry Will!" Will patted my back, my mom and dad left so we could have our private moment so did the guys. "Hey, it was just a nightmare, that was all, nothing more" I looked at him "b-but how? what if it becomes a reality? what if I flip and kill the only boy who understands me? W-what if you wake up one day and realize you don't want to be with me?". He smiled and said "Mike, I won't entertain these silly Ideas, I love you and nothing could force me from you, I don't care if you have nightmares until you're 100, I'm always there for you, forever and always, and nothing less, because you deserve it, I'll do all I can to help you despite the fact you deserve someone 100x more better". I felt my heart melt when he said that "no... you deserve someone better, but I'm glad out of everyone you chose me, I don't know where I would possibly be without you, I love you Will" he smiled as we started to cuddle together "I love you too Mikey, and I always will, forever and ever".

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