And Left Me

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Finn's POV:

I squint my eyes at the bright light shined on me from inside Millie's condo. Light footsteps soon follow as she races out onto the balcony. I sit there exhausted and panicking, another anxiety attack. My breath is quick, heart unbelievably thumping, sweats all over my body, my skin feels hot even in the freezing night of Atlanta. I can't see straight or think clearly at all. All my mind is saying is to run, to escape, to get far away from wherever I may be even if I have no sense of reality. "Finn, what are you doing here?" I hear a distant echo-like voice say. All I can do is let out a weak sound that basically just sounds like my breath. She kneels down next to me and cups my face into her hands, her beautiful face seems blurry and dizzy. "Oh god, Finn." She whispers now realizing what I was going through at this very moment, another panic attack. Millie pulls me into her arms and holds me tightly, knowing all my mind is telling me to do is escape and run from her and basically everything. "Shh, Finn it's okay. Everything is okay. You're Finn Wolfhard, a kind and caring friend, actor, musician, fourteen years old yet you inspire some of the most well-known people out there. Countless of people love you Finnie, including me." Millie says softly, her voice becomes more audible as the words that roll off her tongue slowly start to sound like actual facts rather than lies.

I feel my body very slowly start to calm in her arms, allowing me to cry in her arms. My tears stain her soft pajama top though she doesn't seem as worried as her clothes rather than me. Every inch of my being still shakes with fear of something I'm not really sure exists, my hot sweats have lessened and my palms have become dry again rather than clammy with anxiety. This particular scene seems to become familiar in a way, I guess the ounce of sanity and sense of reality in my head during the attack forced me to go to a place where Millie would find me. As I let tears roll down my face and onto her shirt she holds me tight in her arms, her head resting gently on top of mine as she whispers 'shh' in a comforting tone. "It's okay Finn, it'll be over soon. I promise." Millie whispers in my ear as she rocks me back and forth while hugging me tightly. About 45 minutes later I finally become fully aware and more or less shaken up with all the negative and eerie thoughts in my mind disintegrating quickly. Slowly and cautiously, Millie pulls me out of her embrace. "How you feeling?" She asks while holding my shoulders in her hands. "Fine, th-thanks." I reply hesitantly, scared for another attack to form. "How did you get here?" Millie asks curiously while dropping her hands on her lap. "I um.. I don't remember." I explain while looking at the other balcony that's about a 7 feet jump across to this one, there's no way I could've done that especially in the state I was in, right? Millie follows my gaze to the balcony connected to my condo. "You think you actually jumped?" She asks with concern flourishing in her British voice. "Hard to tell." I reply while looking back at her.Millie stands up and casually crosses her arms. "Do you, uh... Do you want to stay the night?" She questions while looking behind her at the dark living room through the window. "Do you care if I do?" I ask, not wanting to be an annoyance after what she just did for me. "Not at all." Millie replies while shrugging before opening the glass sliding door to inside the condo. 

She pauses at the doorway and looks back to me, "Are you coming?" I immediately feel my cheeks become warm at my own stupidity as I quickly struggle to my feet and follow her inside. Right as we enter Millie turns around and presses her finger against her lips before slowly tiptoeing down the hall and into her room. She waits for me to enter until she closes the door gently and in the quietest way you can possible. "I'll just sleep on the floor." I suggest while trudging into Millie's walk in closet and grabbing all the folded bedding she has specifically just for sleepovers.  When I come back out from her closet she's already snuggled up in her bed and on her phone. "Wait." She says calmly to stop me in my tracks, the blankets in both my arms. I squint my eyes as a bright flash blinds my vision, "Thanks.. I love being blinded." I mention sarcastically, realizing she was just taking a picture of me. "Anytime Finnie." Millie shoots back as she leans over to he bedside table and plugs in her phone to charge before setting it down. I lay out the thick comforter onto the ground followed by two other blankets that'll be over my body soon along with a pillow Millie throws to me from her bed. I settle down in my makeshift sleeping bag, oddly feeling bored and awake even though it's about half an hour past 1am.

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