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Millie's POV:

It was the middle of my Wizard World Convention panel when Finn called me, obviously I couldn't just answer, that'd be rude to all the people who came. I picked up my phone to see the familiar screen //Call From "Finnie"\\  it read. I then said into the microphone "Wow, okay this is awkward... Finn and Caleb just called me probably like "What are you doing?" Why did I add Caleb to the situation? I know when to take precautions with the whole FILLIE thing now a days. Sure it can be annoying sometimes but I've shipped other actors too. Like Robert Patterson and Kristen Stewart. Finn and I saw the ship coming from miles away just didn't know it would be this big. As I'm heading on to my plane to go back Atlanta to shoot Monday all I can think about is everyone from the cast and how excited I am to reunite with them, especially Finn since I haven't seen him as much because of the "It" movie he's been shooting. I decide to record a snap chat of the clouds while on the plane, People will love to know I'm heading back. I think to myself as I get a text from none other than Finn Wolfhard.

Finnie: Hey Mills, are you on the plane yet?

Mills: Yeah I'll land in about 20 minutes.

Finnie: Okay I just landed, I'll wait for you at the landing gate.

Mills:  Can't wait to see you. Ttyl.

Finnie: Bye.

I turn off my phone and look out the window, "I can't wait for season 2, it's gonna be so much fun." I say to Paige, my older sister. "Yeah it would be nice to take a break from the conventions and get on set." She replies. The rest of the flight is silent and peaceful until we finally land in Atlanta's airport. Paige grabs our luggage while I run out to the flight gate eager to see Finn after what seems like forever.

I look around the seating area for boarding the plane and spot Finn in the nearest seat section playing on his phone while sitting down, luggage at his feet. "Wolfhard!" I shout grabbing his attention, he looks up from his phone in my direction and smiles, "Hey Mills!" he says back as he picks up his luggage and walks towards me. Once he reaches me he drops his duffel bag and pulls me in for a hug. "It's good to see you Millie." Finn whispers in my ear. He lets me go before Paige gets out of the gate, "The van is coming to pick us up in..." he looks at his phone, "10 minutes. We have to go out the back entrance." Finn informs me pointing behind him. The Duffers had one of our vans meet Finn and I at the airport so we can go straight from here to set to get filming sooner. As we walk to the back entrance Finn pulls up his hood and flips up mine to hide ourselves from the public. "So how was your holiday season?" I ask trying to bring up some sort of conversation. "Y'know it was kinda hectic with the 'IT' movie and all but other than that not bad. What about you?" He replies. "I was busy with conventions most of the time, modeling, other stuff." I answer. He nods before putting on his sun glasses to hide his face. We slide down the large escalators before going through the back entrance and spotting out the van. "Where is it?" I ask searching the parking lot for the van. "Over there!" Finn explains putting his arm around my shoulders to make me see  it while pointing. I begin to to stare at Finn without realizing it. He looks good in  sun glasses....wait why am I staring? 

"Millie? Hello..?" Finn says to me while waving his hand in front of my face. "W-what? Sorry. I must still be a little groggy from the flight." Finn laughs at my excuse, "Let's go." He says as we climb into the back seats of the van. Finn takes off his glasses and hoodie now that we're in a preserved area and so do I. He throws his duffel bag in the back and tightens his seat belt. "Ready guys?" The driver asks looking at us through the rear view mirror. "Yep, go ahead!" I yell up to the front of the car. "You wanna do a live on Instagram, I did one with Noah a few days ago." I ask pulling up the app. "Millie.. we can't." "Why not?" I ask completely oblivious. "Remember? The whole Fillie thing? The fandom would go insane." He reminds me. "...Maybe we should give them a little Fillie action." I say smirking mischievously. Finn laughs a little before actually considering it, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me, for some reason I get nervous and immediately reply ,"I was kidding, I'm not that crazy." I say punching him in the shoulder lightly. Finn frowns but quickly plasters a smile on his face afterwards. "Hey you okay?" I say putting my hand over his phone blocking his view, "What? Yeah I'm fine, just jet-lagged. Do you know where were staying?" He asks. "I think in a like.. a condo place?" I reply not too sure myself. As the ride to the studio continues Finn and I go on and on about movies, season two theories, and what we've been doing lately.

(Arriving At The Studio)

Finn's POV:

"Ugh I can't wait to start filming!" Millie announces as I grab my luggage and climb out the van, stretching my legs. I take a deep breath of the Atlanta air before handing some guys in uniforms my luggage which will be sent to the 'condo place'  as Millie calls it. Of course it feels weird having people do stuff for you all the time but I'm trying to get at least some-what used to it. "I can't wait to sleep." I add making Millie smile at my boring joke which eventually makes me smile. We walk towards the Duffers who greet us with open arms right outside the studio building, "Hey Fillie!" They both say hugging each of us individually. Millie and I look at each other,  shrug, and look back at them in confusion. "What we can't tease you about the fandom for one second?" Matt asks playfully chuckling along with Ross. "No, just didn't expect that to be the first thing I hear from you guys while shooting season 2." Millie replies while they look back at us, their facial expressions saying "Fair enough." After Millie totally saved us from an awkward conversation we head to the school trailer to see the guys, sharing stories we experienced during the break between season 1 and 2.

"So you got married to Dane through Instagram, saw people freaking out about "Oh no Fillie won't happen now!" and you then got divorced through Instagram too." Millie says laughing with her wonderful, contagious laugh. I nod my head while chuckling, "The Fillie people and I didn't want people shipping me and Dane too." "Wow, I feel bad. You get all this Fillie stuff after one joke post while I'm over here telling people my celebrity crush is Romeo and I'm not getting anything." Millie explains to me. I shake my head in disbelief, "Are you kidding me? Fillie shippers are flipping their lids about this Romeo Beckham stuff, especially since he was on your live stream and liked some of your pics." I snap back trying not to seem like a smart-ass. "Wait, really? I thought it wasn't a big deal." She replies. "You have no idea." I say smiling to myself as we reach the school trailer and greet the guys: Gaten, Caleb, and Noah. 

Millie takes extra time with Caleb and Gaten since she's with Noah all the time regardless if she's busy. I kind of envy Noah being able to spend so much time with her. I guess that makes every moment with her that much more precious. Wait, why do I care about their friendship? Whatever. I hug Caleb followed by Gaten and then Noah who has grown since I last saw him. "Hey not such a shortie any more huh?" I tease making him laugh and push me. We all sit at our desks chatting up the room waiting for the teacher to come. Everyone is catching up, telling stories, and throwing out jokes when Noah grabs a piece of paper and rolls it up into a ball. "Noah don't you dare!" Millie shouts while pointing at Noah like a mother. Noah giggles mischievously and throws it at Millie's head starting a paper-ball fight filled with laughing and throwing. It's good to be home.

{I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of See You Again! I can't wait to go on and write more about Fillie. I most likely won't make them date until later on just because I like to be realistic with their personalities. Hope you enjoyed!}

See You Again // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now