Real Or Not

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Millie's POV:

We wrap up most of our scenes for the day and head over to Finn's trailer to hang out for a bit. As we sit on the couch together, all laughing and reminiscing of fond memories, Matt bangs on the door before entering. "Hey guys, we have an interviewer here to ask all of you some questions. There'll be cameras so change into your normal clothes. No spoilers!" He blurts out before exiting the same way he came. We all change individually inside of Finn's bathroom, all of us conveniently getting done when the interviewer arrives. "Hey guys!" A young woman says as she struts in, a camera crew close behind her. "Hi!" We all reply at different points, putting on our movie smiles. "You fine people ready to get started?" She asks energetically as her eyes light up with joy. Some crew members hand out mics to all of us. "We are when you are." Gaten suggests making her giggle a bit. All six of us sit on the couch, Finn and Sadie sitting on the arm rests on either end. Finn to my left and of course, Noah to my right. 

"Alrighty, let's start off easy. What was it like to have this unheard of show skyrocket into the media, and then hear that you were doing a season 2?" The woman asks, intrigued. "Well I'd like to say this as for all of us, no one really thought that Stranger Things would've been as successful and popular as it is now- um, as for season 2.." Caleb starts, allowing someone else to continue the answer. "Hearing that we got the approval to shoot a Season 2 actually happened at the same time that we were shooting the final episode of Season 1, so I guess it was a really good thing that we left it on a cliff hanger." Finn explains, half laughing awkwardly making a smile appear on my face as I listen to him, "Uh...I think that all of us were just really excited to be acting again in this incredible, incredible show." He finishes, we all nod in agreement. "So, is there anything you can tell us about Season 2?" She asks eagerly, we all exchange looks, not really knowing how to reply. "Ehh, I mean it's definitely going to be a lot darker and better than season 1, that's kinda a given. It's going to be set a year later in 1984, so the boys will be going through some teenage stuff, um.. especially Mike since Eleven disappeared." I say as I rest my hand on Finn's forearm. "Though other than the basics, I guess there will be a lot more explaining in a way." I answer, hoping I didn't spoil anything.

"I think we're all looking forward to what that entails. Speaking of Eleven and Mike, I've heard that you guys actually get shipped in real life. I can't imagine what that can really be like." She explains with pity in her voice. I take away my hand after I remember Fillie is still a thing in the fandom. "Yeah, I mean um.. Millie and I have kinda gotten used to it by now but it's definitely been difficult at times; but uh, I think in a way it's brought us closer together as friends." Finn states, looking over to me a couple times as he talks. I nod in agreement, "I think it's definitely easier to be shipped with someone you know and can laugh about it with, and yes it has been frustrating in the past. By now I think I've just given up all hope of it stopping so yeah..Fillie." I add with a happy sigh, making everyone laugh. "I hate to ask this but because of the fans I sadly have to, is Fillie real?" She asks, leaning forward in her chair. I look up into Finn's eyes and can't help but smile as he reflects the same actions, "Ooooooh." Caleb says into his mic, pulling our eyes from each others. I bring the mic up to speak but no words come out, just a long pause. Finn puts his arm around my shoulders as he places his hand over mine on the mic, pulling it over for him to answer. "No comment." He says with a smirk before releasing my hand, but never pulling back his arm. Does he even realize it's still there?

Finn's POV:

The rest of the interview goes well, though I haven't had too many interviews I could tell the questions have been asked countless times before by Millie, Caleb, and Gaten's tones when answering them, like they've been scripted. It's only when I start messing with my mic and try to switch it to my opposite hand that I realize I have my arm around Millie's shoulders. As I reach over to switch the mic between my hands I unnoticingly pull Millie closer to me in a hug type way, she smiles before pushing her hand on my chest to position herself back in her original spot, obviously aware of the camera. I take my arm off of her and rest it back to my side before leaning over to her ear as someone else answers a question. "Sorry Mills, forgot about it." I whisper so quietly it's practically the wind. Millie smirks at her lap as I lean back, trying not to show any emotion from my words. She then whispers in my ear gently, "Obviously." The one word statement puts a smile on my face, a smile just joyful enough to show some teeth. I try to hide my blushing face by lifting the hem of my shirt over my nose and pretending to cough, thankfully it works. Soon enough the interview finally ends and I can still feel the heat lingering on my ear from Millie's breath, I can't tell whether it's real or just my mind playing tricks.

After everyone leaves us six on the couch, Caleb stands up from the couch and stares at Millie and I. "What?" I ask, of course there has to be a reason for his eyes being glued on us. "Is Fillie real?!" He and Gaten shout in unison making Millie jump closer to me. "Guys, are you really asking this right now?" I question, in reality I just don't know how to answer that. Millie and I never actually talked about it, just kinda acted like it was I guess. I just don't want to say something Millie disagrees with is all. "Well after the moves you pulled Wolfhard, Yes! We are!" Caleb scolds, sounding half excited half annoyed. "What did he do?" Millie asks innocently, her face made her seem offended by him shouting at me. I always knew Millie cared about me, but would she defend me against our own best friend? "Oh, I don't know- he said "no comment", left his arm around you, and then started whispering in your ear and shit!" Caleb exclaimed, he sounds exactly like Lucas when he gets angry. Gaten put his hands on Caleb's shoulders, trying to comfort him by saying softly, "It's okay Caleb. Chill man, chill." He calmed down enough to actually breath again but was still fuming. "I'm sorry Caleb, but I don't see the big deal." Millie admits making Caleb snicker in disgust. 

"Caleb what's wrong with you?" I try to ask nicely. "Hear me out. You guys have never been officially dating but you've been doing everything a couple would do...I've heard you've even made out like 3 times, Millie you're 13 for crying out loud! Then we have an interview and you guys are basically teasing the fans about your relationship, why don't you just tell the world Fillie is real already?!" Caleb rants, his hands flying in the air every five seconds. I look over to Millie as she mirrors my actions, when our eyes meet I can tell she's either nervous, anxious, or both. Neither of which are enjoyable to see in her beautiful brown eyes. I break the contact between us and look back up at Caleb, "I don't know, we never really discussed that." I reply in the calmest voice manageable. "Then why don't you discuss it now!" He shouts before storming out of my trailer, slamming the door so hard it shakes as he walks away. Gaten immediately goes after him shouting, "Caleb! Man, wait up!" All that is left is Noah, Sadie, and Millie. The two look at us dumbfounded before Sadie finally speaks up. "W-We should go.." She says awkwardly before taking Noah's hand and pulling him out of the trailer with her. Just as the door closes Noah gives Millie a thumbs up, possibly a sign of good luck? Like she'd need it; I mean, it's me we're talking about here.

Millie's POV:

"So.. what are we discussing exactly?" I ask as an unfamiliar awkwardness fills my body, sending a shiver down my spine. "I don't know, I just wanted Caleb to leave us alone. What was his deal anyway?" Finn questions, dumbfounded by one of his best friends. Mental. "You know he's always been like my older brother, besides Charlie. Maybe he just doesn't like the idea of me making out with someone that happens to be his best friend in the past month...Wow, now that I think about it- it makes a lot of sense." I explain, he nods his head in agreement. "Well what are we supposed to do about it? I'm not just gonna lose you and try to hide my feelings Mills. Caleb has no other choice but to live with it." He replies bluntly. Finn's right, neither of us could just forget our feelings and not be together. Maybe that's what Caleb needs to find out for himself. "Finn?" I question, getting his attention away from his thumbs. "Yeah?" He replies quietly for some reason. "Is..." I hold my breath in, "Is Fillie real or not?"

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