Older Brother Problems

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Finn's POV:

After Millie left with Paige I just chilled in her room for about 10 minutes before deciding it's probably good to go now. Wait, Millie's not here, why not check out some of her stuff? No, I'm not going to snoop around right when I get her back. You know you want to, really want to. Just one quick 5 minute look around, nothing big. You'll be out in no time. I reluctantly give in to the voice telling me to do the wrong and drown out the right. I first look under her bed, only to find miss-matching socks and a crumpled up science paper. I sigh and stand back up before analyzing the room again. Her desk! My mind shouts, forcing my body to walk towards it. I open the side drawers to find nothing really worth looking at, before opening the widest and 'main' drawer. I move some homework papers around in the drawer before finding something that sparks my interest. I pick up the medium sized, worn out, book that lays carefully at the bottom of the drawer. "MBB Diary." I read aloud as I move my thumb over the beige colored leather, the printed pitch black letters contrasting. She has a diary? What if there's something about me in it? Does she still write in it? Questions race in my mind as I debate whether to read it or be the kind person I should be and just put it back. "Just one entry couldn't hurt." I convince myself while opening it up to the first page.

3/28/2015- Today I met the other boys who play Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. The first boy I met was Finn who plays Mike, he has dark brown, curly-ish hair, and his brown eyes are just incredible. I swear you can see everything he's feeling just by looking him in the eyes. Anyway, I had a chemistry with him and we clicked instantly, I'm really looking forward to working with him. Gaten, who plays Dustin, seems kind enough and already knows how to make me laugh. I think he can be quite obnoxious though, when I met him he just yelled my name and gave me a total bear hug. Caleb, who plays Lucas, just seems pretty laid back and like a cool guy. I smile to myself while reading the part about meeting me over and over, that was the day we met. Curiously, I flip a ton of pages until the dates become more and more present while skimming through the good parts of each entry. 4/24/17- ...I kissed Finn Wolfhard, I KISSED FINN WOLFHARD! I know, I know, I've kissed him before in Season 1- but I swear this time was different. This time we weren't acting, it was just the real me and Finn, in the closet, kissing... I skim over, smirking to myself as I imagine Millie writing this down excitedly while reliving the memories. I shut the book with a snap and place it back into her drawer gently, right where she left it. I close the drawer and walk through her condo and to mine, next door.

"Morning Finn, where were you?" Dad asks groggily, wearing his red robe and pouring coffee into a cup. "Just talking with Millie for a bit." I say, half telling the truth. He raises an eyebrow, "Millie? I thought you two broke up." Dad mentions while handing me my own individual mug of coffee. I take a sip of the warm, soothing liquid, before replying. "Yeah, well we're back together now." I add with a smile. My dad nods approvingly, "Good to hear. Did you hear the balcony bang last night? Like it kinda sounded like someone jumped off?" He asks curiously. My eyes widen now realizing I did, in fact jump the 7 feet to Millie's balcony. I quickly change my expression to casual, "I wouldn't know, I fell asleep pretty early last night." I reply while shrugging. Dad takes a sip of his black coffee, "By the way, did you get all your homework done?" He questions just like any parent would. "Yeah, why?" I say, raising my eyebrows. He puts his hands up in surrender, "Just making sure.. because I may or may not have a surprise for you." Dad says with a playful smirk on his face. I set my mug on the counter and stand up excitedly, "What is it?" He looks towards the hallway and yells out, "Come on out!" I follow his stare to find my older brother walking out of the doorway, an ear-to-ear smile printed on his face.

"Nick!" I shout while running up to him and giving him a hug, patting him on the back. "Yo Finnie Boi." He greets, chuckling to himself. "How?-When?-What?" I quickly blurt out while shifting my gaze from my older brother and my dad. "Let's just put it this way; after your break up I thought you could use some cheering up so I called up Nick, but obviously you don't need him as much now do ya?" Dad explains, a confused smile on Nick's face as he explains. "Oh, Nick we made up." I add, allowing him to chuckle. "You and Millie, huh?" He remarks while shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, even I still can't believe it." I say, feeling my cheeks grow warmer the more I talk about her. "No offence to you, but I'm more surprised you got a smoking girlfriend before I did." Nick whispers as Dad leaves the kitchen and heads into the living room. I quickly punch him in the shoulder while reluctantly laughing, "That's my girlfriend you're talking about!" I snap, making him giggle even more. "I know, crazy right?" He adds, deserving another punch as I laugh along with him. It's good to have him home, or at least with me. "What's more crazy is that I'm dating an award winning actress/model/singer, and here you are dating.. no one." I shoot back, making him gasp dramatically as he presses his hand on his chest in an offended way. I can't help but burst out with laughter at his reaction to my burn. 

"That's it, I'm telling your co-stars." Nick taunts as he snatches my phone from the counter, automatically running away as I get up to chase him. "Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know, Millie and I are back to making out and #Fillie4Ever!!!!" Nick exclaims as he types each word, holding my phone up as high as his arm can extend while typing. "No! No! No, Nick please!" I beg while attempting to jump up and retrieve my phone repeatedly. "Want me to send it?" Nick teases, looking down to me. I shake my head furiously, internally panicking as I stare at his thumb hovering over the send button. Nick sighs, "I don't know Finnie Boi, it's quite tempting." He admits while smirking. "Nick, please. I'll buy you some pizza or something! Just don't send it!" I suggest, sparking his interest as his eyebrows raise. "Hmm, fair deal I guess. Fine, here you go lover boy." He says while handing me my phone back, before walking past me. I stare at the screen as I delete what he has typed in the text bar. That could've gone better, now I owe Nick food... great. "Oh, and I'll let ya know when I want something." Nick shouts as he walks down the hallway. I groan, "How long are you staying exactly?" I question, trying to sound sincere. "Um, I'd say a week or two." He replies, making me roll my eyes that he luckily can't see. "Whoopie.." I mumble to myself as I close my bedroom door to get ready for the long day ahead.

Obviously I have mixed emotions about my older brother, Nick. Most of the time he can be the best friend I've always dreamed of, or the jackass he somehow loves to be sometimes. After scanning my endless options of clothes in my closet, I decide to wear a black jersey along with one of my many beanies. Buh bah, buh bah, buh bah bah! My phone sings, screaming to me someone is calling. After I finish tying my shoe, I stand back up and bring my singing phone to my ear as I accept the call. "Hello?" I say in the phone casually. "Hey Finnlard, it's Caleb here." An all too familiar voice replies over the sound of a light breeze on the other end. "Hey man, what's up?" I ask while neatly stuffing my backpack with my homework from the night before. "Uh, so are you and Mills back together?" Caleb questions curiously, making me pause my actions and raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Finn? You still there?" He asks after a few seconds of dead silence. I clear my throat, "Yeah, I'm here. H-How did you hear about that?" I reply, not quite sure if I just gave the answer away. "So it's true?" He asks, his voice sounding slightly happy. I mentally face-palm myself as I shake my head with disappointment... in myself. "Maybe if you tell me where you heard that, then I'll tell you!" I shoot back while stuffing the last of my papers into my backpack. "Okay, okay. Nick texted me and told me you and Millie got back together." Caleb blurts out quickly. I groan, "Yeah, well I'll tell you if it's true or not when I get there." I reply through clenched teeth, knowing Nick will be the one driving me to the studio.

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