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{That Night Back In Finn's Condo}

Finn's POV:

"Therefore making Finland, the most incredible country of all." I type on my keyboard to conclude my essay on the country of my choice, Finland. I close my laptop and scan my room not sure of what I should do now. Maybe I should just text Mills, she probably isn't busy. Sighing from boredom, I take my phone from my desk and pull up Millie's contact: //Millster <3\\

Wolfhard: Hey, you free to hang?

I wait five minutes before giving up, no answer. I toss my phone onto my bed and once again scan my condo room; the walls hang expensive paintings, the dark wooden dresser pressed against the wall, my queen sized bed covered by navy blue sheets and gray pillows, the sides not touching any walls, and of course my trusty electric guitar resting against the wall. I check Millie's contact one last time, still no answer. "Guess I could just go over there." I suggest aloud before throwing on a hoodie and heading next door. Knock, Knock, Knock!  Seconds later I hear a faint "Coming!" followed by quick footsteps. "Hey Finn! You're here to see Millie I'm guessing?" Paige asks as she leans on the half open door. "Yeah, is she here?" I question, hoping the answer is yes. Paige nods before heading back to the wide open fridge, "She's in her room I think." She suggests as I trudge in and shut the door behind me before heading to Millie's room. Second door to the right, right?  I raise my fist to knock on the door before I hear muffled singing and water coming from somewhere inside. Slowly, I open the door and peek around Millie's empty room. I follow the singing to her bathroom and lean on the door, just listening to her gifted voice sing New Man by Ed Sheeran.. I think that's his name. 

"I don't wanna know about your new man, cause if it was meant to be- you wouldn't be calling me up trying to.." Millie sings as the water cuts off followed by a door sliding. Mesmerized by her voice I stay in place just listening to every note of every word being sang, Millie is a very talented human being if you didn't know already. "I know you're missing all this kinda love but I'm positive he don't wanna know about me." She then starts to hum the rest of the song, her muffled voice becoming clearer and clearer. Finn what are you doing! Move before she comes out you creep! Just as I begin to back away Millie swings open the door sending me falling onto the tile floor as she screams. "Finn! What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Millie scolds. It's not like Millie is naked or anything, she's wearing her robe so.. whatever. I just groan, my head throbbing at the impact. "Hello to you too." I reply in a painful voice, god I sound so stupid. "Oh my gosh Finn Wolfhard, you are a complete stan." She teases before heading into her closet, leaving me there on the tile. "Am not! I'd have to be a fan to be a stan Mills." I protest as I sit up slowly. "You are totally a fan, otherwise why would you be dating me?" Millie asks, her voice slightly muffled by the closet door. "I don't know, because you're hot?" I suggest nervously. She laughs hysterically before coming back out of her closet wearing sweatpants and my hoodie. 

She hops onto her bed and pats next to her, inviting me to join her. I oblige, helping myself up form the bathroom floor and to her bed in a flash. "So.. why were you leaning on my bathroom door in the first place?" Millie asks smirking, making me roll my eyes. "I texted you but you didn't answer so I just came over, I guess I just liked your singing?" I suggest, not wanting to sound like a total perv. "Thanks then? Y'know Finnie, you can hang out with the others too sometimes." She explains putting her hand on my shoulder. I shrug innocently, "You're the closest." Millie just rolls her eyes, putting a smile across my lips. "It's true! You can't deny facts." I complain making her giggle a bit, "Then I call bull on your facts...what do you wanna do anyway?" I smirk at the immediate reply that pops into my head, "Make out?" I suggest laughing. "What? Finn, no! That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard, and the most disgusting too." Millie snaps back, even though she's blushing profusely and smiling ear to ear. "You secretly want to don't you Mills." I say, staring at all of her features. "How would you know? Unlike me you don't have mind powers." Millie admits, wiggling her fingers like she's doing magic. "On the contrary! I made you fall for me, therefore I do in fact have mind powers Millie Bobby Brown." I inform her in a sophisticated tone. "Shut it Wolfhard." She says playfully as she shoves my shoulder. "Make me." I taunt sitting back up. "You want me to make you?" She asks in a surprised tone. "Well technically make out with me but hey, same thing." I reply smirking. "God, Finn you're so desperate." Millie complains flipping up her hood to cover her blushing face. 

