Losing Him Again (Byler)

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Mike: I never wanted Will to go home alone, he always insisted and I couldn't refuse him for my own good... Or his. I looked at my hands and I was shaking, I always imagined losing him again. I shook my head 'no, no, no, he WILL be fine, it's gone and there is nothing to fear'. I tried to calm myself and I decided 'I'll chat with him in a few minutes, I'll make sure he is okay'. I always did this, Will was sometimes annoyed but he undestood my paranoia, I was a blubbering mess when his death was faked. I saw my first dead body in my life and the sight of it being my secret crush and best friend... It tore at me, ate at me. I felt horrible for the things I saw, I blamed myself, I thought I could have done something to stop his demise but I was wrong... So very wrong, that didn't stop the guilt though. I got flashes of me yelling at El, yelling in my room, crying the hardest I had in years. I had nightmares of Will screaming at me, blaming me and everytime I cried repeatedly yelling "I tried I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry!". I woke up screaming and crying everytime. Soon I got over it when we realized it was just a hoax. Why did I tell you this? This is what I fell back to when Will went alone, I was scared and afraid for him, overprotective I know but I loved Will and I couldn't live through that again, no more. I looked around, breathing fast and shallow. I had to force myself to think of a nice thought, Will and his drawings were a favorite of mine. I smiled and continued to think of that until I was interrupted "M-Mike are you there?! Mike pick up please!". I immediately responded "Will?! Will what's wrong?" I was panicking. "M-Mike... You were wrong, we all were! It's back!". I was about to pass out but just managed to hold everything in my head. I stuttered "W-Will where are you?" he responded "M--Mike i need to tell you something". I said "Will where-" "I love you" I stopped in my tracks "W-what". Will said "I-I'm going to die but, I want you to know... I love you and, I always have, I love you so much it hurts, I know you won't feel the same but-" Will... I-". My radio cut off, I gasped "no, no, no, no, no, NO!" I screamed "FUCK, YOU STUPID FUCKING USELESS RADIO! WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!". I cried, I cried, while the boy I loved died, god knows where... I cried, my parents asked me what was wrong quite accusingly but softened their tone when I was breaking down. My mom asked "M-Mike, sweetie what hapened?" I cried "mom it's Will, he's in danger again!" I cried as dad called the cops, mom told Nancy what was going on, Nancy called they Byers, no one answered. Nancy called Jonathan instead and told him, he rushed back to his house, the description I overheard when Hopper told everyone else made me cry even more. I couldn't get it out of my head, I scrubbed as hard as I could but this dirt and guilt would never come off, I would NEVER, EVER be clean after that night when I heard it all. 

End of Part 1, Part 2 soon to come, thanks and bye-bye!

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