Dark Figure

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Millie's POV:

"Millie, just because you point to a variable and a random number and say 'you just add them'- doesn't mean I know what to do!" Noah complains as I help him with his Math homework. "You do know what to do though! You just add them!" I explain, throwing my hands up. Noah rests his face in his hands and groans frustratingly. "Look Noah, it's not that complicated. All you have to do is (x-f)+12, okay?" I ask calmly , hoping he'll understand. He shoots his head up and looks at his paper, "How the hell am I supposed to know what x and f are?" He questions, a concerned look on his face. "Read the story thing!" I explain, pointing to the small passage next to the question's number. "Can I just drop out?" Noah asks seriously. I roll my eyes at his question, "No, we're actors. We have to finish our education, plus we legally can't drop out regardless." I reply making him sink into his chair with a disappointed expression. "Maybe you need someone else to explain." I suggest. He stares at his half finished math worksheet with confusion in his eyes, "Like who? Gaten? Sadie? Caleb?" Noah questions, listing them of on his fingers. "What about Finn? He's good at explaining stuff, especially math." I say in a trustworthy tone. He shrugs, "I mean..won't it be awkward?" He asks while raising his eyebrows. "Of course not! He's our friend isn't he?" I shoot back, he nods while staring at his paper. "And ex.." He mutters, making it almost impossible for me to understand what he said. "What?" I ask curiously. "I didn't say anything." Noah replies casually. "So do you want me to ask Finn or not?" I question while pointing to the door. "Y-Yeah." He says, not wanting help from anyone other than me. I flash him a smile before jogging out of the room to go find Finn.

I check all the trailer's rooms until deciding to check the second trailer again, if he isn't there, then I'll have to give up considering he's probably on set then. "Finn?" I shout as I walk into the second trailer. "In here!" I hear a familiar voice yell back. I quicken my pace to the same room I found him in earlier today. "What is with you and the beanbag room?" I tease while leaning on the door frame. Finn sits in a red beanbag, his electric guitar in hand along with some famous guy's pick. He smiles, "It's my music room." Finn says giddily. I roll my eyes while smirking, "Yeah, sure." I reply jokingly. "How can I help ya, anyway?" Finn asks, reminding me of the purpose of my presence. "Right, Noah needs help with his math homework. I've tried explaining it but apparently my method of teaching doesn't work on him." I explain while shrugging. "And you want me to help?" He suggests as he points to himself. "Yeah, please?" I reply hopeful. Knowing Finn, he isn't one to ignore a friend in need for the slightest inconvenience. "Sure, got nothing better to do." He admits while setting his guitar in the rest and following me to the first trailer where Noah sits, still in the same position as I left him in.

 I stand in the doorway and watch as Finn walks around the table to then look over Noah's shoulder and read the problem Noah's finger is pointing to. "Okay so it says  in the story problem that the first variable, X, is -54. So if -54 equals X, what else could F be from what you read?" Finn asks, a natural born teacher. Noah stays silent for about fifteen seconds as he reads and thinks before answering Finn's question that hangs in the air. "F equals the square root of 225!" He answers enthusiastically, "It's 15, right?" Finn nods approvingly, "So what is your equation now?" He asks curiously as if he didn't know. "Um, (-54+15)-12?" Noah guesses while looking up at Finn. "You got it." He replies, allowing Noah to start working on the problem immediately. "Need anything else?" Finn asks as Noah writes down numbers. "Nope, thanks Finnlard." He replies, never taking his focus away from his paper. "Mhm." Finn replies quickly as he walks back around the table. He pauses in front of me  right as he's about to leave, his eyes trail down to my ring before he closes them and looks forward once again, he continues to walk away with his pace quickened. I stare as he leaves the trailer, my eyebrows furrowed and questions racing in my mind. "Millie..what just happened?" Noah questions, making me jump. "Uh, nothing. Nothing." I reply while shrugging, even I'm not sure how to answer that. "Okay. Well do you wanna listen to some music while we work?" He suggests knowing it'll brighten my mood. "Who doesn't?!" I enthusiastically ask while running over to our JBL pill and connecting my phone's bluetooth to it. "Is just Spotify okay?" I ask Noah, he nods and faces his worksheet once again. "Ooo, this is a good one." I mention excitedly.

"One! Two! Three!" Noah and I shout in unison right as the beat drops. He jumps from his seat and starts dabbing constantly as I jump up and down with my hands in the air. We dance to the song until it drifts off to the end. Noah and I listen to about 10 more songs until one of our crew members tell us to turn it off because they can hear it outside, so we reluctantly do as we're told. The last 1 hour of my set day consisted of finishing up homework and listening to multiple crew teachers talk about different subjects along with Gaten, Noah, and Sadie while Caleb and Finn went off and did something together around the studio. As of now Paige and I are watching Logan for the first time with popcorn and Cokes we took from the cooler on set, don't tell anyone we took them by the way.

"I can see why people think Eleven and Laura would be a cool friendship, with they're abilities and all." I mention, Paige just nods in agreement. She looks at her watch and widens her eyes, "Shit Millie, you better go to bed." She says concernedly. "Why? We're watching Logan!" I reply annoyingly. Paige sighs, "It's 15 after midnight Mills, you have a busy schedule tomorrow. We can finish it some other time, I promise." She explains. I groan as I stand up from the couch and set my popcorn on the kitchen counter along with putting my coke in the fridge for later. "Night Paige." I say while walking down the hall and to my room. "Night!" I hear her yell back right as I close my bedroom door. I change into some soft pajamas and notice two of Finn's sweatshirts in my closet. "I need to give these back soon." I remind myself while folding them and setting them down on a nearby shelf. I watch random YouTube videos and scroll trough social media for about and hour. At half an hour later I hear footsteps leave the living room and stroll down the other side of the hallway, to Paige's room. Knowing I'll be the only one awake sends shivers down my spine so I just decide to go to sleep at the same time Paige is, now. I snuggle into my covers as my tired body relaxes every inch of it's existence, drifting off into the night abyss within seconds.

Suddenly my eyes flutter open to the sound of a railing being banged from the balcony, pure darkness consuming my room even though I manage to see everything clearly. My stomach starts to feel butterflies as the hairs on my body stick up to the terrifying thought that something, or someone, caused the sound. Being the stupid person I am, I act like this is some horror movie so naturally I must be the first victim. I grab my phone from my bedside table and slowly tiptoe on the hard-wood floor down the hall and through the living room where I finally reach my destination of the balcony. I hide behind a couch as I peer through the clear windows to the balcony outside to see a black figure sitting on the ground, their back leaned on the balcony's railing. My palms start to sweat with fear and my heart feels like it may burst from my chest as I turn on my phone's back flashlight and direct it through the window and onto the dark figure. "Finn?"

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