"Says the girl wearing my hoodie." I comment while rolling myself above her, holding myself up by my extended arms on either side of her body. "Wearing your hoodie is not desperate!" She explains pinching the hem of it. "Then what is Ms. Know-it-all?" I ask playfully, now holding my weight on my elbows. She stares into my eyes, forcing me to get lost in hers. "Finn just kiss me already." She whispers in a defeated tone. I smile before closing the gap between our lips, Millie wraps her arms around my neck and runs her hands through my tangled hair as our lips move to a steady rhythm. I decide to take a risky move and bite Millie's bottom lip gently, at first she flinches but then tightens her grip around me as I feel her smile softly on my lips. I bite her lip one last time just to tease her before a quiet squeak comes from behind me, automatically Millie pushes me off of her onto the other side of her bed; Paige. "Hey..guys. I made some chicken nuggets so.. if you wanna eat later-" She stares at Millie for a second before continuing, "Man Finn, be more careful with her." She says before closing the door and heading back down the hallway. 

"What?" I ask aloud before looking over at Millie for the first time since Paige came. She stares at her bloody hand in amazement, her eyes widened; Millie's bottom lip is covered in blood. "Oh shit...shit, Millie I'm so sorry." I say moving closer to her as I realize I'm the cause of her bleeding lip. "It's fine Finn." She replies flatly, not once looking at me as she heads into the bathroom to wash off the blood. "Millie, I never meant to hurt you. I should've never done that, I'm sorry Mills." I explain following after her. "Finn, really it's fine. I'm more worried about Eleven having a random cut on her lip than you're apologies." Millie snaps strictly as she runs the water over her red hands. I take a step back, shocked by the stinging words she just spoke. Millie catches a glimpse of my expression in the mirror and sighs, "I didn't mean that." She whispers, like she's reassuring herself that more than me. I clench my jaw and nod slowly as I stare at the ground, "Do you just want me to go?" I ask, even though it sounds like a statement. She turns off the sink and rests her hand on my chest as she passes me, pausing half way. "Stay." Millie orders before heading out of her room and to the kitchen, probably to put sugar on the cut, to stop the bleeding.

Millie's POV:

"You okay?" Paige asks as I pass her in the living room and to the kitchen. "Just dandy." I reply, trying to sound cheerful. In truth I feel extremely guilty and just plain horrible for telling Finn off before, I could tell it hurt him, bad. Maybe I just said it due to my stinging lip but deep down I know there was some truth to it, and it kills me to know that. "That boyfriend of yours is going to destroy your career if he keeps messing up your face. Seems like a pretty aggressive lad." Paige teases, laughing at her own comments. "Finn is not aggressive! If anything he's sweet.. just gets a little carried away sometimes." I explain, I can feel my cheeks get warmer the more we talk about him. I scoop a small amount of sugar from the bag before gently dabbing the sweet powder on my cut, the white dust turning red instantly at the contact. "At least he doesn't get too carried away, if you know what I mean." Paige adds in a motherly tone. "Oh my gosh, Paige! Get your mind out of the gutter you weirdo!" I snap back, truly disgusted by her statement. "I'm just saying!" She repeats. I put the sugar bag away and head back to my room, rolling my eyes along the way. As soon as I enter Finn immediately apologizes for the tenth time. "Finnie, it really is fine. I over reacted, I'm sure the Duffers will work something out, okay?" I assure him as I rest my hands on the back of his neck. His eyes are full of concern and guilt..because of me. Finn takes my left hand from his neck and stares at my ring before smiling. "What?" I ask confused. "You're taken." Finn replies happily as he taps the un-jeweled side of my ring that is facing outwards. "No..really?" I question in a sarcastic tone making him laugh before pulling me in for a hug, his comforting scent surrounding me. Taken by Finn Wolfhard himself.

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