You Okay?

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Millie's POV:

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my phone dinging at me non-stop. I groan before leaning over and snatching my phone from my bedside table.

-20 Texts From Schnapper-

Schnapper: Milllllliiiiieeee!!! Answer cmonnnnn!

Millster: Yes Noah?

Schnapper: FINALLY! how did it go?

Millster: What go?

Schnapper: The date! Duh.

Millster: It was good. Who told you about it?

Schnapper: Finnlard, also there are some pictures online from last night sooo..

Millster: Oh god, I forgot about those!

Schnapper: Ya. Wonder what the fandom is thinking rn XD

Millster: I bet we will be fine, hopefully. See ya on set <3

Schnapper: Bye Mills.

I set my phone down and look around my room, starting to get lost in my own thoughts. Will Finn be mad? Why would he be mad? Because you're the one who suggested meeting the girls, without Finn even getting a chance to say no. You're right. He's gonna be mad at me and there's going to be drama, and damn it I hate drama. Especially with the cast. Should I bring it up? No, Yes, No.... I'm just gonna let it blow over. I get interrupted from my thinking trance from a loud, "Fuck!" Coming from the kitchen. I immediately strut out of my room to see what's wrong, "Paige, language!" I scold, finally reaching the kitchen where Paige is jumping up and down painfully. "What's wrong with you?" I say while laughing hysterically. "Oh quit it you, I stubbed my toe!" She replies after finishing her hopping session. "Okay well, you ready to go? The van isn't taking me today." I inform her, she nods as she grabs her jacket and purse, followed by me.

As Paige and I banter in the elevator waiting for it to close, I hear a faint "Wait!" in the distance and decide to put my hand in front of the elevator so it'll stay open for the person. It's only when I see four teenage boys sprinting towards me that I realize the voice was Finn's. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask as all the boys shuffle into the elevator. "Sleep... over." Gaten explains between breaths. "You could've just waited for the next elevator." I explained, Caleb smirked. "What's that look for?" I ask him, he smirks even more. "Finnie boi just couldn't wait to see you is all." He said, his eyebrows wiggling with each word he says. "Yeah, sure. Well you know what you are Caleb?" Finn asks playfully. "No, what am I Millie lover?" Caleb responds. The guys are going ballistic over Caleb's come back, and I'm just sitting it the corner of the cramped elevator rolling my eyes. "Millie lover? Oh please, Chocolate Daddy? More like chocolate moron." Finn snaps back, not meaning anything he's saying of course. Caleb launches himself at Finn starting a wrestle match- IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ELEVATOR- which is you know, stupid of them. Caleb manages to shift Finn into a head lock, Finn struggles to reverse the move but fails. "Are you guys done?" Paige asks, a little annoyed at the boys. Caleb laughs as he releases Finn from his grasp, the other two boys chuckling along with them. "This is what I have to deal with everyday Paige. Every. Day." I say making Paige smirk.

{On Set}

Finn's POV:

I'm talking with Caleb and Gaten in our chair area a little away from set, though I can't help but think something isn't right. "Wait so Eleven goes to Chicago? That makes no sense, why would she go to Chicago of all places?" Caleb asks, Gaten and I shrug. "Don't know, I haven't read the whole episode yet." I reply. "Yeah, same." Gaten adds. As we're talking I see Millie from the corner of my eye walking past us in her Eleven clothes and wiping what seems like tears from her face. I unintentionally interrupt Gaten mid-sentence, "Did Millie just shoot her void scene?" I ask, getting both of their attention. "Yeah, think so." Caleb replies as Gaten nods in agreement. That's why she's crying then. Usually takes a break after an emotional scene. I look behind my shoulder to take a glance at Millie, but all I see is her shoulder as she opens the door to the trailer park. I suddenly feel an urge to go after her for a reason I can't comprehend. Once again I interrupt Caleb and Gaten's conversation, "I'll catch up with you guys later." I say as I stand up from my chair and head in the direction Millie left. "Okay, bye Finnlard!" Gaten shouts after me before getting back to Caleb and his conversation.

