He's Cute

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Finn's POV:

The following week gets better, I try to keep myself occupied and with people who make me happy. Even though I spend all this time with these incredible people, there's always thoughts in the back of my head that jump out every now and then. It used to only happen about once each two days but now it happens about two times each day. Thankfully Millie has stopped worrying about it ever since I promised and has treated me just like she used to. Although I don't want anyone to know, I can't help but feel like I'm drowning.. alone.

"Finn wake up! You've got a visitor." Dad tells me as he opens my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I ask groggily. "Millie, now be presentable!" He says before closing the door. Muffled voices speak outside my room as I get dressed and try to fix my hair. Screw it. I walk out my room and to the living room, the muffled voices becoming clearer and clearer. "So considering you've probably watched ET multiple times: Which genre do you think would be best for it?" Dad asks Millie; "Well I uh hmm I never really thought about it to be honest with you.. I guess if I had to choose it'd definitely be a Fantasy or Sci-Fi." She answers; just like in her panels, always thinking it out before replying. I walk into the living room and sit down next to Millie, "Morning Wolfhard." I smile lightly,  "Morning." Dad stares at us and smiles. "What?" I ask aware of his gaze. "Oh, nothing." He says as he stands up and  leaves the room I can hear him chuckle and repeat "Wolfhard." As if it's the funniest nickname ever. Whatever. "He seems nice; I can tell where you get your love for movies." Millie says smiling enough for me to see her imperfect, yet pearly white, teeth. "Yeah well, kinda have to when you're dad's a screen writer." I explain.

"Sorry, I almost forgot why I was here; Because of the weather alerts coming in we might have to postpone shooting Episode 2." She explains with a little disappointment in her voice. "What? C'mon we're already behind schedule!" I say throwing my hands in the air. "Finn, calm down." Millie laughs and pulls my hands from the air and sets them back onto my lap. "We're still going to do a script reading IF we do get postponed." She exclaims. I sigh and stand up from the couch, "That all you need me for?" I ask looking down into her soft, light brown eyes that shine every time she laughs or smiles. She has a beautiful smile...what am I thinking? Ugh, I'm such a loser. I face palm myself at my ridiculous thoughts. "Uh yeah, you okay?" She asks kinda laughing at my  sudden face palm. "Sorry.. just stupid thoughts." I explain, "If you don't have anything you need to go to we could hang out, if you want to." Millie frowns at the ground, "I can't, I have another convention I have to go to today." I rub the back of my neck. I should just suggest it.. nothings certain, if she says no. No big deal. Go for it Finn!  "Uh Millie!" I shout trying to catch her before she leaves my condo. She turns back to me, hand still on the door knob. "W-what if I come along? I mean.. if you're manager will allow it." I suggest stuffing my hands in my pockets because they're so clammy. Why are you so nervous Finn? It's just Millie! Millie Bobby Brown, the girl you've been great friends with for 2 years. Calm down. She lightly smiles at my suggestion. "I'll talk to Melanie about it. Text you what she says!" Millie says as she waves goodbye and heads back to her condo next door. 

{Just So You Know If You Didn't Already: Millie's Manager is Melanie Greene So That's Why She Said "I'll talk to Melanie about it." At least that's what I researched}

Millie's POV:

I wave goodbye to Finn before heading next door and calling up Melanie. Dumm- Dumm- The phone rings twice before a voice cuts it off. "Hello? Millie?" Melanie asks. "Hey Melanie! So some of us don't have any scenes for today; That 'some' includes Finn, and I was wondering if he could possibly come to the convention with Paige and I." I explain, hopefulness thriving in voice. I hear silence on the other end and I immediately can tell she's considering it. "Well, it could get more people to want to come to the photo op and signings...I guess so but he can't be apart of the panel. Okay?" She exclaims. I'm lightly jumping up and down now just because I'm so happy someone can come with for once. "Okay, I understand. Thank you so much Melanie, love ya. Bye!" I say quickly so I can get straight to texting Finn.

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