Romeo And "Some Girl"

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Millie's POV:

I can feel Romeo's eye on me as I stare at my phone, paralyzed. Oh god, of course the universe would do this to me. Right when Finn leaves the country to Toronto, Romeo just coincidentally happens to be in the same city, in the same restaurant, at the same time. Just my luck, thanks universe. "Millie the dude is walking over here..Millie." Caleb whispers to me as I hear the light footsteps approach us. I force myself to move and look up at his face, he smirks slightly while looking me in the eyes. Oh no. Romeo broke the eye contact with me to look at the others, who were just staring at him like he was some random guy that everyone thought seemed crazy. "Sorry, I'm Romeo. Romeo Beckham." He introduces, shaking everyone's hand and leaving me for last. "Hi Millie." He says with a smile as he shakes my hand. Why do I feel so weak right now? "Hi, why- why are you here?" I ask confused. He rubs the back of his neck before speaking as if he's nervous, if he is, he does a great job hiding it. "I'm just here for a visit." Romeo says, not willing to give any extra information. "Wait, how do you guys know each other?" Sadie questions gesturing towards the both of us. "Um well, you see.." I stutter out as my cheeks become warmer. "Millie here followed Romeo, and she said he was her celebrity crush on a live; Romeo has liked a few of Millie's pictures and has said hi on some of her streams." Noah explains for him. Caleb is glaring at Romeo, not even bothering to finish his half eaten slice of pizza.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd actually meet you in person. I guess it's my lucky day." Romeo mentions with a smile. "Yeah well your too late Romeo, Millie is already seeing Finn." Caleb snaps. Romeo seems taken aback by Caleb and it shows on his face. First shocked, then disappointed. Why would he be disappointed? Could he actually like me?  "No need to be rude Caleb." I say allowing Romeo to relax a small bit. "Yeah um... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble, I'll go back to my table if I'm unwanted here." He suggests pointing his thumb behind him. "Yes, please do." Caleb orders, I immediately feel bad for Romeo seeing as he'd just be sitting alone over there. "No, stay. You shouldn't be sitting alone when we're all right here." I say patting my hand on the free seat next to me. "Really?" He asks me with a shocked expression on his face. I smirk lightly and nod to assure him it's fine. Romeo sits down next to me and faces the others, everyone seems slightly annoyed except for Gaten and Caleb. I mean Caleb is just raging inside and Gaten is just his old charming self, eating pizza like nothing is happening. "So Romeo, have you watched the show?" Noah asks friendly. Romeo smiles and nods, "Of course, it's really incredible. I mean you're all so talented, I haven't seen your work Sadie, but I'm sure it's just as impressive." He explains, shooting Sadie a smile towards the end. "Thanks." Sadie sheepishly replies as a light shade of pink covers her cheeks. "Where is Finn anyway?" Romeo asks looking around the restaurant as if he'd suddenly appear. "He's been with the IT cast for the past day." I inform him, he just nods as a responds.

About an hour or two passes of talking to Romeo and the others, he'd ask questions, they'd answer; they'd ask questions, and he'd answer. A few times I could tell Caleb couldn't help but smile at some of Romeo's jokes, boy could he make us laugh. He's so charming and good looking you have no choice but to love the guy, plus, his dad is freaking David Beckham! As the afternoon soon turns into evening, we all strut the streets of Atlanta just talking and having a laugh like old friends, most of us are anyway. Soon enough Romeo gets a call from his mum and announces that he has to head back to his hotel. "Well it was great meeting you." I say as I give him a hug goodbye. I feel like I've known him for years yet it's only been a few hours. "You too." He adds as he releases me, a pearly white smile plastered on his face. "We should head back too, bye Romeo." Caleb blurts out as he puts his arm around me and quickly walks away from Romeo. I look over my shoulder as I get taken away; Romeo stands still where he was when we left, never taking his eyes off of me until we turn a corner.

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