Follow It

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Finn's POV:

"Is Fillie real or not?" Millie asks, actually sounding sincere. "W-What do you mean 'is Fillie real or not?" I question, kinda laughing in disbelief at the weird question. Millie sighs disappointed, "I mean, are we together or not?" I stop laughing and begin to rub my neck. "Um well..I never really thought about it. We've been on a couple of dates so..maybe we're dating?" I suggest while shrugging. She looks down at the jewel on her ring that is facing away from her; she once told me that if her jewel is ever facing her, it means she has someone in her heart or in other words, taken and the opposite for facing outwards. "Finn?" She asks quietly without taking her eyes off her ring. "Yeah Mills." I reply, taking my hand down from my neck. "Do..Do you love me?" Millie questions, shifting her stare from her ring to my eyes. "Of course. I love you just like I love everyone in the cast." I reply knowing what I said is 100% true. "No Finn- do you love me." She repeats, placing her index finger on her chest. I try to force myself to look away from her soft eyes but my body won't let me. 

Just say yes! Not that hard Finn, you've done it before haven't you?..No, I haven't. I would never say it to her unless I really meant it, unlike the others. "To be honest, I have no clue. I've never loved someone in a way that is different than a friend or family member so I'm not sure what it's like. All I do know is that I feel different when I'm with you, I know that sounds super cheesy and sappy but it's true. Every single time I kiss you I swear cupid is celebrating at his win." I say making her smile and blush lightly. "Whenever I get panic attacks you are the only person that can calm me, if I ever get uncomfortable you're the first one to notice, Millie you are there for me when no one else is. If you're asking if I believe I love you, then the answer is yes." I admit, every atom that makes up my body is anxious for next words that are spoken between us, and terrified for what those words entail.

Millie's POV:

"That was the most sappy and cheesiest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth, good answer Wolfhard." I say playfully before pressing my lips onto his. I pull away quickly and scan the room with my eyes. "What?" Finn complains, I can tell he wanted more than a peck. "I'm listening..." I reply, putting my finger over his mouth. "Turns out you're a truther, I heard cupid." I say giggling and raising my eyebrows. Finn takes away my finger from his lips "Millie, truther isn't a word." He replies matter-of-factly. "Is too!" I snap back. "But it isn't." He replies shrugging. "You sure about that?" I ask while leaning in, he just shakes his head while smiling. Within seconds our lips connect and move in a steady rhythm, I purposefully mess up his hair knowing he has to shoot a scene soon. I can feel Finn smile on my lips as he wraps his arms around my back before pushing me off of him making me fall back on the couch. "What was that for?" I ask innocently as I stare at Finn taking off his hoodie, his shirt almost comes off with it before he pulls it back down. "Here." He says holding out his hoodie to me. "Finn, that is your favorite. I could never." I insist even though I'm literally dying to take it and keep it forever. "Mills I've always wanted to give this very hoodie, the best hoodie of all, to a girl I love and as of now that girl is you. So please, just take it because my arm is getting tired." He complains making me laugh before hesitatingly taking the balled up black hoodie from his hand.

{Here's Just a Picture Of The Hoodie|| i searched everywhere online for the brand but couldn't find it D:}

{Here's Just a Picture Of The Hoodie|| i searched everywhere online for the brand but couldn't find it D:}

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"Thanks Finnie." I say sincerely, rubbing my thumb over the design. "No problem, um we should probably head back.. see if Caleb's okay." He suggests before standing up from the couch and walking towards the door, catching a glimpse of his reflection in the TV. "Millie Bobby Brown!" Finn shouts before looking back at me, by this time I'm dying laughing and can't breath. "You messed up my hair on purpose didn't you.. knew a simple kiss was too good to be true." He says playfully as he walks back over to me and crouches down in front of me. "Help." Finn says flatly. I immediately get his one word request and start placing all of his hair strands in the correct positions, once I'm done I ruffle it a bit to make it look natural. "There, good as new." I reassure him, he nods before standing back up and heading for the door. "Let's go face the chocolate daddy." Finn says as we walk through the trailer park, back onto set.

When we arrive Noah is doing a scene and Sadie is no where to be seen, all that is left is Gaten talking to Caleb in the chairs. "Hey Caleb.." Finn says gently, sitting down in his chair. "I'm sorry.. I don't want this to be awkward so I'll just explain myself so this can be over. I had just heard about the..make out things and just um.. wasn't too fond of the image." Caleb explains, regret flourishing his voice. "Yeah, I should've told you about it the second it happened. Sorry you had to find out about it this way Caleb." Finn adds, he just nods his head. "If it makes you feel better, we haven't made out since the scene we had." I say, my voice getting higher like it's a question. "No it's fine, at first it was disgusting to think about it.. but then again, Fillie." Caleb replies smirking and nudging Finn's shoulder. "Oh shut up." I snap even though there's a smile printed on my face. 

Suddenly Ross comes over holding stacks of packets, "Hey guys, Caleb Gaten and Finn you have a scene now, set 4. Matt's waiting." The three boys exchange looks before bolting to the set, nobody likes a not-on-time Duffer. "What's with the papers?" I ask trying to read the top page. "Scripts, our read-through for episode 9 is tomorrow so just getting prepared." He explains before spotting the hoodie tied around my waist. "Is that..Finn's?" Ross questions, his face showing confusion. "Um yeah. But wait, back to the scrips. Episode 9? Ross is it really that soon?" I ask in disbelief. Ross nods with a frown on his face before speed-walking to the read through room, carrying a stack of the longest scripts we'll ever read.That means there isn't much more time until I start shooting Godzilla, which means I won't have time for hanging out with everyone...or Finn for that matter. Why does being an actress have to be so difficult? Everyone will be doing their own thing and Season 3 may even have a different cast because of it... but this is the path I chose, and I'll just have to follow it.

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