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Millie's POV:

After a long day of going through Episode 9's script the day finally came to an end, allowing me to go back to my condo and see my whole family for the first time in what seems like forever. Sure, I've had Paige to keep an eye on me and make me feel less homesick, but sometimes you just miss the real deal, Ava and all. "Excited?" Paige asks as we walk down the hallway towards our condo. I practically leap into the air, "Of course I am! It's our family!" I exclaim while smiling ear to ear. Paige nods understanding before swiping the magical card in front of the electric lock, a high beep goes off followed by a green light. Right when Paige opens the door I instantly hear small feet quickly pattering on the smooth wood floor. "Paige! Millie!" Ava shouts running over to us, hugging Paige's legs before quickly dashing over to me. I crouch down so I can properly hug the sweet, sometimes annoying, little sister I've missed so much. "Missed you mama." Ava whispers making me smile lightly. Don't ask me why she always calls me mama, it's always been this game she plays whenever one of the guys were over; they'd be dada and I'd be mama, no matter if they were Noah, Gaten, Caleb, or even Finn, to her it's like we were always playing house or something so I've just learned to play along.

"Hey girls! Missed you, how has shooting been going?" Mum blurts as she hugs each of us individually. "It's been great." I reply. I spot Paige smirking from the corner of my eye, probably reminding me about Finn. "Guess what mum?" She starts, a smug look on her face. "What?" Mum questions, bringing her attention to Paige. I sprint over just as Paige opens her mouth to speak and cover it with my hands. "What Paige means is.. we're happy to see you again." I quickly say, my mum gives me a confused look before brushing it off. Just then an abrupt pattern of three knocks softly taps the door, making all of our heads whip towards it- no one knowing who it could possibly be. "I'll get it." I announce, releasing Paige's mouth and heading to the door. I swing it open to find none other than Finn Wolfhard standing in front of me wearing black jeans, a blue shirt, his favorite green bomber jacket, and his hands stuffed inside his pockets casually. "Oh, hey Finn." I say in a innocent tone. "Hey," He replies before looking over my shoulder to my family all staring at him from the living room. "Bad time?" Finn asks looking back to me. I shrug, "Depends if you plan to show affection or not." I say innocently. He nods understandingly, "If I don't, can I come in?" He questions hopefully. I put up my index finger to indicate '1 sec' before running over to the living room. "Is it okay if Finn hangs with us for a bit?" I ask, my Mum shrugs before nodding casually. I give her a thumbs up before dashing back to the front door, "Come on in." I say while opening the door for Finn.

"You sure this isn't a bad time?" Finn repeats in a concerned tone. "Really, Finn. It's fine." I reply as I lead him over to the living room to join my family. Ava is the first one to see him and immediately sprints over to him. "Finnie!" She shouts as she runs and launches herself into his arms, almost making him topple to the ground. "Hey Ava, been a while hasn't it?" He asks after releasing her from him. She nods happily, "I've missed you." Ava adds before running back to her toys. Finn stands back up and is then greeted by my parents and Charlie. "Hey mate, long time no see!" Charlie says giving him one of those 'bro hugs'. "Yeah, it's good to see you again. Feels like forever ago that I saw you." Finn replies cheerfully. "Evening Finn, how have you been?" My dad asks while shaking his hand firmly. "Great, and you?" He asks, my dad just gives him a thumbs up before walking away to watch the recent sport game on the TV with Charlie. Mum waves over at Finn, too busy talking to Paige to officially greet him.

During the next hour we spend time talking about Stranger Things, what everyone's been doing lately, and basically everything we can think of. Finn and I decided not to tell my whole family about us yet seeing as it's their first night here though I can tell they've been some what suspicious. Now, my whole family is inside either watching the game or talking about stuff so Finn and I snuck out to the balcony to take a break from my over-talkative family. "Hey Mills?" Finn asks suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence we shared while staring out into the bright city of Atlanta and the countless stars above. "Yeah Finn?" I reply softly, both of us leaning our arms against the balcony. "Do you think your family likes me?" He asks curiously while shifting his state from the city to his fidgety hands. I smile lightly, "Of course, I mean who couldn't like the infamous Finn Wolfhard?" I tease while giggling, making him laugh gently. "You know what I mean." He says now looking at me, a smile still lingering on his lips. "I do believe they like you Finn, truly." I reply before looking back at the beautiful city I love calling home. I see Finn nod from the corner of my eye as he mimics my actions. "To be honest, I'm just surprised you'd rather be out here with me than watching the game with my dad and Charlie." I add making him let out a small laugh-like breath. "What?" I question curiously, grabbing his attention to face me. "Mills you know I'm more of a movie and show guy rather than a sports one. It'd just be awkward." He explains insecurely before looking over his shoulder, glancing at Charlie and my dad who are staring intently at the TV. "Yeah but you like the Blue Jays and Raptors so you know about those sports, right?" I suggest trying to cheer him up. "I guess." He mumbles while staring at the city once more, letting silence fill the space between us.

As we both stare into the beautiful city, each of our minds drift off into their own thoughts and fantasies, probably never wanting to face reality again. It's times like these where I feel relaxed, peaceful, even normal if you will. Even if it's just looking at Atlanta with one of my best friends and only boyfriend, Finn, at 10:15 in the night. Both of our thoughts get interrupted by Charlie and my dad jumping from the couches and yelling inaudible words inside, making us both jump by the sudden obnoxious noise. "Guess their team scored." I mention while laughing lightly. "Guess so." Finn repeated, laughing along. Just then, Paige comes speed walking to the balcony's sliding glass door before ultimately opening it and stepping outside to join us. "Hey guys, mind if I join you?" She asks already knowing the answer. Even so, Finn and I both nod in unison as she walks over to the balcony and unknowingly creates a wall between Finn and I as she stands between us. "Um, I-I'm gonna head inside." Finn says hesitantly before slowly moving away from the railing and inside, leaving Paige and I to fill the silence. "Did you plan for him to come over?" She asks curiously, referring to Finn. "W-What? No, he just showed up." I reply, she just nods. "Well everyone else seems to like him, so why don't you just tell them?" Paige questions while shrugging. "I don't want to just drop a bomb on them the first night they're here. I will tomorrow, you have my word." I explain, hoping she'll drop the topic. "Good. How's your lip been doing?" Paige asks while facing me, a concerned expression on her face. "Healing well, actually. At least I think it is." I reply making Paige laugh. "Okay well I'm going back inside. Don't stay out here too long, okay? It's getting colder." She says while patting my arm as she passes. "Okay." I reply softy, watching her walk back inside to join the others. 

I watch as Paige trudges over to join the others who are either standing behind or on the couch. Of course, my eyes coincidentally fall onto Finn. He's staring intensely at the TV, his eyes squinted, eyebrows furrowed, and arms crossed as he stands a few feet from the couch next to Paige. Suddenly his eyes widen as shock consumes every atom that completes him, not quite a bad shock but rather a joyous one of some sort. His expression relaxes as he laughs lightly and shakes his head in disbelief. Finn's gaze moves from the TV and back in me, the enjoyable smile never leaving his face. When our eyes lock I can tell something has happened, something big.

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