As A Family

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Finn's POV:

All six of us fell asleep to the sound of Heathers that night, that I know for sure. As my eyes instinctively flutter open, I find myself holding a small and warm body in my arms with it's own arms wrapped around my torso. She's still wearing my hoodie but changed into her pajamas mid-way through the movie, the black cloth feeling familiar to my skin as I rub her shoulder gently. Am I surprised and wonder how I woke up with Millie Bobby Brown in my arms on Caleb McLaughlin's couch, with an empty bowl of popcorn on the floor beneath us? Of course, but to be honest I'm quite fond of the situation I'm in. I watch as her chest rises and falls to a slow rhythm, showing she's still fast asleep. Call me weird, but I decide to take this precious time to admire every single feature and trait that makes up the beautiful girl named Millie. From how much she cares about everyone she meets, no matter what they look or act like and even creating the motto, "Love & Light." To how her eyes light up whenever she sees something or someone she loves, and how sometimes that lucky someone is me. Her light brown eyes that seem to make everything else in the world disappear just for those moments, that you get to stare into them and know exactly how she feels at that second in time. Don't even get me started on her voice. Just her talking to you could make your day better, just the sweet and comforting sound of her soft voice can make any person smile; And when you get the lucky chance to hear her wondrous voice sing, I swear all I can do is stare in awe as my ears beg to hear more of the beautiful sound.

From the corner of my eye I notice Caleb slowly standing from the couch, breaking my stare on Millie. "Hey, Caleb. Where you going?" I whisper, he's startled by the sudden noise from what he thought was an asleep me. "Oh uh.. I was going to call the room service to go get Starbucks for all of us, and since Millie can't function without it in the morning." He whispers back as he walks closer to me, smirking at my current situation with Millie. "Thanks man, you don't have to do that though." I explain, ignoring the fact that he's staring at Millie and smirking at me. "Well, I'm going to anyway. I'd have you call for me but you seem to have your hands full." He mentions while gesturing to Millie. I roll my eyes even when my face is most likely printed with a smile and bright red. "Yeah, yeah. Just go call us some Starbucks already... Wait, you know what Millie likes right?" I ask, knowing if it isn't right then she's extremely depressing for the rest of the day. He nods while showing a thumbs up as he walks into another room to call, leaving me in the living room with four other asleep co-stars. After about a two minutes of pure boredom, I start to feel Millie squirming around in my arms until her eyes suddenly flutter open to reveal the beautiful eyes I was admiring before. "F-Finn?" She mutters as she looks up at me, her voice soft yet groggy. "Morning Mills." I reply quietly, rubbing her shoulder with my thumb. "What happened?" She asks as she rubs her eyes, her body still snuggled into mine. "Everyone fell asleep during the movie. Oh, and by the way, Caleb is calling for Starbucks right now." I explain as she yawns quickly before smiling excitedly at the sound of her favorite coffeehouse.

"Too bad, Gaten didn't get to see it all." Millie remarks, sitting up from my chest. "Yeah, though he seemed to only be seeing Sadie last night." I mention with a small giggle while sitting up from my back, her eyes widen in happiness at my words. "You saw that too?" She questions enthusiastically. I nod proudly, "Yeah, I think Gaten might actually be her secret crush from the way they acted last night." I add which only makes a smirk appear on her lips as she stays silent. "Wait, is Gaten the secret crush?" I ask shockingly, Millie just shrugs innocently like she has nothing to do with it though her smirk says otherwise. "Possibly." She answers quietly, only making the smile on my face grow. "Oh, I totally ship it! Um... it's either Saten or Gadie, which one?" I question, not being able to choose between the two. "Definitely Gadie." Millie replies approvingly, I nod. An abrupt thump followed by a groan interrupts our conversation. When my eyes finally find where the sound came from Noah is on the floor and trying to climb back onto the couch. "Are you okay, Schnapper?" Millie asks while laughing uncontrollably as I join her. "Just dandy, thanks!" He replies as he finally gets to his feet. "Why are you people so loud?" Gaten complains, his voice lower than ever and incredibly raspy. "Noah fell!" Millie replies between laughs. "Did that klutz get stuck in a chair again?" Sadie asks, waking up soon after Gaten on the second couch. "No, just fell on his ass." I explain while giggling, only making Gaten and Sadie laugh too.

Once everyone's teasing and laughter died down, Caleb came back from wherever he went with a six drink, cardboard-cup holder-tray in his hands along with all of our individual favorite Starbucks drinks residing in them. "Hey guys, look what I got!" Caleb announces while holding up the tray. "Yess! Caleb I love you so much!" Millie squeals as she sprints from the couch and to him, immediately finding the cup with her name on it and giving him a side hug. "Thanks Choco Daddy." I joke while the others grab their drinks and thank him, as well as myself. "This is why we should always do sleepovers at Caleb's." Sadie exclaims while stirring the whip cream into her drink. "Agreed." Millie adds before taking a sip of her caramel frappuccino, Caleb just smiling happily. "Have you guys ever thought about what it's going to be like after all of this is over?" Noah questions as everyone takes a sip of their drinks while sitting on the two separate couches: Millie, Noah, and I on one and Sadie, Gaten, and Caleb on the other. "I think we all have." Gaten admits, we all nod in agreement. "Well yeah, but like.. not only just this season but the seasons to come and even when we're done being ST kids." Noah explains further. "We'll always be Stranger Things kids Noah, even if we don't want to be." I reply sarcastically, making some of us chuckle.

"Well to be honest with you guys, I'm kinda scared of the future. I mean, even now since one of us isn't going to be on set next season it just makes all this little time we have together that more precious. All of us are going to be working on other projects with me and Godzilla, Finn with his band, and whatever you guys plan to do.. there isn't going be time for us to be together like we can be right now. So in reality I really, really don't want this to ever be over. How do you even begin to say goodbye to your second family?" Millie vents out with tears in her eyes, all of us listen intensely to every word she says and soaks them in quietly. "That's the thing Mills, you don't." Caleb answers calmly as he walks over and gives her a hug, triggering the rest of us to join the now group hug that surround Millie that is utterly crying, though no one minds one bit. "I love you guys so much." Gaten adds, his voice cracking at the end. And we just stay like that, all in one group hug as some of us get teary eyed and some just silently feel the pain in their chest, but all of us flourish in one another's presence as a whole.. as a family.

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