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Millie's POV:

The next morning Finn left for his 2 day hangout with the IT cast early in the morning. Walking on set without the familiar smile that belongs to Finn walking around really makes me feel as if something is missing, except I know exactly what and where it is. As I sit in the makeup trailer having my 'Upside Down' look applied to my face all I can think about is imagining what he's doing right now. Probably just messing around in the hotel room with the guys; Or maybe he's just sitting in his hotel bed playing his Nintendo Switch. "Okay, you can open your eyes now Millster." Amy informs me, who is our makeup designer. As I stare into the mirror at my reflection I immediately feel bad for Eleven; Sure, she's just a character and all but she's apart of me and I can't help but want to look away from the mirror that is showing me this dreadful sight. "Thanks Amy, looks fantastic!" I exclaim getting up from the vanity seat. She smiles and waves goodbye before getting all her supplies ready for the next actor.

{Later During Shooting}

During the short 10 minute break between the crew setting up cameras and lights Gaten, Caleb, Sadie, Noah and I head back to our chairs for a well wanted break. "So Millie, are you and Finn actually dating yet?" Sadie asks, the rest of the guys staring at me for an answer. "Um.. to be honest I'm not quite sure. I was supposed to talk to him about that last night but I forgot." I reply shrugging. Caleb and Gaten wiggle their eyebrows with a smirk planted on both of their faces. "Anyway, have you guys read the next episode? It's amazing!" I say trying to change the topic. Noah catches on and gives me the Barb look but doesn't call me out. "Gaten and I are supposed to read it tonight." Caleb replies shrugging. "Dude, it is so freaking good like how Mi-" Noah gets cut off by Gaten shouting, "Spoilers!" Noah glares at him as if Gaten was a parent saying "No" to buying an amazing toy. Suddenly my phone starts playing music, specifically 'Sleep In The Heat' by PUP. "Isn't that Finnlard's ringtone?" Caleb suggests as I walk over to my leather bag and grab my phone. Sure enough the screen has a picture of Finn and I in the background with //Call From "Finnie"\\ at the top of it.

I press accept and bring it to my ear, "Hello?" On the other line all I can hear is muffled voices and mine echoing on the other side as if I was on speaker. "C'mon do it!" I hear, from most likely one of the IT guys. "Finn?" I ask, waiting for him to answer. "Hey Mills, um.. so..." Finn replies, I can tell he's nervous, maybe even anxious. "You okay Finn?" I question, my eyebrows furrowed. I hear Finn put his phone to his chest and say, "Guys I can't do this." Right after I hear some guys in the background groan in disappointment and trying to urge him on. "Finn what's going on?" I ask, now I'm both worried and confused. I hear shuffling on the other line and the background voices becoming quieter and quieter before a door opens and shuts blocking out the voices completely. "Sorry, we were playing truth or dare and Jack dared me to prank call you saying I never wanted to see you again." Finn explains, regret in his voice. "Ah, okay. Are you with the IT guys then?" I ask, feeling relieved he didn't go along with the dare. "Yeah, how is shooting going?" Finn questions. His voice is clear and easy to hear so I'm guessing he's in a bathroom, maybe. I look over my shoulder at the others who are already on a new conversation. "Great. We haven't been doing that many scenes so far because we need you for most of them, especially with the guy's scenes, but other than that we're doing fine." I explain. I imagine Finn nodding on the other end when there was a pause of silence. "Um, so.. have you seen the picture yet?" He asks as if he knows something I don't.

I almost forgot about it, I haven't been on social media that much today. He's probably seen it hasn't he.. oh god. "Um, no. I haven't been on my phone that much today. Have you seen it?" I reply, I hear him sigh and pause. "Yeah, it's all over Instagram and Twitter, also some Hollywood YouTube channels and websites. It's hectic Mills." Finn explains in a defeated voice. I bite my lip trying to think of what to do, or even if we should do anything. After all, I'm already going to be his date to the premier. "What should we do?" I ask. I hear him run his free hand through his hair, "I don't know if we should do anything at all. I mean people are already getting ideas, some very supported ideas. If you want to tell them we aren't dating, then we will. If you want to tell them we are, so be it; or we can just wait for it all to blow over and ignore it." He explains right before someone bangs on the door. "What?" Finn shouts out at the person, putting his phone to his chest. "Can you talk to your girlfriend some where else? I have to use the bathroom!" The boy on the other side of the door exclaims. Finn sighs as he opens the door, then all I hear is shuffling static as he moves. 

"One sec." He says before opening another door and closing it, "Sorry, I'm back." I smirk, "You told them I was you girlfriend?" I tease, I can tell he's blushing on the other end. "N-No. They just like teasing me. I mean you could be- Never mind, what do you want to do about the picture?" He asks; I'm not too sure where he could be but I'm guessing outside of his hotel room because of how his voice travels, probably. "Well I don't really think we should make a big deal of it. Sure, our managers are probably really mad at us, I don't blame them. But what if it's good publicity for the show? I mean with us dating- if that is what we're doing- the views will skyrocket." I explain, lowering my voice so the other kids don't hear. "Are we dating?" Finn asks curiously. I shrug even though I know he can't see me, "I think so..we've only been on 2 dates, but does that count as actually dating?" I question. "Yeah, you're right. I guess for now we're just seeing each other.. almost everyday." He replies laughing making me smile ear to ear. "Sounds good." I say before getting interrupted by Noah tapping my shoulder. "Millster, our break is over. It has been for 8 minutes! So you should probably wrap it up with Wolfhard before the Duffers come." He explains while giggling. I nod and bring my attention back to my phone, "Um I have to go, our break is over. Bye Finnie, call you later." I say into my phone as Noah walks back to the group. "Oh okay, good luck! Later." He replies before ending the call.

I put my phone back into my bag and run over to the others, all of them have smirks on their faces. I already know what they're going to say so I just cut them off completely. "Yes I was talking to Finn, he's with the IT cast and everything is just dandy. Can we not make everything we talk about have to do with Fillie?" I explain, they all nod and wipe the smirks from their faces. "Sorry, I guess with you guys dating, it kinda feels awkward between us all." Sadie replies. I sigh, "First of all, we never said we were dating but regardless, what could we even do to stop that?" I ask while rubbing my ring. "Exactly, we don't blame you. We just wish you guys were around more often, you guys spend a lot more time together now than any of us." Noah explains. Hearing that from Noah, my best friend, does sting even when I know he's right. I sit down in my chair along with the rest of them. "I guess now wouldn't be the best time to tell you we're going to the premier together. I mean Finn's kinda obligated to go, and I promised... I'm sorry. How about we hangout at my condo tonight? Finn won't be there obviously, but still." I suggest, they all agree, especially Noah who is just happy to hear I'm willing to hangout on a work night. To be honest, I've missed spending them off of set too. It would also be nice just to take my mind off of Finn, regardless of how fantastic he is.

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