I practically swing the studio door open to the trailer park and look around for any sign of Millie. She's probably in her trailer, where else would she be? My legs take me to Millie's trailer, knowing every corner and alley known in the ST shooting area. As I reach Millie's trailer I hear faint sniffles from inside and deep breaths. I hesitate to knock but the urge takes over and knocks for me, three times. Silence, even the deep breaths have halted. "Mills, it's me." I say into the door. I hear footsteps getting closer as the muffled sniffles continue. She opens the door enough for me to get through before strutting back to her couch and running her hands through her hair. I close the door behind me as I come in and sit down next to her, "You okay?" I ask putting my hand on her back. Millie smiles slightly as she looks up at me from the ground. "I'm fine, just a scene." She replies as I place my hand back on my lap. A small tear rolls down her face and she immediately wipes it from her cheek annoyed. I smirk, "Obviously not, which scene was it anyway?" I ask leaning back in the couch. She turns herself to face me and crosses her legs, "The void, supposed to cry the whole time which is.. great." Millie replies sarcastically, making me laugh. She grabs her water bottle and gulps down a mouth full before resting it on her lap, still holding it with one hand.

"How many do you drink a day?" I question. Crying almost everyday for shooting definitely makes you dehydrated and without enough water, sometimes you can't even shed a tear. She smiles, her tear stains still printed on her cheeks. "Depends how many scenes. By the way, why did you follow me?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed. I blush a little before answering, "Um.. just thought.. uh, you could use some comforting?" I guess. She rolls her eyes while smiling, "Finnie you know I don't need comforting." She replies while putting her hand on my shoulder. "Pffft, course you do. Y-You just comfort yourself.... am I right?" I question, Millie falls back on the couch while grinning. "Sure Finn, sure." She replies. Ding! Millie looks around confused where the noise came from. I take out my phone to a list of notifications, "That's weird." I say aloud as I scroll through the notifications. "What?" Millie asks, holding herself up with her elbows. "I have a ton of Instagram notifications." I explain. I look over to Millie who is messing with her ring and biting her lip. "What? Mills what happened?" I ask, I can tell she knows something I don't. She sits up and turns so our shoulders are touching, though oddly I don't feel nervous.. or even blush. "You remember the girls we met on our date?" Millie asks looking straight into my eyes. I can't help but stare into her eyes, spacing out in the process. 

Millie's pupils grow as she looks at me, she must love me. Ha! No way. Or at least eye scientists say that means someone loves you, if their pupils dilate. Wonder if mine dilate every time I see her, probably. "Finn? Finn. Helllooo?" Millie says bringing me back to reality. I blink a few times to reconnect to the world from my trance, "Sorry. Yeah, I remember them." I reply. She sighs, "They posted the pictures, and also posted the video of us denying Fillie but I don't think the fandom will believe that." Millie explains, her facial expression calmer than ever. I nod, "Cool." I reply, she raises an eyebrow like she was expecting more. "Cool? You're fine with it?" She asks, not mad but confused. "Yep, we'll be fine. No biggie." I reply mimicking her British accent. Millie glares at me, "What? I thought it was decent! Sorry I'm not an accent expert like you." I snap making Millie laugh. "I think you should just stick to guitar and acting Finnie." She says, still smiling. Without realizing it I start to stare at her again. 

Every feature, the way her cheekbones lift when she smiles. Her imperfectly perfect teeth, brightening my world everyday each time I make her laugh. And her eyes, god her eyes are like mazes, I could get lost in them forever and still be happy. "Take a picture... it'll last longer." Millie says, every word stretched out as if she knows what I'm thinking. I look down while smiling slightly, probably blushing too. "There are already so many pictures of you in the world, why take another when you're right here in front of me?" I ask playfully. "True.... You should get back to set Finn, you're next scene is in 10 minutes." Millie reminds me while checking her phone. "Right! I almost forgot, are you coming?" I ask putting my phone back in my pocket. "I'll come later. Gonna practice some lines for a bit." She replies shrugging. I nod and put my arm around her shoulder as she wraps her arms around my torso. "Good luck Mike." Millie shouts as I leave her trailer making me smile. 

{Sorry it wasn't too eventful but the next one will be, promise.}

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