03 | still look like a bastard to me

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       IN A SPEED of a lightning bolt, a hand caught my wrist ever so fast, tugging onto my sleeve

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       IN A SPEED of a lightning bolt, a hand caught my wrist ever so fast, tugging onto my sleeve. How fucking tight does his grip has to be? I realize my arms were useless, since it is pretty weak. I have no muscles, it's still hidden under layers of fat. So instead, I tried using my legs, my left leg bolted up backwards to hit him behind me. Why is my kickboxing skills gotten weak right now? I did hit him with my shoe, that was good, however, I felt like I hit his hard rock chest instead. I'm sure he didn't feel a goddamn thing.

       "STAY THE FUCK AWAY!" I screamed on top of my lungs, also purposely louder in hopes to get the neighborhood's attention. But I doubt it.

       Thanks to this high ass volume music blasting in this hell hole in the middle of the night.

       "There's no where to fucking escape now." He sneered to my excessive call of help.

       "Let me fucking go!" My hands gripped onto the window pane as hard as I could before using both of my legs to try and kick his figure, hopefully out of this bathroom but that'll never happen since I'm not some kind of a martial artist.

       And just when I thought my legs were helping me just fine, his hands caught both of my shin as it immediately entangled around his muscular arms, lifting me off the toilet seat. I yelped. Then my whole body seems to lose balance as he started raising me up on his shoulder with my legs next to his face and my body down his back, reaching just below his buttocks. My eyes widened as my jaw dropped.

       How much rounder can his ass get?

       I know for a fact, it's bigger than mine.

       "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! PUT ME DOWN!" I growled, started using both of my fists and try to keep up my defending skills and hitting him as hard as I could. I wanted to hit his bum, since it's at the same length as my face right now, but I felt like that wouldn't be appropriate. I'll hit just above his bum instead, and I don't know how painful it is to him but he didn't seem to budge much. As expected from my weak as fuck skills.

       "I've been called worst, you piece of shit!" He grunted. I clenched my teeth and smacked his back three times harder, causing him to get furious. "STOP HITTING ME YOU FUCK!" He exclaimed, tugging on my legs tighter. I mentally groaned. This idiot is strong. But then again he clearly goes to gym.

       As he was about to leave the bathroom, I gripped onto the side of the wall of the bathroom, trying to prevent myself from reaching back to the bedroom. I didn't want to go outside. No I didn't want to. Help.

       "I need to use the toilet." I croaked, giving a lousy excuse.


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