Forbidden Love (Troy x Mike For -Billdenbrough)

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(First F!#$ing Troy x (insert Character) request and I didn't even see it until now, so sorry for not seeing it, I hope you all enjoy this)

Mike: Everyone was getting sick, unfortunately my friends were sick too. Oddly Troy was... absent, and when he wasn't absent he was... nice?! 'no you're going crazy, Troy doesn't know anything about nice'. It was regular... up until the end of the day. I still didn't see Troy, I thought about Troy, Troy was cute, his freckles, his smile (whenever he did) and I couldn't lie, I didn't mind a nice view of him, nor would I deny myself that pleasure. Most would assume I would hate him after he tried to kill me but, I just couldn't bring myself to hate him. I'm so helpless, I wouldn't ever get to feel what it's like to be held in his arms, to feel protected by Troy, to be able to kiss him, and confide my darkest fears with him. I wanted to feel that, I wanted to feel loved by Troy, I wanted to feel the sensitive side of him he kept locked away. I sighed 'great now you've been deluding yourself for so long everyone is now gone, good going, hope mom doesn't kill me'. I was slowly biking home lost in my fantasies about Troy, sick I know, when I suddenly tripped on some rock. My face hit the ground and I tumbled on the ground. I was flat on my stomach sulking in my pain 'shit, well great now Im, what, 2 blocks away from home and I need to walk all the way home, dumbass'. I was scraped up pretty bad, I was about to get up when I felt myself get picked up, I assumed it was a friend as any stranger would ask if I was okay rather than just pick me up... but my friends would probably call out for me and ask if I was okay... so who the hell was helping me? I soon found out who, I was spun around to see, TROY?! my mind was going a million different thoughts at once. I saw some snapping in front of me. I blushed and stuttered "T-Troy?!" now it was his turn to blush. He said "um, yeah, it-it's me" I had so many questions, many consisted on why it was him, I had fallen many times and he had laughed, he teased me, hell HE made me fall. But as the silence carried on I began to connect the dots, he always did this IN FRONT of people, but I was all alone, no one was here to stop anything not... my friends! whenever I was out of public and with my friends he wouldn't come near to help or be nice. I wanted full closure, but before I could do anything I heard him mumble "it's now or never" He grabbed me around the waist and pressed us togther, our lips connected, and I thought my brain couldn't get anymore hectic and insane, boy was I wrong. I guess Troy unintentionally answered the unasked question. Now I knew for a 100% fact I was in love with Troy but.... Oh God he was a TERRIBLE kisser, he was constantly using force and yanking at things like my hair, or jutting me forward forcefully, it only added to how adorable he was. When we pulled away he was a stuttering mess, it varried between apologies to just... crazy ramblings. I smiled and lowered his head, I had experience, I shant say with who though. He looked at me, with unmessurable terror and fear, I whispered "just do what I do Troy". I slowly pressed our lips together and let my hands roam his body, mainly his hair and cheeks, every now and then I lowered to his chest, but I didn't go below that. He caught on and started being more gentle. Soon we seperated and he whispered "I love you, Im sorry" I smiled and kissed him again, I just couldn't not kiss him, it was impossible. I whispered back "I love you too Troy, and I forgive you" I smiled as I got a front row seat to him grinning the biggest he ever had before, and I loved it. I turned to walk away when I suddenly felt myself being lifted, I knew what was happening but not why. I blushed as I felt where Troy placed his hands but ignored that "T-Troy what the hell?!" He smiled and said, "I can't let my lover walk home like this can I?" I smiled back and said "Troy my bike-" "Oh I'll come right back and get it" he pressed his lips against mine but it didn't last for long, I was the happiest I had ever been in my entire life, I could tell Troy was too. We were close to my house when I started think of any way we could publicly come out when I heard "MICHAEL?!". My heart could have exploded from how fast it was beating, the color drained from Troys face as we looked each other in the eyes, 'shit, I guess I just got my answer'. Now I just hoped mom would kill me, I looked to where the 3 voices came from and saw my worst fear confirmed, all three friends, seeing me being held in Troys arms.

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