Lucas X Will- Comfort in a best friend (For @Soccer1119)

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(WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SELF HARM AND GAY SLURS!... Considering the ship it's not hard to guess who is self harming and who is yelling the slurs at who)

Word Count: 1045 (longest one I have ever made)

(Troy might be a dick but can be at least agree he is cute? no? only me? okay then...)

Will: It was the end of the weekend and I was dreading going back to school. I didn't want to go to school, I feared Troy and James but the guys promised to defend me. I felt something special when it came from Lucas. Like he really cared about what he was saying. I have had a HUGE, HUGE crush on Lucas Sinclair. Who wouldn't? He was the typical irresistable bad boy, didn't take anything from anyone and fought back while not getting into hot water. He was... indescribable to me, perfection.

I arrived at school and I locked up my bike. I walked and found the guys. we headed down to the Cafeteria where Troy found us. We sat secluded so it didn't exactly work out for us. "Oh look what we have here" James jumped in and said "Oh don't tell me Troy, Is it, Midnight, Toothless, Froggy Wheeler and..." then they both yelled "FAG BOY BYERS!". They both laughed and Troy asked "So who were you spreading your faggyness to this time Byers?" James smirked and said to Troy "I bet him, Toothless, Midnight and Froggy had a faggy orgy AND FAG BOY BYERS WAS THE LITTLE BITCH!" Mike and Dustin were the first to defend me but Lucas was angry, pissed. He went off on Troy and James. But it still got to me. Why should every one of my friends defend me? Am I that weak?. The worst thing is that I'll never even be with anyone I want to be with, No Lucas, no one. Am I that weak that no one likes me? I slipped out to the nearby bathroom and no one seemed to see me leave. Fitting seeing as I don't exist other than to drag my best friends down and to be a punching bag. How can they still act like they care for me? I bet it's all fake, it has to be, afterall who could stand me?

Lucas: Troy was dogging us so I got pissed and stormed off. I looked back and everyone, and yes I mean everyone was shocked by my outburst. But I noticed Will wasn't there 'what the hell?' I thought he may have needed fresh air, afterall he was too sweet and naive to lose his cool with anyone. Even if it was with a dickwad like Troy. The guys kept arguing and I left to clear my mind and splash some water in my face. I was apporaching the bathroom's water fountain when I heard sobbing. And someone was talking to someone "useless faggot, no one even cares for you, not Mike, not Dustin, not even Lucas! Lucas will never love you, how could he?! why would he love some dumb useless fag who needs constant protection?!". It hurt me to hear that, I knew who had said it, and who it was being directed to. Will, he coudn't be serious could he?

I slowly walked into the bathroom and heard glass slicing and tearing something. 'No...' I turned to see blood sliding down his wrists. I immediately grabbed him and caught him by surprise. I whispered (as to not draw more attention than his not so silent words already did) "what the fuck Will?!". He looked baffled and like he could faint at any moment "I-I-I- what are you doing here?" I looked at him just as baffled "I was looking for you! what is this?!" he stumbled over himself  and I decided now was enough. "We are going to the nurse!" He yanked back "No! no one can know please Luke please!" I loved the nickname. "fine, stay put" I grabbed a large wad of tissue and wrapped it over itself and then tied it in a knot around his cuts. "Come on"

I realized I sounded more angry than I wanted, I was only angry that he didn't confide this shit with me, why the fuck was this ever a thing to resort to?! I sighed and turned back and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for sounding harsh but, you're my best friend, I care for you, hell I fucking love you Will, you're the cutest boy on this planet, and if you're gonna be called a fag, I'm a fag too, your fag". He smiled and I kissed him, it was the best feeling of my life, I didn't care if everyone in the world caught us making out, I love this boy and nothing will change that. When we departed I smiled and said "come on, let's go to class" He stopped me and said "No, we should be with Mike and Dustin, we're all in this together, no one is left behind" I smiled and said "come on then Willy, lets go".

We ventured back to the Cafeteria where they were yelling and unsurprisingly we got in the middle again. Troy smirked and said to James "told you fag boy Byers and Midnight were gonna fag it up and slip back in!" I was gonna respond but Will did, and I was glad he did. "Yeah we fagged it up like right now!" He grabbed me and slammed our lips together, we effectively outed ourselves for a point that would bring more shit our way, but I didn't mind, it seemed to repel Troy and James but before they left I smirked and said "He's a fag and I'm HIS fag!". I turned to Will and said "In their defense I wouldn't mind having sex with you" He blushed and told me to shut up. Needless to say it was a bit of a shocker to them but it turns out Dustin and Mike were already together. we were known as the fag group from then on when they also ousted themselves in our defense, but we embraced it, that was the best day ever and surprisingly it came from a bully  

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