Evil Spirit (Byler) Part 1

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This one will deal with a Native Folklore favorite of mine, this is really sad (If you consider death to be sad). If you are interested the folklore I am using to base this off of is a creature called The Skin Walker, If you are a fan of the creepy side give it a Google, maybe a look on YouTube, it's creepy but really cool, not for the people involved but... Yeah, anyways here we go.

Will: "Jonathan do we have to go?" Jonathan looked at me "yes Will, we need to conquer your fear of the out doors, we live next to a forest after all". Then I asked "but why are we going on a trip to Nevada?". Jonathan said "mom already explained this, you expressed interest in Nevada, we're going on a camping trip, you get to bring your friends and your boyfriend so just relax". My face went red making him laugh, after the week long, scarring incident I fell in love with my best friend, we were soon outed but no one took that big of a notice to it. We of course made enemies but we had each other to depend on. I sighed and got ready anyways. I got Mike on the radio "Mike are you there?" I sighed "...Over" Mike piped up with a cute giggle and said "there you go, I''m here over" I laughed. I was thinking about Mike when he said "WillWillWillWillWill-" I yelled "I get it! I'm here you dork, get over here we're leaving you dolt!". He laughed and said "I'm ready, I'm coming over dummy, see you soon cutie, over and out" I smiled "see you soon Mikey, out".

Mike got here soon, he brought everything he needed. we all got in the 2 cars and set off on the road. It was mom, Jonathan, Mike and me in Jonathans car. It was Hopper Nancy Dustin and Lucas in Hoppers car. I got tired and I saw Mike smile as I undid my seat belt and laid my head in his lap. He just smiled even more and played with my hair, I fell asleep smiling.

I was surrounded by forest in every direction, It wasn't dark, nor was it like the Upside Down. It was golden from light from the sun, everything felt... Off, but I didn't mind it, I didn't even mind the face I didn't even know where I was. I shouted out "MIKE?", no response "Mike! Common Mikey this isn't funny, you know I hate being alone out in the woods, come on!". I sighed, I was getting scared, I turned around and ran into Mike. "gah! Mikey, you really scared me! What is wrong with you?!". He spoke but it... It seemed off to me, I couldn't pin point it though. "Oh-oh yeah, sorry I just... I don't know, what are you doing here Willy?" I blushed "sh-shut up you dork, I don't even know why we're here" he laughed and said "don't you remember? We were hiking and you kinda wandered off, you goofy cutie". I blushed "o-oh, sorry" he smiled and hugged me "don't apologize, I'm just glad you're okay, now come on Willy, everyone is probably worried about us". I nodded but before I could move I was picked up and he walked back while he kissed me on the lips, I giggled so much.

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