6.8K 115 67

So I was just looking for a new Fillie book to start so obviously I searched 'fillie' into the search bar and- I'll just show you...

See You Again, my very first Fillie book, is #1! I mean, WHAT?? That's insane! Never did I think that book would ever make it even in the top 100 searches, but you guys read it to the top?!? There are so many other books out there that, in my opin...

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See You Again, my very first Fillie book, is #1! I mean, WHAT?? That's insane! Never did I think that book would ever make it even in the top 100 searches, but you guys read it to the top?!? There are so many other books out there that, in my opinion, that deserve this way more than me. I wrote See You Again with no other intention other than I thought it'd be a fun thing to do, not thinking anyone at all would read it. Thank you so freaking much for this, I love each and every one of you and appreciate every chapter you've read, comment you've posted, and vote you've done. Thank you all, so much. I honestly don't know how to express my amount of thanks to you. Again, thank you all for everything. Love you guys ♥️

UPDATE (Dec. 10th, 2017):

You guys spoil me, seriously. I mean.. 150k???!?!?!?! THAT'S MENTAL! I can't even imagine 150 people much less 150,000! I'm eternally grateful and so blessed that it's just crazy stupid. Like, for example, today I had two wonderful ladies where one was an Italian and the other who's fluent in Spanish (idk where she lives) who were like- wanting to translate my book with full credit like.. GUYS SERIOUSLY I'M HONORED THAT YOU'RE EVEN WILLING TO TRANSLATE A WORD FROM MY BOOK! This book has brought me so much joy and happiness that I'm just at a lost of words except for thank you. I mean it was this book that showed me that I love to write and that I was like- somewhat good at it. It's insane how this one book that I hadn't even though one person would read (and I was honestly fine with that) has gotten up to have 150k readers. I'm honestly speechless. So as you've heard many times, probably so many times that it's lost it's true meaning, thank you.. so freaking much. And of course, I love you all. <3

UPDATE (Jan. 8th, 2018):

Fucking exsqueeze me?? TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND READS??? I'm actually like.. I can't even comprehend that amount of people, it's literally insane. Now you guys already know the whole story and how grateful I am but damn, you guys just freaking shot it out of the part this time. Thanks again for all the astounding support and I love I can't thank you enough for all this book's success. Looking back when I first started writing this and not expecting even above 10 people to read this, it's insane what we've accomplished. 200k, guys.. seriously- thank you. I love you all. ♥️

See You Again // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now