He's Mine (Lucas x Will for Soccer1119)

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(I know no one really cares but incase one person does, this oneshot contains a brief line of sexual activity, unwanted sexual activity... sexual assult basically, if that offends you or triggers you or whatever, you might not want to read, no sex or anything but, something I deemed a bit note worthy for aheads up) I remember when it all began, and I mean all of it, Troy moved away, so James didn't have a reason to bully us around. It was great... WAS great. But naturally you assume 'great, God has given us a break, finally, some miracle'. NOPE! You'd assume that after 13 years of torment you'd give up on any break but we were somehow optimistic. I guess that's where we went wrong, actually thinking we may have livably, evious life. turns out, a boy who's black, a boy who was outed as gay, a boy with his 2 front teeth missing and a poor bystander would get harassed, who knew? But we still somehow prevailed with hope, it was remarkable, it really was. But if there was something good about the events of my life it was that I already found the love of my life, it was the beautiful, cute, artistically talented Will Byers. I'm Lucas Sinclair, and I have had quite the adventure, impressive for a 13 year old. Every adventure has come with some setbacks and delays. One of them you already know, Troy... but I suppose Troy somehow was likable compared to his successor. he was rutheless, uncompromising, and out beat Troy at everything conceivable (other than being a decent human being). His name was Kyle, and he was feared, he was the school boogeyman. If Kyle wanted something, you gave it to him, he was tall, tough and wasn't afraid of being seen by teachers, he had no true friends. But you know set backs can be overcome, and this one was a set back I overcame for everyone, and it felt fulfilling, so let's begin.  

It was any normal day, I met with my friends and my boyfriend, The boy I loved with all my heart. The day proceeded as normal... until lunch, the greatest lunch, and also the worst lunch ever. Will wasn't there, he went to the bathroom before so I decided to check there then to our class if I still didn't find him, I also noted that I didn't see Kyle, that terrified me and sent alarm bells in my brain. I hoped for the best, but naturally didn't rule out the worst and placed it in the back of my head, probably adding onto it. I went into the bathroom where Will had left me to go, the halls were deserted. I was about to call out for Will when I heard whimpering and a moan of pleasure. I was disgusted and turned to leave when it played in my head... It sounded like... Will and... KYLE?! I knew Will's sounds by heart, and Kyle wasn't shy about kissing in public so... I kind of knew it. The worst was now expected and I was boiling over in anger. I went back into the bathroom and turned the wall to the stalls, washing stations and urinals. What I saw... I'll just explain it this way: People would have to invent a new set of words to allow me to accurately describe how I felt at what I saw. Kyle vandamn kissing MY Will Byers, but oh no It doesn't stop there, Kyle was grabbing Wills ASS! Will was clearly struggling to get away, seeing as Will was weaker he was stuck there... no one to hear him struggle... anything could happen. And that thought sent me overboard. I slammed my fist through Kyle's face knocking him back. I didn't stop there, oh no, he would know, my friends and I were not to be touched any longer. I repeatedly slammed my fist into his face. Will made no attempt to stop me. I grabbed Kyle by his hair, he said nothing, I kicked him in the nuts again and again. lastly I curb stomped him on the urinal. Will finally intervened an said "Luca-" I cut him off with a kiss, I french kissed him and let my hands wander. I looked him in his eyes and said "no one will EVER hurt you ever again, I love you... I'm so sorry Will" I started to cry. Will lifted up my chin, looked me inthe eyes and kissed me, a short one, but one I loved nonetheless. "Don't apologize, you are my hero Lucas... I love you, forever and always". This is why I love him... And I always will.

(so sorry I put you through that, I've been working on my dramatic... maybe slightly sexual writing, did I do good? anything to improve? please do let me know if you liked it, I also wanted to take this time to ask a quick question to anyone who has read this far, does anyone reading this also watch Malcolm In The Middle? if you do, do you ship any of the characters together? anyways sorry for boring you, thanks for reading, goodbye)

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