Best Wrong Turn Of My Life (Ducas (For Robotimi))

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Authors Note: I know no one likes these but I want to seriously thank you guys for being great and reading, and leaving votes on the chapters and your incredibly uplifting support, It might seem small but to me it matters deeply (Imagine that level of need for validation and try to pity me lol) I won't keep you guys anymore longer, if you want a oneshot or a couple chapter story just leave it in the comments or PM me if you want, I'm trying to rebuild my willingness to write so I update more frequently, so thanks, Max

Word count: 348

Dustin: "Lucas that pudding was mine, you know that!". I was having a fight with my crush/Bestfriend/3rd greatest enemy, Lucas. He was cute when he was stubborn but damn, I NEED TO EAT! "you eat enough as it is Dustin". I got fed up with him real fast and said "yeah well kiss my ass Lucas". He looked disgusted and replied "you're disgusting!". I smirked and said "would a disgusting person do this?!" I lunged at him and kissed him on the lips.

I was shocked I manned up to do that. He was also shocked but kissed back fiercely 'oh dear'. when he broke the kiss he smirked and said "well if you're disgusting I am too" and he smashed our lips together. 'Ouch' but he tried something I couldn't explain, he tried to put his tounge into my mouth 'nice try you jerk' I thought, but Lucas, not to be outdone for long of course, grabbed my ass. Not surprisingly tha got my mouth open in a hurry and he was dominating me "WHAT THE FUCK!". Not from me, no, it came from the two other people in the house Mike and Will. we sprang apart only to see they were holding hands, well at least we all had something else in common too

(aww only if it was that simple kiss your crush, well thank you guys for reading, thank you for suggesting, and thank you for being fantastic people, hopefully I'll see you later)

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