Lucas X Will You Are Not Alone (for Soccer1119)

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(This one contains swearing, I know you probably dont care but oh well, incase you do :)*)

Lucas: "WHAT?! Son you are NOT Gay!" I feared this reaction. I told my mom and dad I was gay, Will told us his story of coming out to his parents, while he came out to us. I wanted to come out to my parents and... like you saw, It didn't look like It was going to end well. My dad then started "Son... you... you CAN'T be gay, do you know what this could do to you? to us?!". This sent pure rage, THIS is they they didn't weant me to be me! THEIR reputation was at risk, they NEVER EVER cared for me! Not when I was being bullied, not when I cried myself to sleep, not when I needed the comfort for when I thought MY BEST FUCKING FRIEMD WAS DEAD! NEVER!.

I was trying to plan my words caerefully but I knew it would turn out different, I felt no remorse for what I was going to say. "OH NOW YOU GIVE A FUCK, BUT WHEN I THOUGHT MY BEST FRIEND DROWNED YOU COULDN'T FUCKING CARE LESS! I SPENT DAYS BAWLING MY EYES OUT, YOU NEVER EVEN SHOWED UP AT THE FUNERAL! YOU NEVER CARED!" I was steaming. My dad struttered "s-son... n-now g-g-go-" I yelled "shut up! don't you dare speak to me, not after what you did! or should I say LACK THEREOF! you both might as well have left me for adoption, maybe someone would actually care for me and love me LIKE GOOD PARENTS!" they both were shocked in silence. My mother had tears in her eyes. My dad was trying to rack his brain for a response but I left out to the garage and got on my bike.

I knew just where to go. Will, surely he'd know what to do about this. As I was biking around trying to get everything planned out before I got there, I started to think of Will. I slowly stopped near Wills house and... thought. I thought about Will. I smiled about how tight I hugged Will. I thought about his face, his lips, his hair. My heart was racing, the thought of me pushing him against a wall and kissing his soft pink lips sent a shive down my spine, one I loved. I trembled as I knocked on his door. Will answered the door and i was fixated on his lips, they were in a smile form. I zoned out, I looked at his cheeks, they were pink, 'so fucking cute'. Suddenly I saw him snap infront of my eyes. He was still blushing "W-why did you come here?"...

I told him everything and broke down when I went on a tangent about how I felt alone and abandoned, yeah feel sorry for me right? I looked down trying to avoid him. He got up and I sat there confused for 2 minutes. Will came back with hot chocolate. He handed it to me and smiled. I looked at him and cracked a smile, I felt drawn towards him... closer, and closer until our lips pressed against each other. I was shocked, I let my hands wander to his waist and yanked him closer. I shoved him onto his bed, we french kissed, my first time. I loved the taste of his mouth, I wanted to be more dominant but this was Will, I didn't want to hurt or pressure him, I loved him. When we seperated we looked in each others eyes.

We spent the night cuddling and kissing, I spent the night at his house. We had fun, it was the best night of my life. I cuddled with him on the bed and we went to sleep. Before I went to sleep I heard "I love you Lucas, You Are Not Alone".

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