Break Up (Wike)

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Will: I was crying my heart out, I cried because of everything, i hated myself,I hated being a queer and I hated Mike for everything, for manipulating me and making me feel this way.

1 hour ago

Mike invited me to a concert, he said he NEEDED me to go, so of course I did, I trusted Mike. The concert tour was by the band that made "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" so that also influenced me. I went to the concert and I was having the time of my life. suddenly I heard the singer talk about a dedication and Mike said he needed to go to the bathroom. I finally realized who it was about, it was about me, Mike asked them to read his dedication to me, it was so cute. But then it wasn't "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to break this to you, but I'm not sure we're right for one another, I just wanted to make you happy, I'm so sorry, I hope you don't hate me". I stumbled around... 'That had to be bull, had to be' I thought. The song started playing. I ran out immediately, I remembered all the times me and... Mike played and sang and danced to the song. I ran to my house and ran into my room, I was bawling, I wanted to know what I did wrong, soon Jonathan came in. He asked me what was wrong but I tried to lie and say that nothing important was wrong. He saw through it right away and asked "it's about Mike, huh?" I cried harder and he hugged me, knowing now what it was. He asked, "did he break your heart?" I nodded and I told him everything, I cried 'til my lungs hurt, Jonathan told me that life would move on, and that I should be happy, that I deserved better. But I said "but... I don't want better, I want MIKE! He's the only one who understands me... I don't want life to move on without him". And that's when Jonathan started crying too. He held onto me and I must have been so exhausted that I fell asleep hugging him and I never knew how much I loved him, and how much I had taken for granted. I knew I wouldn't be the same... But I was so glad I had Jonathan and Mom on my side. So when I woke up I didn't leave his side, I just hugged him tigher and just smiled.

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