09 | his eyes are not on girls usually

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TONIGHT IS DRE'S ACTUAL birthday party

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TONIGHT IS DRE'S ACTUAL birthday party.

After arriving full by having to had lunch earlier, Dre asked me a favor to help him set up the supplies for the party tonight — which I willingly accepted. We had stopped our destination at his house.

His house was two stories, it may not be as large to the extent as Kade's — but it is still big compared to mine. The only difference between the exterior and interior of Kade's and Dre's is that Dre's exterior look more cool, stylish and unique. The interior is also extra modern, with a lot of dull greys, crimson red and plain whites used, and the consistent usage of glass windows as well.

Kade's, on the other hand, even from outside you can tell that it's more like a family home. They don't have some sort of a color palette to match with every furnitures, floors and walls —they probably just buy anything that seemed comfortable to them. His exterior is just like a normal house, except it's a very big one.

"Let's set this up!" Dre clapped his hands after suffocating himself from carrying two large plastic bags full of ten large different varieties of carbonated drinks and juices, plopping them with an exhausted sigh onto the kitchen table.

I quietly chuckled to myself. I wanted to give him a hand with those earlier but he wanted to show how strong he was and that he is capable of carrying both bags — atleast that's what he said. He may not be as muscular as his two buddies, but he did managed himself for a minute. Applause for his effort.

Then the rattling sound of the doorknob interrupted both of us as the head of Franco appeared at the door. He slightly opened it with his hand before using his back and pushed the door completely, using his feet to stop the door from closing. And he did all of that was because of a large red box he was carrying in his arms.

"Coco! You're back." Dre grinned as he jogged over Franco's spot who was by the door, walking slowly to the kitchen and keep the large red box onto the counter.

"I got the cake." He told with an exasperated sigh. There was a wider grin on Dre's face as he looked at the red box with amusement and curiosity.

Dre then enthusiastically spoke. "I want to see i—"

"No. It shall not be opened until later." Franco interjected, putting a hand on the top of the box to stop Dre before his hands can even tear it apart. Dre then pouted his lips like a little child who had his ice cream taken away, earning an amused smile from me. He glanced at me for a second before smirking.

"I'm pretty sure Mila wants to open it as well."

I shook my head slowly. "Dre, have patience in yourself for few hours. Please."

Dre slightly nodded and his head whipped back to Franco. "Alright, since she told me so." Dre playfully gave a him a wink. My heart kind of stopped when Franco's head turned to the side to look at me for a second before back to Dre and sigh. When the fuck will I get used to Franco always looking at me for one second?

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